Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

As I thought, the plants are huge, pruning and the stretch is happening. Some are almost 6 feet. For some reason the peanut butter breath and cherry pie are still kind of short. It’s strange as they were the first to go in the ground.

2 of the Clones are a real crap shoot. The t-1000 and the Rainbow Belts. They are just weird and really don’t know what to make of them. The blueberry clone is just a gorgeous plant and is in preflower now. T-REX clone looks mighty too, but I fear really dense bud is gonna come from her and rot pretty good. The Mother’s milk clone looks like it’s spitting out 3 finger leaves again. I think it’s gonna start back budding for real. She reeks. I can smell her clear to the back door of the house. Gonna be a complete nightmare to trim.

Dad and the soon to be Mr. Meesh are rigging some trellising for the potted plants in between the mains as I type. I’m about to go try and tackle some pruning on the crazy Mother’s milk. I’ll try and get some pics later as well.


I hacked the shit outta the mother’s milk clone. All the revegging was real weird.

Rks looking big

Blue Dream over 5ft now

Mas milk only has tops now. Close up

Gorilla sherbert


Black mamba

Peanut Butter Breath

Cherry Pie

Rainbow Belts weird af from reveg to. At a pruning loss here as well. Just gonna LITFA and hope for the best.

T-1000 don’t know what to do with it. It’s dense, revegging after heavy budding. I had to chop off a bunch of bud to try and a give it airflow, but I stopped cuz I’m really at a loss here. Already found budrot on inner premie bud.

Blueberry. My man broke off 3 big Ole branches on my beauty trying to shimmy around it. Bummed me out.


Inside the net is a mess right now as we are trying to jimmy rig more trellising. So couldn’t get to some of the plants for pics. And some look crazy. I’ll get better ones later this week.

I have to start pruning again tomorrow. Since the stretch, there is so much more that has to go since the new growth. I go to about the 3rd or 4th node, but I’m getting a new node per day now, so after a week we can be up to seven new nodes per branch. As I’ve discussed before I just keep directing plant energy up and out until they stop growing and start budding.

Another note… don’t start pruning until they show sex and start stretching. Before this point they need all the leaves and solar panels they can get to get strong and big in veg. After that you don’t want to waste all the plant energy on a bunch of lower or inner crap that amounts to a bunch of tiny nugs or larfy crap


Orange goji stretching. Maybe 5’2"

Iced Cube throwing pistils like mad. Yeah now! Once she hits the ground :sweat_smile:

Blueberry. She’s starting

Blue Dream is huge. Well over 6 ft budding

Rainbow Belts just weird af

Cherry Pie :pie:

T-1000 also weird af

MAC pretty af


Look good and on their way… That T-1000 is weird as f.


It’s revegging though. We’ll see what happens :laughing:


Black mamba

I can’t get over how big this blue Dream is

RKS is beastly

Peanut Butter Breath :peanuts: It does have a peanuty scent to it. Reminds me of something else too. I’ll let you know if it comes to me

Ma’s Milk


Peanut Butter Breath :peanuts: reminds me of Iced Cube right now. They have very similar terps

By George, I’ve got it!


I really like your trellis setup. Everytime I see it I’m like “I gotta do something like that next year.”

I said that last year too, but I wound up fussing over dirt all spring. NEXT year though :cowboy_hat_face:

Looking good!


Everyday I go outside to exponential growth. I love the stretch. Most are starting to bud now except a few.


Mine just started in Eugene, Or area. :sunglasses: :metal:


My very good friends live in Eugene. I love it there, so beautiful! I am in love with cottage Grove too!


Yes, it’s beautiful in the Valley. I live right next to the Willamette river. Great growing. The Grove!! :sunglasses: :metal: Killer little town. Last year’s Indiana Bubblegum came from a small nursery in the grove.


Eugene is a hippie paradise. :smiley:


I had typed up this post, but it looks like you already pruned everything @meesh. How’s the blueberry doing?

I definitely recommend opening up the archive blueberry for airflow. the structure is really nice. I would just work on spreading out those branches so each cola will get good airflow, and no moisture trapped at the center of all those branches.

and as I mentioned before, always check it for mildew after rain.


Are you able to buy clones directly from pacific green growers? I thought they were commercial cultivation license and commercial retail license only, and the clones were only available through the dispensary partners listed on the website?

I’ve been trying to get their cuts through some of the dispensary retail partners listed on the site, but none of them in portland actually stock clones from pacific green growers. so far I haven’t had any luck getting a local dispensary retailers to special order them for me.

I’ve been interested in their Lorin, shaman, master kush, and alien og. The cactus and carl sagan also sound interesting.

The cut of shaman that was passed around in the california prop 215 collectives was amazing.


I wish. You have to be a lic OLCC grower and buy in wholesale bulk. I grabbed my Indiana Bubblegum cut from a local dispo last year. You rarely see their clones at dispo’s. I want to grow their Lorin also. If I ever get a chance to grab their gear. I will let you know. This was their 10-week min Indiana Bubblegum cut I grew last year.


Found a huge ass caterpillar gnawing through the RKS. It had eaten two branches, got fat on them. I cut him in half with pruners. It’s crazy huge, like 7 feet. Same with the Ma’s Milk, Blue Dream and Orange Goji. The T-1000 clone that had prematurely budded, rotted. full of mold after our recent tail end of tropical storms. Humidity up the wazoo. That plant had dense, tight indica buds. It never stood a chance outdoors here. I cut the whole thing down, every branch had mold. It is what it is. sigh



:astonished: holy schnikeys! are you & the dogs ok?!


:evergreen_tree: Just lost 80% of mine to Bo Trytis. 'hate that mfer


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That’s what happens when I’m rushing and posting on my cell phone. 7 foot caterpillars! :zipper_mouth_face: :woman_shrugging:

I hate Bo too. Sucks and not in a good way.