Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Sorry @Meesh I got PM for the first time on my DJ short blueberry. Murdered her this morning. I’ve been using Growers Alley works well. Every 7 days.


The first few years I grew, I was more upset by Mother Nature. Now I just sigh really loud and hard and hope I harvest enough to make it through another year. It sucks and Mother Nature is a real finicky, unpredictable bitch.


I’d suggest harvesting some of your healthy bud early. just as an insurance policy so you can have some in the bag in case those plants get stricken with the mold as well.


Fuck n A she is .


Yeah, almost all of it Homie. We are starting this weekend unfortunately. The PBB, MAC and Blue Dream first. Then Ma’s Milk will follow. Most have some bud hairs ripening at least and changing color. Not much though or much fade. I hate taking them this early. The MAC & Blue Dream are both more Indica so less premature than the PBB.

I’m gonna let the plants ride out as long as I possibly can before I pull them of course, but they will most likely all be slightly undercooked, so to speak.


ay caramba! this is not good :cry:

I knew there was a lot of tropical moisture from the weather reports but damn that’s exceptionally bad. Glad to hear some are coming through. :crossed_fingers:

missing CA bud sooooo bad. I got a volcano vaporizer just so I can consume my supply :sweat:



Had a lot of rain this year. Septoria is in the tomatoes and spreading. Always something.


Bummer to hear @Meesh :worried:

Is the budrot just from the moisture? It’s drier around my area so I’ve only seen budrot in conjunction with caterpillars. PM is PM that’s a whole other thing.

Fingers crossed for you good luck the next few weeks hope you get enough smoke to pull through. :crossed_fingers: :pray:


Botrytis aka budrot. It’s some sort of mold, Spread by moisture. Caterpillar damage is different and turns the bud crunchy where they were eating and secreting their enzymes… Budrot is actual mold that if you were to say pull a rotten bud leaf, literal powder would come out (spores). It’s both brown, but looks different.

I’ve had both together and separately. Once the pillars make holes in the bud though, even more moisture can get into the bud and they mold even easier. I pulled down the Peanut Butter Breath and the Mac on Saturday that had only bud rot. All of the clones so far bit the dust from bud rot. Today we took down the Blue Dream cuz I thought it had some rot starting and it was just pillar damage in a few spots. The pillar damage won’t spread, but the botrytis does, like wildfire. See next post for coming rant on the weird Blue Dream we just took down.

Most of my problems this year are moisture related as even with the net, a few moths always find a way in and I still fight a few caterpillars, just not thousands of them.


So, the Blue Dream was some sort of mutant, I think. It looked normal enough, but when you went to separate the bud it rolled out flat instead of round and was the weirdest shit to trim. The bud looked like the pistils all grew in spirals to form the bud and like foxtailed. The buds were crazy heavy and the bud branches were almost twig like. The bud is crazy sticky though, crazy crazy sticky. This was the gnarliest shit I’ve ever trimmed. After 3 of us worked on the thing for 8 hours, I couldn’t take it anymore and threw the last 1/4 of the bud branches into a brown bag to give our buddy for hash. It was awful!

Have you ever experienced this? I feel like I got either a bad seed or a bad batch of seeds.


I’d like to see some photos of the bud.

I’m not sure how (or if) that blimburn blue dream is related to the clone, but I’ve seen some weird mutants from a blue dream fem hybrid.

I used to grow pineapple blue dream fem seeds from a dealer in santa cruz. that had some wild mutants. One had this weird crusty resin that built up on all the fan leaves and bud stems. It wasn’t even trichomes, just crystalized resin. Kind of like the crystalized sap you sometimes see on a large tree, except it coated the surfaces of the leaves and small stems.

anyway I’m curious what that bud structure looks like.


The old school Blueberry was mutant as hell. It stands to reason those traits are hiding in the Blue Dream as well. Should make some good hash though.

Sorry to hear you’re having so many issues.


The first pic is what usually is one bud on a branch and all those pieces unrolled to be flat. It looked like 1 round piece when I cut it off the branch.


I’ve seen that general structure before, with those flat segments all layered or bunched up like that. I call it a layer structure, I’ve seen other people call it a flake structure.

You’re right that the flowers themselves look a little malformed and their calyxes are clustered kind of randomly. the sugar leaves are all twisting different directions.


I’m gonna give it a crazy long cure since it has a lot of leaf on it still. It was insane to trim. We could barely figure out how. It’s probably stoney as hell with the glue like trichs, but it’s gonna be a harsh smoke until it cures for a few months, intuition tells me. It’s a really fragrant Blue dream as well. Very heavy blueberry smell.


Up at 5 am. Taking down the next victim. Gorilla sherbert. I found some budrot on her. I’ll let you know how it goes. Plants being washed and buds hanging in front of the fan now.


Well, most of the Gorilla Sherb was rotted and was tossed. I probably got about a 1/4 of the plant that was useable. Damn Shame! It had some very nice donkey dicks on it. Only the small bottom nugs (basically the larf) survived. Sigh


Hard to “like” these posts :cry: least you’re getting something off them but ugh… :heart: Damn shame on the mold.

Despite the trimming “fun” it sounded like, i really like the look of these flowers :heart_eyes:


Botrytis sucks ass, I remediate that shit with the rosin press.


I’m trimming in the rain, just trimming in the rain…
what a tedious feeling, I’m soggy again…

I feel your pain. the bud rot hasn’t hit too hard, but I don’t have any help trimming this season so I can’t afford to take any risks with it, or get behind on my work harvesting.

One of my goji og pinesoul was still in good pretty good shape with healthy bud, but the old preflower calyxes on the stem had turned brown, and after a full week of rain I couldn’t chance leaving it out there.

I was up practically all night trimming, and awoke this morning to find a blown fixture in my indoor grow.

(sunlight supply LEC fixtures have a defective capacitor that eventually fails and discharges, frying the bulb. I can see arc damage on the contact terminals. Very dangerous.

sunlight supply was bought out by miracle grow. there is a class action lawsuit against them trying to force them to recall these fixtures.)

Never a dull moment in fall.