Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Cotyledon Orbiculata I believe also called ping pong. Echeveria white star. Haworthia limifolia spiral and no idea what the last one is called



Looking great :smiley:

Some wide leaves and dense growth in there. The succulent arrangements are neat

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I love those trellises.

They remind me of the old Windows screen saver, Pipes :slight_smile:


Garden is popping off hard.


So, mother’s milk clone has been revegging and it looks quite :crazy_face: Honestly, I’m sitting here trying to figure out how to prune it. It’s challenging. Right now it looks like it will turn into a larf monster. I can’t leave it like this, but…???

Iced Cube is really frustrating and still not showing sex. All 3 are root bound as hell and are screaming for another transplant. Just show me your bits dammit!

Anyway, I’m going in…


Cherry Pie


Good looking plant. :sunglasses:


They are all starting to pick up speed now.


Blue Dream


Iced Cubes still not showing sex along with the last black mamba. It’s ridiculous. Everything else looks pretty much like the blue Dream. Except the Clones. The Rainbow Belts, T-1000, mother’s milk and the t-rex are all revegging. Only the blueberry has not prematurely budded.


'dude would sound like Cheech doing his cholo routine if he had a voice :laughing:



Sup :sunglasses:


MAC looking pretty. Flopped some branches yesterday, so still a bit pissed.

Gorilla sherbert

Orange goji

Blueberry (clone)

Peanut Butter Breath

Rainbow Belts 2.0 revegging

Bubba kushxssdd aka T-rex cuz it’s branches are short and its leaves are dinosaur big

Holy shit! It’s 9 finger fan is platter size and it’s in a pot for cripes sake. Huge MFers!


Heavy pruning will start this weekend then weekly until flower. Stretch is starting.


The plants are looking great @Meesh I can’t wait to see them bloom. :sunglasses: :metal:


Holy Cow! Planning a wedding is time consuming and stressful! Sheesh!

All of the last 3 Iced Cubes are girls. I started the pruning and cracking. I’ve finished less than half so far.
Peanut Butter Breath, Cherry Pie, 2 Iced Cubes and the T-Rex are done. Many more to go. I’ve been attacking them much later in the day, so it’s cooler out there. I hate heat. The T-Rex is such a dense plant. I’m super afraid for her. Straight jungle beasty. I pretty much skeletonized her. If she has even a chance, she’ll have to bud from the very ends, with lots of air flow.

I truly have zero clue how I am supposed to prune all of the clone reveggers. As they are, they will produce so much larf. Oh well, live and learn. I really think it was just a crap shoot, 2 of them never started budding, some of them did. I believe it was practically half. So 50/50…

I’ll get some pics tomorrow of them with their new buzz cuts. My cell was dead today when I was out there.

I mispoke earlier about T-Rex revegging. She never started budding. Neither her or the Blueberry clone did. The T-1000 is revegging.


Alright so I’ve pretty much skeletonized all the plants except the reveggers.

If you are not familiar with my grow style you may feel like you are gonna have a heart attack seeing how heavily I prune. I prune off every secondary branch and bud site to the newest 3 or 4 nodes and get rid of everything on the inside of the plant. All the energy is being directed to the outer and upper part of the plant which will make huge giant colas on the plants only. Like a giant Budzai plant.

Doesn’t matter whether you’re growing indoor or out. If you are not removing all inside branching and bud sites then you are doing your grow a disservice as all the energy is being wasted on all the crap that isn’t gonna get enough light and air and just produces larf thereby reducing the energy the plant has to put into the colas. While you may think you are getting more bud with all these budsites you actually are not. You will get less weight off the plant, smaller colas and a big trimming nightmare. I tested this pruning method I believe in 2019 or 2020 on side by side container grows and the heavily pruned and supercropped plant produced more weight in all colas than it’s au naturale Xmas tree shaped plant.

My point is… do not be afraid to prune and heavily. lol

Look at the piles of leaf from today’s pruning.


I like it. Big fan of donkey dick cola’s. :sunglasses: :metal:

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These plants are gonna freak out from the pruning, by next week they will be monstrous.
Iced Cube needs to catch up though. She took forever to show sex. Finally in the ground.

My girl picked up the extra female plants I had today. She is gonna attempt to grow them. I’m so glad everything is settled now. I believe this will be the last time that I will have to prune on the ground. My knee makes it really problematic. Found some pillars and some snails this year. Stuff still gets in, but it’s better than nothing by 1000 fold inside that net.

A lot more wedding shit that I have to do, even with my friend running the event. Time consuming as hell. The fun part starts now though, the stressful part is over. So forgive my less frequent updates this year.