Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Loving your outdoor setup & all the strains. Will take a seat if you don’t mind :peace_symbol:


That’s a day late & a dollar short! :joy_cat:


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It’s flowering! So stoked! Show me your Cactus flowers too, friends.


Those grove bags! I’m telling you, if you aren’t using them you are either crazy or missing out.

Oh man, this is 6 months my harvest has been in them. Whenever I open them now the smell is off the chain. It’s so dank. Every time my man is grinding up some, I ask him from across the room what he’s grinding because it’s so fricken dank. Those bags gave me a pro level cure with zero work and some seriously good long storage. The grape ape is especially dank smelling, but they are all there.


No cactus here sadly, wish I had a few.


I’ve decided I’m going to try them this round actually


Word. :100:


You will not go wrong.


You will not be disappointed. Whatever you do, don’t put any humidity packs in with them. Dad ruined like 8 oz of bud doing that. lol Live and learn


A new day… it’s so bitchen

It’s not Cas that got at the unsexed clone. A snail :snail: went a bit crazy. The plant will live, the snail won’t. Ugh

Seedlings :seedling: are pretty large and in charge

And for shits and giggles


That’s not Cheese. It’s Iced Cube #4


Because it’s raining here in the rainforest the knights who formerly said NI accept this in place of a shrubbery and bestow upon thee Milli Vanilli :rofl:



@Greasy did you get the sex test back?

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I’ve got some pretty good roots going on the seedlings. I’m gonna dose them soon with a tiny bit of fish fertilizer.

The Clones under my seed table lights got decent roots too. I had to raise the lights as the rainbow belts is getting tall. I think I’ll start hardening them off in a week or so.

My garden amendments should be here soon. David called me on yesterday and said they would ship today. I really want to throw them down water and do the first fertigation before I put the fems and the mothers milk clone in the ground. It’s been lying fallow all winter inside the net.

I’m super happy with the seedlings this year. I went back to my usual routine. Last year I couldn’t find my usual starter soil so I underwatered them at one point. A heat wave killed quite a few and some sort of fusarium took a few. It was a rough start. Aside from the gg4ril mutant which may actually just be a runt (I haven’t killed it yet) I’ve got some hearty and big suckers going out there.


OMG you guys! I forgot to tell you that may 15th marked my one year anniversary of quitting smoking :smoking:. I can’t believe it. I miss it and think about it everyday still. This morning however, I was leaving Starbucks and 2 guys sparked up right in front of the door. The smell didn’t bother me or give me the slightest physical urge to smoke anymore. I’m actually happy on the rare occasion that I encounter a cig smoker so I can reminisce, but it’s really easy to just walk by.



Must’ve been French tourists :roll_eyes::smoking::coffee:



They actually were foreigners, but I don’t think they were French. Lol


Awesome! Love hearing stories like this, been in the same ballpark for me (maybe 13-14 yrs) smoking is such a filthy habit , I always smelled like smokes, my fingers were yellowish where I smoked, my wife used to say I tasted like an ashtray sometimes. I’m definitely not the guy to bug others as it took me like 8 million times to quit and it was hard AF! But I hated it myself after years and years but just couldn’t quit, some truly love it though, idk it’s definitely become much less prevalent in society nowadays


I just emailed them, and I guess they never received my sample. First time I’ve had any issue with Farmer Freeman. Guess it got lost in the mail. I think that is the first thing I’ve mailed with a stamp that hasn’t made it to it’s destination. You’ll just have to wait it out for sex. Sorry about that!


I’m actually about to order some plant sex tests for the first time. Sounds like this kind of issue is very uncommon?
Would you recommend farmer freeman overall?

Hopefully you get a full or partial refund, most of the expense is their lab process, not the sample kits.


They really reccomend that you use tracked mail to send in your samples, and I didn’t do that, so it’s kind of my fault. I would definitley reccomend using them, but just to be safe use tracking, that way if anything is lost, they’ll go ahead and allow you to send in additional samples for free. I had only sent in the one cutting this past round, so not too concerned about refunds. When I reached out they were very prompt in their email response, and I’ve been 100% accurate on about 40 plants tested by them.