Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

farmer freeman is definitely one of the most recommended, reputable people doing this. Buddy uses him all the time and has for the last couple years without any issues or hiccups.


Great information, that’s very helpful. This is my first time trying sex testing and I’m looking forward to learning how to use this new technique.

I don’t have time or space indoor to sex my seedlings that are being planted outdoor this year. Testing should save me a lot of work. Thanks @Greasy and @HolyAngel


Oh I hated the smell that was on everything I touched when I was smoking. I smelled like an ashtray. Now, when I get whiffs of second hand smoke, I love it. Although, I get whiffs of weed smell on clothes or taste it when I kiss my Man after the immediate dank smell wears off, it’s nasty and reminds me of a dirty cig ashtray which turns me off completely. If I smelled the after effects of a cig smoker and not just the sweet whiff of tobacco wafting through the air, I would surely be disgusted.


Np problemo, Homie. Not a biggie. I was just curious. There’s like 15 plants I have to sex anyway. What’s the difference with one more, really?


Nice lineup I’m especially intrigued by the mother’s milk clone the cherry pie f and the peanut butter breath f Also the blue dream I’m looking for Medicinal plants.

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@zephyr I ordered the tests with a prelabeled return envelope I could just throw in the mailbox.

It took a week from envelope to results, 2-3 weeks ago which I assume is the busiest time of year.

I had a bunch of tests from last year using Delta Leaf Labs, only to find they had closed shop this year. So tried Farmer Freeman and was quite happy with them :+1:

@Meesh congratulations on the year cig-free!


@Sadboy I grew out a Mothers Milk cross last year called Love Fire. That’s my only experience with it so far. The cherry pie and PBBreath were on some list of top strains everyone should try, so I said what the hell. I’ve never tried either of them. So we will find out together. Blue Dream I have grown many many plants of and I can say that the clone only original is night and day from the seed versions. Hysterically, I grow them from seed even though I am in Cali, the blue dream capital of the world. I really need to work on this. It’s usually out of pure laziness in trying to track the clones down. lol I can tell you right now that the BD I grow this year will lean completely to the Blueberry Indica side which actually suck in terms of bud density and the propensity for budrot in my humidity. I always have to pull it early. Having said that, the high carries through and is the best strain for anxiety or social disorders that I have ever found. It is the ONLY strain that I grow for purely medicinal reasons. The rest are for pleasure.

@FieldEffect How much does Farmer freeman charge per test?


I think it’s on the order of $10-15 per test, which seems right in line with other places. It seems to be the main one recommended for the last two years I’ve paid attention to sex testing


I have like 15 plants to sex. I’m way to cheap for all that. That could be a payment on my dental bill. With you guys that have lights, can’t you flip them until you see a pistil then reveg? How long does that process take?

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I think I’m gonna start hardening off the clones in the garage tomorrow and give the seedlings some fish fert. The clones are in compost, they don’t seem to need any. Some Mammoth P for all too. Screw it. It may not make a difference on the clones but it certainly won’t hurt them. May as well try.


You can, at least I’ve read about it. Supposedly they show pretty quick, maybe a week or so. I have very little space indoors so I’ve avoided it - I want to get rid of the males as soon as possible so I can have room for girls.


Right, a week. Isn’t that faster and cheaper than waiting for a test?


Small Clones getting their first dose of outside. They are in full shade for their first day, but boy do we have an ocean breeze today! More like wind. That will strengthen them up. They will have about 3 hours today. Tmw they can have some filtered sun. Get them ready for the harsh real world lol


Ha! I forgot the clones were outside. Went out there and it was like this perfect late afternoon, the wind had long died down and for real, those babies looked like they were smiling. Just perky as hell. 5 hours in the shade. Tomorrow a bit more sun, but with my timer set. :sweat_smile:


I think there’s some other potential downsides I didn’t want to risk. I feel like I can barely keep a plant alive, I don’t want to have to face reveg problems if they pop up, I don’t have the space to keep them healthy for 6 weeks of veg inside or clone and sex cuts. I’m sure as experience and confidence grows I’ll get there, but for now being assured the gender while they are tiny is worth it to me.

To each their own. Nobody absolutely needs to spend money doing sex testing, but it seems worth it to me :man_shrugging:

Glad to hear yours are loving the outdoors! They sure do seem to prefer it :smiley:


Yeah, you do you! We are all in some state of learning. As time goes by, you get more confident and less fearful, you also build up a decent stash of bud so you can take more risks. Space however just is what it is. For me, I have nowhere to flower plants indoors. Just no space, I barely have enough room to keep those Clones under light in my seed starting table lol. Good thing it’s time for them to go outside cuz that rainbow belts clone is gonna grow into the light soon.


So ugly outside today. It’s gray and chilly. Ugh.

All the seedlings are ready for transplants. My man is digging through the garage for all my 2 gallon pots. I need to clean them. The amendments come this week and dad will help me throw it all down next weekend. I’m certain that the fems can hold out for another week before the ground as well as the mother’s milk clone that is bursting at the seams. It doesn’t really matter but I think I’d just rather put the amendments down first before putting in the plants. Most are just so small, so it’s less chance of damage while we are fooling around in there.

For those of you who haven’t seen my setup here’s my bug net and trellises


Just thinking aloud… I’ve already performed some chiropractics on the Mothers Milk clone and she didn’t start budding so she should be fine to prune. She’s got lower branches that need to go and she’s perfect size to start supercropping now. I love @Greasy compost! It’s wonderful stuff, I still don’t feel that any of the clones need nutes at this point and it has the most kick ass moisture retention while still fast draining. I am envious, I always forget to turn my compost and just end up restarting it over and over and over. lol


More thinking out loud… Growing outdoor plants is all about the trellising. Without good trellising flower time is a nightmare. I remember that first year I grew in the ground. I had 3 fall over, 1 was a 10 foot sativa plant, strawberry diesel, that collapsed and broke right down the main stem. It finished budding with vice grips holding it together for like the last 6 weeks. lol That sucker took down the plant next to it cuz I was a rookie and had them netted together for trellising. Another one uprooted and fell forward. My trellises are gonna need to be restrung next year. The sun is brutal and always wins.


:laughing: only bigguns


(too rainy to go for a close up)

Short answer: YES

Crazy :evergreen_tree: answer: I’ve tried this a few times. I can’t say it sped up the process a lot, but definitely seems to help. So I’m still undecided what’s best.

The Skunkman said: 2 days of long nights, or 3 for stubborn/sativa/long-flowering… will reveal the sex in about 10-15 days.

I haven’t found that to be sufficient, maybe just my impatience, so this time I did 3 or 4 long nights, back to short nights for another 5, then 2 more long nights. A week later the first ones showed, but I still have about 8 of 43 that are unknown. (one long-flowering hybrid & 2 not-so-long: Harlequin-Bangi Haze-Jaguar, Northernberry, & one Sundae Driver-Grape StomperOG).

My fear is that HarlequinBangiJaguar will take another month :man_facepalming: Just doesn’t care. I may give it a 4 hour day & 20 hour night just to be anti-LITFA.
