Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Some over 7 footers now


Blue Dream

Mas milk

Orange goji 6 feet


Gorilla sherbert


T-rex is super indica. Will probably mold too

Black mamba


Plants look great @Meesh :sunglasses: :metal:


I won’t be back in time to help trim but will help with all the smoking :smile_cat:
All of that sounds so good right now. :sweat_smile:

Just put a little bit of still-drying weed in the center of my already-dry-as-possible weed & kinda “vaped” some of the flavors. :persevere:

Having tried a Volcano vaporizer with shitty-smoking weed that vaped amazingly, am temped to get one…because you’ve tasted what I’ve grown, or at least tried to :face_vomiting: :blush:

And it’s the moist air/hot temps bad drying/curing conditions, I think, more than the salt-fed non-organic factor or any spraying. This last stuff I flushed till the plants were almost white & dried them before harvesting a bit too. :astonished: :man_shrugging:


I saw these guys checking out your plants



A hurricane is about to hit southern California. First one since like the 1930’s. Rain is a complete foreign concept to me in the summer over here. We are supposed to get 3 to 4 inches of rain in the next 2 days. Cali has no infrastructure for rain like that. It sounds funny, but we are mostly a desert state and it just doesn’t rain like that here.

I don’t really know what I could do for the plants. They are already trellised. Let’s just hope they hold up. I lost an entire branch off the blueberry clone yesterday. I assume it was weak from when the man broke some trying to shimmy around it and was just too heavy with the bud. It snapped off right at the main stem.

I’m glad I have a lot of plants this year as I’ve already lost one. Who knows what this hurricane will do

Hope everyone is doing great!


Buckle down. You never know what those fuckers will do. Stay safe. Zip tie you’re plants. Long and short zip ties work well. 18" and 10"




Hoping for minimal damage for u. Those look nice


Good luck Meesh! Haven’t seen an update today but it looked like it at least was going to weaken a bit before it hit when I saw it yesterday. We’re at least used to em here in Florida. I’d like to say if it’s a Cat 1 when it hits like the track showed yesterday you’ll be fine as we don’t even blink at those here, but I don’t know how your ground will handle that amount of water.


Good luck, I hope the PVC fortress will hold up and protect the plants.


Hope that storm steers a little east of you. Maybe you’ll just get enough to make your plants get bigger! Stay safe, flash floods are dangerous. Prayers and vibes sent! :v:


Hope everything ok. Looks bad from here on tv



:umbrella: (whistles)


Early flower you’ll be fine. Week 6-8… not so much.

Be grateful for the temporary cleansing of air & land & don’t go swimming in a river, lake or beach. :biohazard:




take care of you and yours - stay safe
keep us informed please as we care about youse :fire:


All is well friends! A whole lot of media hype for the most part. It was just a day of steady rain. Hardly even much wind where I am. It was supposed to really rock the desert, my girl out there was unaffected as well.

Plants are fine except 2 of the container plants are showing a major Cal-Mag deficiency. Seems like it came on hard core and pretty suddenly. Maybe the rain really washed though a lot of nutes. I feel like I need to let them dry out for a day or two before I do a drench. The Cal-Mag I have is not for foliars. I’m also gonna top dress with more nutes. MAC seems to be a heavy feeder. T-Rex (Bubba kush x SSDD) wants more too. I’ll get on this tomorrow or the next day.


Outta likes but good news :heart:

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You lucked out. That’s how hurricanes work. Strength and line of fire or not. Palm Springs not so much. Glad you and the plants are well. :sunglasses: :metal:

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Glad you all safe !!

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Cal/mag deficiency right??? Indoor growers??


Dosed all 4 container plants with about 2 gallons of cal/mag drench each

Tomorrow I’ll throw down another month’s worth of dry nutes. Only 2 plants were showing deficiency, but dosed them all anyway


Sure looks like it. I don’t believe it’s septoria. If it’s rust fungus, a rusty colored dust will come off in your fingers when you rub the spots gently.

It could just be hungry. They look like bottom leaves.