Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

It has effected mostly fans but not all. Def not senescence. I’ve never seen Cal/Mag deficiency this advanced. The ones just starting look like what I know of it. Looks like a Magnesium deficit from online pics. I never get deficiencies in the ground plants and don’t do a lot of container grows these days. The spots don’t rub off btw… Now that I have dosed them, how often do I need to do it. Like once a week or a few weeks?

Looks like the MAC is a heavy feeder


I would just scratch in some calcitic pure powdered dolomite lime and call it a day.


I’ll check for some at the nursery. I only have liquid Cal/Mag right now. Finer coarse d lime is best right?

Internet said heat makes plant react to Calcium deficiency faster. It’s been hot af lately… summer


Usually, for me, when I see cal deficiencies, I see them on the new growth as well as the old. I run in coco, EWC and Dr. Earth (I think I mentioned earlier) and I water at half strength cal/mag every third watering or so just to ward it off. Some say you don’t need to, but I will have issues if I don’t. I just started to see it on my Fire Creek OG’s when I slacked off of it for a couple weeks.

I think yours may just be hungry, but a dose of Cal/mag won’t hurt as long as they’re not in lockout.


All of the container grows are in the exact same conditions and only 2 have deficiency


I see that on plants in pots when there is a big dryback or moisture fluctuations. Less often on in ground plants.


Our humidity has been fluctuating a lot. Bunch of Hurricanes and Tropical Storms in Mexico effect Southern Cali like that. All my ground plants are fine. 2 of 4 containers have a deficiency.

What do you mean by dryback @Hashpants ? Getting really dry in between waterings? I pretty much have to water them daily now.


I’ve been using this for years. Works immediately.


Yes, extra evaporation from heat and wind .Makes it hard to properly keep them watered. Maybe try yucca or a tiny drop of dish soap in the water to help completely soak the soil. I have a similar one in a 10 gal.


I have yucca. I’ll give them a tad. Thanks!


@Hashpants I can’t really zoom in far enough, but that really bad leaf looks like septoria. It has the characteristic circles around the brown spots. I hope I’m wrong, but double check:


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Probably so, I so neglect them all.The one in the pot suffers the most.


That does look different than mine. My margins were fading and turning yellow first.

Good news @Hashpants is you can still smoke the bud. Bad news is it will reduce your yield. Def pull the shitty leaves off though


Definitely not the end of the world.

Nice plants :slight_smile:


Thanks ,I had it on this Ww x Durban last season .Did some spray before flowering and some bud wash after harvest.


I wash all my bud. Ever since I did it once, the nastyness that comes off from the smog alone. Ick.


What’s your wash procedure?


I use 1 5 gal bucket of cold water, 1 bucket of hot water, 1 5 gal sterilite tub that’s more flat for soaking that I fill with warm water and add either 1/2 c of peroxide or the juice of 1 large lemon and 1/4 cup of baking soda. The past few years I have just used peroxide. Anyway, chop branches and immediately soak them in the flat peroxide tub for like 2 minutes then dunk in hot water and finish with cold water dunk. Hang dry in front of a fan for a good 45 mins to an hour (until they stop dripping) then trim. I don’t have room to hang dry so I wet trim and dry nugs in big nets.

It’s crucial to use the fan, if you try to dry them dripping wet, they will mold


Gonna wash some outdoor plants this year and that’s a first for me. Thanks for posting this, I bookmarked it :pray:


You guys, I still can’t stress those Grove Bags enough when curing. Seriously, no work whatsoever and they have kept my bud absolutely perfect for almost a year now. Professional, perfect cure with no burping. I love the laziness of it as well. As I have a lot of bud to cure come October. It has turned out best with the Grove Bags. I had gotten pretty good at it, but not that good. Not sure if it’s just great in my climate, but the bags are worth every penny. I use the big 1 or 2 pound groves to cure each plant and the one ounce packs that I use on the daily for my personal stash. This way, I don’t have to open the big bags as often. Please try them out if you haven’t yet. Best thing since sliced bread.