Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Interesting! It could be the Baba Kush F2 (Katsu Bubba x SSDD)? I have the male counter part to your T-Rex plant outside:

I can smell it from a few feet away, but I’m getting more melon/dank tones, no bubblegum really though. But you never know what can happen in the F2s, especially since I made them using open pollination and didn’t really select any of the males, there’s a lot of variation that can show up in those seeds.

My Santa Cruz Blue Dream doesn’t smell like much yet either, but your plants do seem a lot further along flowering… I think my neighbors lights are messing with my plants.


I had to :mag: zoom in b/c for a second I thought I saw razor wire on top of the wall in the background :laughing:

Not quite your style



I’ve never grown a Blue Dream that had a strong odor. They are very low key. Low key flavor, smell everything, actually underwhelming. The high however, magical magical stuff. The only plant I grow that I call medicine. Best strain hands down for depression and anxiety that I’ve ever tried. I just love the stuff. Def not a bubble gum smell. More blueberry

Did your T-Rex have tiny little branches in the beginning and huge fans? I couldn’t even see the branches for the longest time. lol I honestly think T-Rex is a perfect name.


It’s all the extra trellising we rigged and the zip ties all crazy everywhere. After the backyard break in incident I almost wish it was razor wire. lol In all seriousness, we extended our back wall where they jumped over. Put a tall ass fence on top of the brick . No one’s getting through now.


Hmmm I’m not sure. I’ve never actually flowered any of those out myself. @iamyou_youareme have you gotten any bubblegum smells from the Baba Kush plant’s youve grown out or the Mothers Milk? Edit: didn’t see he had already posted above. Whoops!

Plants are getting huge over there! Gonna be another year of massive buds! Still smoking on that grape ape. We ended up just deciding to smoke it rather than make edibles, since you are right, it is a shame to make edibles with such beautiful buds!


Unfortunately @Greasy 's tastes are too indica for my outdoor climate. Another clone is biting the dust. The Rainbow Belts is molding. It started prematurely budding a long ass time ago and went probably a month before it revegged. It is still confused and has been in limbo. It is super indica dense in it’s buds and isn’t holding up to the “hurricane day” or the 3 weeks of 80% humidity. I started chopping some buds off, then quickly realized that it is pretty much riddled with budrot. I haven’t chopped it all down yet, but it won’t make it. It’s like 1/3 of the way through the flower process, it won’t be long until it becomes systemic. I’ll chop her down this weekend. I have 3 clones left of 5. The Ma’s Milk in the ground will make it for sure. The blueberry and T-rex so far so good. I’m keeping a close eye on T-rex as she’s leaning pretty indica as well. Hoping at least she’ll go to a decent point of growth at least if she starts to mold. There is a certain point where the are so immature that they don’t get you high. I can live with slight immature buds if need be, but not as immature as the rotten T-1000 or Rainbow Belts was/is. I’m pretty bummed actually as both of the clones that are lost had the most amazing scent profiles. Just different and more interesting than most of the plants I have out there. I would have really liked to try them. :disappointed:


Bummer about the rainbow belt …
I got rainbow belt 2.0 from a dispensary and was by far my favorite …condiser yourself
Lucky to even acquire a clone of it lmao
Hope all the best to you !

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The RKS has now hit the ceiling of the bug net. I suppose the top colas are gonna be fucked when they get going. Oh well, the thing is a monster. First one I’ve ever had hit the top. The Bubblegum and Chem Dawg came close. Mind blown. It’s over 9 feet.

I got the Blue Dream seed from Blimburn Seeds I think. Anyone know anything about them? They shipped crazy fast too. Anyway, I’ve never had a BD like this from seed. It is huge for one. Way more Haze leaning than prior total Blueberry leaners I’ve grown from seed in the past. This sucker is over 8 feet and the frostiest plant out there. The branches, leaves and buds are covered in trichs. I’m doubting this seed almost, wondering if it was labeled mistakenly. I’ve never seen a BD this fabulous, even clones I grew. Could be my super soil though, but who knows.

Haven’t mentioned the Cherry pie much or the Peanut Butter Breath, but the Cherry pie is now on my radar as it has this wonderful fruity smell. Can’t say it smells like cherries yet, but it’s yummy. PBB is just budding away, the PBB, Ma’s Milk and Iced Cube all remind me of each other in some way that I can’t describe. Maybe a cake like smell to all of them? Not sure. Iced Cube is budding but won’t get very big as it was stunted in the 2 gallon pots while I was waiting for them to show me sex. I swear as soon as they showed, I got them in the ground and they budded immediately. Missed a lot of stretch time for some reason. I was really hoping for a monster because Dad the fiance and me will all be fighting over that bud. lol We love the strong mellow high with zero anxiety she produces.

@Herbie may have been onto something when he said the Ma’s Milk may be the one smelling of bubblegum. I’m starting to think he’s right. It has an initial funk close up then sorta candy like as you back away. I can connect it, seeing the distance and wind were just right.

I’m usual good at smell ID but the MAC is unlike anything I can describe or grasp. It is the most interesting smell EVER. I hope it makes it all the way through harvest.

Orange Goji is really big and monsterous. Very skinny leaves on this one. Least reeky one I’ve ever grown to date. This one doesn’t smell much thus far.

I’m watching the Blueberry clone very closely for mold. She smells fanfuckingtastic! She is gonna be tasty as hell.

I’ll get some pics manana! Happy Saturday, Friends!


Yeah mine indoors won’t stop stretching @Meesh. One of them I’ve had to bend its main stem. I’m worried if I stress it too much it’ll change sex.

Not the best picture sorry.


It’s for sure a “Happy Little Tree”!! I bet it rocks soon!


Monster RKS

The photo doesn’t even capture the enormity of this plant. I had to set it to half scale to fit into the pic


The men are setting up the fans inside the net. We have a temp/humidity timer we use to turn them on and off. It’s been humid as hell and the fans really help. We will start getting the heavy morning dew pretty soon here too.

I’ll get more pics when they are done. I’m trying to stay outta the way.

I’m nervous about Dad. He has a blood clot in his leg. They have him on blood thinners and as it is he already bleeds at the slightest scratch. The doctor has cleared him for light activity now, but the edges of the zip ties are super sharp inside the bug net. I at 51 barely bump one and bleed. I told Dad if he was going to go inside he had to come over wearing pants. No shorts! Can you imagine he’s wearing shorts and bumps a stupid zip tie on his leg and bleeds out from the Femoral in my backyard? Oh hell no!


Sorry to hear about your dad’s blood clot :pensive:

Fans are for ventilation? Or just circulation?

RKS looks great :smiley:


Circulation. Pretty soon here night Temps will get close to the dew point by dawn and then everything gets wet. Right now humidity is down as the storms in Mexico have died down. Usually we have them come on a few degrees above the dew point. Looks like more tropical storms kick up on Thursday and our nighttime humidity goes up again. We have a pretty fancy timer that can sing and dance, so it makes life easier at least


That is a beautiful girl. Do I see zip ties? :sunglasses: :metal: I’m a big fan of zip ties.


We buy zip ties in bags of 500 lol. Yes, my trellises are mostly zip tied.

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Orange goji just gorgeous

Cherry Pie


Ma milk another monster

Blueberry clone

Iced Cube

Black mamba

Rks for scale

Frost on the blue Dream



Aisle shot


WOW! Beautiful everything looking happy :grin:


@SamwellBB I think the blue Dream this year may actually be as frosty as the Port Wine Cheese was. It’s giving it a run for its money for sure. Remember the crazy frost on that plant?


The container plants and the PBB are the farthest along in bud. They will all be ready in a month. Usually all my plants are early October end of September. This year I fear Dad will be out there harvesting alone while I’m on my honeymoon. :laughing: why we picked October to get married is beyond me. Obviously we weren’t thinking.