Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

I have started to use them myself. Jars are exhausting with a large yield. I haven’t used them for long enough to form a final opinion yet but have no complaint so far and they saved me a bunch of burping.


Before this I used food grade 3 or 5 gallon buckets to cure. Jars?? :rofl: No effing way, I could cure 10+ pounds of bud in jars. Can you imagine? I would be opening and closing jars 24/7 for like 2 months straight.


LOL, yeah. I grow indoors and your Amazon forest is definitely a whole other beast. I have never not been in awe of your garden.

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This RKS out there is almost hitting the net. The thing is a beast. I doubt it’s truly road kill or I would likely smell it down the street by now, but it still has a delicious skunk 1 type smell. It barely started budding. I’m thinking they are gonna be some righteous spears. The plant’s in the 8 footer range now. Despite the pruning, she’s also just a fat wild beast too.



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I’d suggest a foliar Spray of molasses and Epsom salts over too many soil drenches … teaspoon epsom salts and teaspoon molasses to 1 gallon water


I love my 1lb groves…


The Grove bags wowed me as well. Best cure I’ve ever had here in the land of no humidity. The terps finally stayed in the bag, lol.


Kinda looks like overwatering or a symptom of being rootbound?

It only effected your plants in containers right? maybe they just got soaked by the rain and didn’t drain as well as your ground soil. Or maybe they are just so large they are starting to get root lock.

When I see this symptom in my grow, it usually means the plants aren’t getting enough oxygen to the root zone. Those are the most common causes.

You could try making a few vertical cuts into the root ball. Just use a knife and make a few cuts straight down into your soil about 5 inches away from the stem. It’s like root pruning and aeration at the same time, sometimes the plants really respond. (It won’t do any harm if this isn’t the issue.)


I have a question about your Grove bags. Anyone storing these at room temp? I can’t get below 75 degrees without refrigeration here. And if so still as good as the jars?

I’m trying the bags in the fridge atm


I’ve been keeping mine around 70 degrees and haven’t noticed anything so far. Only been a month or two that I’ve been using them though.


They are in fabric pots. Should be self pruning the roots. I’m not sure they can get root bound in there. The leaves look exactly like pics of Cal/mag deficiency so I’m going to wait and see since, I just addressed that. Tomorrow I am going to load them all with fresh dry nutes before watering as well.

@Sunvalley it just rained, but aside from that, they are all budding so I’m trying to avoid foliars. They are so big, I would have to use the hose end sprayer and that would get all the buds wet.


I store mine at room temperature in a big cardboard box actually. It’s been 80 in my house for practically 2 months and my bud is the same. Test a small amount in one bag and see how it goes. Whatever you do, just don’t put a humidity pack inside. My dad dried out about a pound on accident doing this. Live and learn.


So I drove up today and when I got out of my car this was the view from my back gate

That is the RKS, it has about 3 inches until it hits the 9+ foot net ceiling. It’s ridiculous and won’t stop stretching


I just replaced my vivosun 30 gallon fabric pots with the 30 gallon fabric smart pots. I expected the bottoms of the cheap vivosun pots to be blown out from roots going to my garden pot below. Nope they all air pruned.


Almost forgot friends, something smelled heavily of bubble gum when I was standing near the entrance to my bug net. It can be possibly either my neighbors smoking their hookah next door lol or one of the following plants… Black Mamba, Peanut Butter Breath (doubtful), Mother’s Milk or the T-Rex (bubba kush x sunshine daydream)… actually T-Rex sorta makes sense to me. @Greasy thoughts??

I’ve never grown bubba kush, but the Sunshine daydream I grew smelled like a candy shop. So it’s possible.

The only other plant near there is the blue dream and there is no way that I could smell that from 2 feet away. Such a low odor plant and it smells nothing like bubblegum


I always grow in fabric pots, they can still get root bound if you grow big old trees in them.
I see it more often with my landraces and heirlooms than my hybrids, but it happens.

Think about the dense center of the root ball, not just the exterior of the root ball that is getting air pruned by the fabric.


If feeding them doesn’t help, I will poke around in there. :sweat_smile:


I vote the MaMilk


Yeah I see they budding looking back hahaha … ignore me … I shouldn’t look and comment before my 1st coffee in the morning :joy::joy::joy: