Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Isn’t fertigation just a fancy word for watering? I would guess that would be your drench.

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Probably, but there are 3 so do they want back to back same day or one each week? All 3 only once? Etc…

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Mother’s Milk is some serious stuff. Love it. :fire:


Here are the clone pics… looks like I forgot the Bubba kushxssdd though

Mother’s milk

The Littles

Random plant pic dump…

More later…


Very nice @Meesh


I like your style. @Meesh :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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I will say once she roots properly, and finds her feet, she is an incredibly easy growing plant. No offense will be taken if she gets culled or anything, but she is getting a bad rap since she had only popped a root two days before I drove up, so she was pretty weak when you got her.

@zephyr you’ve grown this one out before, how do you think she would do outside bud rot wise? My indoor buds were pretty loose, and clustery, rather than dense cola’s, but I also had some struggles that grow, and may not have taken her to her full potential.





Love the succulents, is that an aeroponic unit, with the strawberries and herbs ? Very cool @Meesh

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No. It’s hydroponic. Called a LettuceGrow. It was a gift from my mother. Easiest thing ever. I grew some lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower in it in the winter. You can buy lights for each ring if you want to keep it indoors.


Thanks as always :relaxed: for posting the soil tests :partying_face:

Looks like good dirt to me :+1:

If we could only figure out how to get Casanova to mine the zinc :thinking::joy:


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It seemed to like the natural light. Mine came out with fairly dense buds, but not rock hard. if you squeezed a dry bud it felt about the same density as a dry sponge.

Mine had very little bud rot, if any. The real problem I ran into with this cut was mildew on the leaves after rain. The deeply creased veins in the blueberry leaves collect a lot of water and don’t dry well. I had to defoliate after every rain to keep the mildew from spreading.

The buds stayed pretty healthy, and resinous leaves were less likely to develop mildew. Mainly the larger solar leaves were effected.

In the end most of the plant was harvested clean, but a few branches had to be discarded because the guard leaves around the buds had mildew.

That was a tough growing season. I probably could have pulled a perfectly healthy harvest if I harvested the whole plant a little earlier.

The blueberry was lightly seeded by my china cangshan males, a long flowering sativa landrace that sexes late in the season, when hybrids are almost finished flowering. It pollinated the hybrids late in their flowering cycle when they were almost ripe, so I had to let them go very late in order to get any ripe seeds.

In 2018 or 19 I grew the blueberry outdoor sinsemilla and it was much easier, and produced a nice healthy harvest.


The t1000 clone looks much perkier since I took the humidity dome off. All 3 Clones in there do. Guess they were hot. They were like “Mom, take off my jacket” :joy:

Everything looks good. Mother’s milk is getting thrown to the wolves today. Leaving her out all day. Well, at least until I get home from my clients.

Seedlings look like this…

The unsexed clone Bubba x Ssdd. Casanova damaged a couple leaves before I caught the devil. I had promised a pic.


Looking very good @Meesh :facepunch:t2:

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It looks like your soil is slowly improving every year. I see they recommended calcium, nitrogen, iron, and manganese. Interesting that they are recommending a 1:1 ratio of Fe:Mn, this is something I’ve been playing with myself. I think you will be glad you ended up doing the test.

Irrigation is the fancy word for watering. Fertigation is watering with fertilizer. I always found it to be a silly word.

@Meesh you should be able to apply those recommendations with something like this.

Ortho Dial N Spray Hose-End Sprayer for Liquid Weed and Insect Killer, Fungicide, Fertilizer with 14 Dilution Settings https://a.co/d/1rxq4xK

You should be able to get one at Home de Pot or similar.


Oh yeah, that’s what I use. It says to alternate those “fertigations” but not how often lol


Fertigation implies fertilizer with every irrigation event. So, basically, every time you water your plants. How often do you water? Every 2-3 days?


Okay, well isn’t that just a pain in the you know what? Lol I water practically everyday in the summer as these “fertigations” are for the entire backyard and not just the cannabis section. My yard is huge and I usually break the watering up into sections bah


Eventually all that lime is gonna break down and my cal numbers will finally be normal. Been adding in lots of calcium since I started years ago.


David the amendment guy is closed this week. I’ll get a hold of him next week. This dude is a trip. I’ve dealt with him for a few years now. He’s in like Iowa or something on a farm. He doesn’t have a computer or internet. Sends my amendments then a month or so later he mails me a handwritten invoice. He only accepts checks or like money orders. A few years ago it took him like 4 months to mail me a bill. Still blows my mind every time. Cali just ain’t like that. No trust here. Jaded Mofos, us city folk. We want our money up front and right now.