Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Alright friends, I need some help. I found some pm on my plants and I need to spray them with green cure. Only problem is that obviously I need to use my hose end sprayer to do this huge task. Problem is Green Cure is powder not liquid and it says to mix 2 Tbsp per gallon. Well, of course their is a setting for 2 tbsp on the sprayer, but you put liquid in there not powder. So what do I do? Anyone know?


You would have to make a concentrated solution. See if you can dissolve 4 tablespoons into two cups of water and set it to 8 ounces per gallon. That would give you about two gallons of spray at the proper concentration.


I tried Youtubing it and it just gives me all of these how to use a sprayer bs videos, but not what I actually asked. I broke down and ordered a new type of wet/dry sprayer for future. However, I need it today. Thanks for your help! Appreciate you!


One of the hottest days over here of the year and my ass has to foliar the shit outta my plants. lol I need to smoke a big fatty before I tackle this. :sweat_smile:


From experience, Green Cure is only a temporary stop gap. I think you’re gonna need to spray at least once a week. I’ve only used it with a pump up sprayer, which is pretty gentle. Hose end might be a little aggressive? I don’t think I’d spray it dry.

Bat signal @JoeCrowe , the resident pm specialist.


Maybe tarp the whole setup and burn some sulfur?


They are flowering, just me, but I wouldn’t. Might not taste so great :frowning:


Ah gotcha. I figured it was just a smoke that wouldn’t actually permeate the plants like that but Ive honestly not ever done it. Hopefully Joe has a good idea then ^^


Green Cure is safe it’s just Potassium Bicarbonate and will just wash off.

I don’t have a choice. It’s too early for pm and usable bud. If I don’t treat it or fight it back it will go systemic and ruin ALL of my bud by harvest time.

My hose end sprayer has gentle settings. It will be fine


Right, and the neighbors won’t wonder who cut the giant SBD, lol! I just wish it worked better.


Me too. But I have to do something. At least try and hold it back long enough


It doesn’t do that. Check out Joe’s thread. I had it for years, his regime has freed me! Not a trace for over 2 years. I love Joe, lol!


His cure is to spray Sulphur dust before flower. My plants are budding.

This may work outdoors for a minute but it’s in the air here. Comes in on the wind.

It will just be a battle once a week with green cure I think.


You can easily eradicate powdery mildew. There is so much misinformation about it. This year, after the harvest, you treat the area where you had the cannabis plants growing. Everything you read about powdery mildew is probably false. You could also just plant the cannabis plants and then spray them and the ground twice with sulfur. Make sure to end the colony so it never comes back. As long as there are no infected plants within 20 feet/6 meters you will be safe from re infestation. Since it’s bloom and you have an infestation, it’s definitely too late for treatment, but unless you break the cycle, it’ll come back every year.
It’s never just “blowing in the wind”. Fallacy number one.


I would probably have to treat the entire backyard in winter when everything is died back. It loves my rose bushes and a few other plants I have out there.


What do I do about my neighbors who def have plants 20 feet away. Give them sulphur and ask them to spray all their plants? lol


They’re a different species of mildew. I did a whole study on it. That being said, you can definitely wipe out the mildew on the roses and whatnot. You have to go on a mildew pogrom like @HorseBadorites did, in order to knock back the multiple colonies.


Mildew on cannabis is very host specific. It’s not going to come from roses, lilacs, pumpkins, asters, peas…etc and so on.


So it came in on clones originally? I’m in Southern Cali there’s PM on literally everything and everywhere. It’s humid here.


I would judge that as the most likely scenario, and the one that most people experience. I know that’s how it happened to me.