Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

So, I couldn’t find my Green Cure. Since my man moved in, the garage has been completely rearranged, filled with his crap and I haven’t been able to find a damn thing when I need it. Screw it, I say and go to the internet to just buy more, lo and behold, the entire interwebs is sold out unless I want to buy like 600 bucks worth. No joke. Of course, I go into heavy anxiety mode as the humidity is like 80% right now. I went back and tore out every cabinet in the garage and I have a lot, finally find it. By then it’s fairly dark and I go for it anyway because dammit pm.

I spray all the plants down, then hit the fans. The MF’ers won’t turn on. Now it’s dark. Of course they won’t and of course it’s dark now, because nothing can ever be over when there is a problem. Now I have to wake up my man, tell him to get the flashlight and help me. Something is funky with the timer setting so we bypassed it last night until Dad comes back on Sunday and resets the dang thing. That however is not the problem at the moment and so I trace out all the plugs, get in an argument with the man cuz he’s trying to give up. Oh Hell No! My blood, sweat and tears are in these monsters, we are not leaving them there wet with no fans in the super high humidity overnight. So I’m ready to kill him, make him go find another power strip and that doesn’t work. Turns out the new outdoor power outlet Dad installed on the back of the garage had tripped. It has some plastic cover thing on it and I don’t even know how to open it, so I’m glad I got pissy with the man and insisted he check and reset it. Voila, the fans finally turn on.

Screw this night. I’m over it. :sweat_smile: I need to smoke more weed.


Ugh, I hate it when everything’s trying to fight you. Like, get back in line and do what I want things!! Lol

Glad to hear you found the stuff, got the plants cared for, and managed to get the fans going. Hopefully this all takes care of it, or starts to at least, and you can still finish out strong this fall ^^

Definitely deserve all the smoking after all that :relaxed:


For real! Already lost two plants. I would like to keep the rest if possible, Mother Nature. We had a weird year like this before, with really heavy storms down south and left us with really high humidity at all the wrong times. This year, I look at those giant plants and see a whole lot of knee pain that went into them. lol Don’t want that to be for nothing!

I don’t even feel bad for getting salty with the man. He will be a whole lot of bummed if he has no bud for next year though. Reminded him of this tonight. Boy, did I :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :pinching_hand: :woman_shrugging: Sleep when you’re dead, mofo! The plants have priority right now!


Really nice spiral on the black mamba


She’s my Cherry :cherries: Pie



Yesterday I get an email from my financial advisor saying they updated my phone number, but it’s not my number, so I dial the 800# & my @#$%^&* cell reception is about half a bar, their automated menu tells me it’s a 5 minute wait, damn shittiest classical music ever, I give up, dial the advisor, no answer & the fucked signal reception makes her assistant’s # inaudible, so I swear & reboot phone & swear & she answers.

“Ooops I did that by accident” :neutral_face: :man_facepalming:

Damn full moon.

Is a blood clot something they can just trace down & “chop” out? I know they’re bad news but that’s about it. Needless to say, of course, just wishing you & co. well.



Nah, they just thin the blood out , and the clot usually softens up and dissolves I guess. He actually has 3 in the same vein. You have to be careful not to dislodge them or it can go to your lungs and give you a pulmonary embolism. You basically have to be on light duty for a couple months with super thin blood while they work themselves out


Everyone in Cali was automatically on extension for their taxes, so all my clients want a piece of me right now. Which is great because I need to pay for a wedding, but sucks because I need time to prepare for my wedding next month. I also am budding a forest that will need harvesting in a month. Busy bee!

I got a new wet/dry hose end sprayer. It rocks! Super easy! Today was the 2nd Green Cure spray. Got to keep beating back the pm as long as I can. The fans worked this time when I flipped them back on btw :smile: and it is still daytime. :sweat_smile:

Anyway, I’ll post pics soon.


:thinking: please explain; have heard of wet/dry vacuum but dry water is a new concept to me :shower:



Hey @Meesh, if your plants are in full flower and you have PM, you might take a look at Lost Coast Plant Therapy. It’s an organic oil mix that some some pro breeders say works for them.

I haven’t used it for PM yet, but if I get it now I will. I have 3 large Lemon Thai plants that are rocking the world, so far. I’d risk it rather than not try. It’s made from Thyme oil and has a peppermint oil smell. I think you have to spray it near evening so the sun doesn’t burn the plants.

It’s also good on some pests and I’ve had good results so far. It’s worth taking a look at their site. Good luck! peace :man_farmer: :v:


Photo dump


Those look beautiful @Meesh :sunglasses: :metal:


Fantastic :star_struck:

Gorgeous garden they’re thriving!


Chunky Monkies


Those last two are the orange goji. She’s a beast


So last night’s photo dump was from 7 days ago.

Here is today’s

And last night’s sunset cuz that was amazing!


Sorry about the unlabeled pics and absenteeism again. Same excuse. Love y’all though!

Still beating back pm. As you can see the now shadier spots in my tent are worse than others. The Blueberry is riddled with it. Not touching any bud yet. I keep beating it back with Green Cure best I can. The fans I’ve left on 24/7 now as the humidity is just off the chain this year. It is what it is. I’ve hit the plants like 4 times now with the stuff.

@cannabissequoia the new sprayer is bitchen actually. It has a filter like plastic basket that fits inside the sprayer for dry nutrients. For liquid you just pour it directly in the basket. The sprayer dial calcs it both ways ie… dry 2tsp or wet 6tsp per gallon. I’m loving this sprayer. Only thing that bugs is the way you turn it on or off, but it’s probably cuz I am not use to it. It has settings to spray aiming from top to bottom and vice versa so you can get both sides of the leaves nicely. The Brand name is Chapin Wet/Dry Sprayer

Anyway, aside from beating back pm, I’ve got bud rot. The Peanut Butter Breath may not even make it to a ripe enough premature place to even pull early. She may rot out before then. I’m super bummed cuz she smells dank AF. She is actually the Bubblegum smell. Why Peanut Butter smells like Bazooka is beyond me. But she’s also like floral smelling. Very nice. The T-rex is starting as well, but she’s closer to being ready. I cut a big chunk of bud off of her. The PBB however is riddled now. The Ma’s Milk actually smells nasty like spoiled milk. The Road Kill also has a nice funky smell now too.


that blueberry clone is highly susceptible to mildew. During a very rainy and difficult fall, I was only able to harvest about 60% of it in healthy / medically safe condition.

For the most part I was able to protect the buds by watching closely and pruning all the effected leaves, and throwing away any branches that showed even a hint of mildew on the guard leaves.

Would have come out better if I had harvested earlier, but I was waiting for seeds to ripen.


Hey there @meesh just getting caught up on your thread. Sorry to hear about the PM. There is a thread about hypochlorous acid on here and could be of some help. It’s called hypochlorous acid a deep dive by @BudBusterPro. Anyways worth a shot. But I can tell you for a fact that the sulfur will end it. I battled that shit for along time. I performed the @JoeCrowe sulfur tech. Haven’t seen it since. Anyways just love all your pictures. You have some nice plants there. All of them. Oh and early congratulations on your wedding. I wish you both the very best.



hehe just need a cot or a chair… :slight_smile: now i understand the sprayer description



It’s a bad year here for bud. T-Rex is gone. Lost it to bud rot. Chopped down over half of the Peanut Butter Breath, bud rot. Mac and Blue Dream have the start of bud rot. I’m pulling down the rest of the PBB (hopefully some is salvageable) and the other 2 early this weekend. Blueberry will probably end up in the trash bin next. She’s covered in pm and has budrot too now.

PM is starting to encroach the bud pretty epically on the Mother’s Milk, so I’m gonna need to pull that early too.

So far… The Gorilla Sherbert, Black Mamba, Iced Cube, Orange Goji, Cherry Pie and the Road Kill Skunk are still holding up although the Green Cure isn’t really helping the pm and I’m not sure I should keep getting the plants wet with our over the top humidity this year.

BTW… I can’t tell you that the Road Kill Skunk is true RKS from back in the day. However, if you are familiar with the sweet citrus of Skunk 1, this pheno is that but rotten. lol It smells like rotten citrus fruit. Possibly like a grapefruit or guava like smell. It has a real nasty funk to it, but certainly not a skunk. I’m so excited to try this nasty ass plant. For some reason, I think it’s gonna smell like vomit when it’s curing. Just an educated guess tells me. Cuz it’s stinky nasty. In a really gross, good way. If that makes any sense. Ever driven past a citrus orchard in late summer? When all the fruit is falling off rotting in the sun and you practically want to puke from the putrid stench? That’s the RKS pheno I uncovered. I still think that the closest pheno you’re ever gonna get these days to real Skunk bud is Cheese.