Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Happy spring. Neat set-up. What is the mesh that your using?


Happy Spring to you! It is agricultural insect netting. 40’x40’ It came in 10 foot squares. Dad and I literally had to sew it together with a handheld sewing machine. We couldn’t get a response back to our emails, but supposedly you can order it custom size. This netting is commonly used in orchards


Thanks, I was wondering how you got such a large net. The tight weave is useful.


Keeps the moths out. Caterpillars were my biggest problem. Unfortunately it doesn’t keep out pm spores. Now that would be an invention!


Still need to sort through all of my plastic pots, sanitize them and do transplants. The amendments are here and need to be measured and distributed. Dad will be here Sunday to help with the amendments, but I’m still overwhelmed because of my knee and should have started all of this sooner. On top of the pain, comes the depression of not being able to do it. The MRI I had scheduled today was cancelled because they didn’t have enough detailed info from my doctor as to which specific type they need. I have no idea what they are talking about and my MD is supposed to call me tmw and help figure this out. I’m keeping everything alive right now though, it counts for something I guess.

@cannabissequoia I don’t grow Ginormous trees. I’m def not a Mendo boy. Plus, I go for the Budzai. I like big buds and I cannot lie…


My dude washed and sanitized all of the pots I need for transplants while I was at a client’s office today. I knew there was a reason I agreed to marry him. :grin: October 14th is the wedding btw and we leave for Italy on the 19th for our honeymoon. Anyway, I’m so grateful for his help with those pots. Super cool of him especially since he does absolutely everything around here since I screwed up my knee. I’m gonna start the transplants tomorrow. Sunday, Dad and I will throw down the amendments after that I can put the known females in the ground. I believe it’s like 5 plants for now.


Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials!!
:+1: :+1:

That’s great news!
I hope you have a bumper harvest before you go too!



Dig your trellises and bug net. I’m a fan of heavy duty 4 foot tapered cages and long and short zip ties. :sunglasses:


Thank you @Gpaw


Congrats on the wedding! Italy should be fun! How long you going and have you been before?


I have been to Europe a few times, but Italy never. It’s the number one spot to cross off my bucket list. My fiance has never been to Europe at all. We have a 10 day tour of Rome, Florence and Venice booked.

My mother gifted us the honeymoon and despite my major knee problem I had to make a choice. While it’s extremely hard to hobble around, it may be a once in a lifetime opportunity. If I have to sit my ass down on the ground inside the Coliseum while everyone walks and tours around, my ass will still be in Italy and I will see as much as my knee allows.


Get one of these folding knee scooters and ride mopeds. Italy here comes @Meesh


That is an excellent idea! Thanks!


I’m getting ready to go start mixing soil and starting transplants. Obviously everything is too small for any to go into 20 gallon pots yet. So most unsexed plants and I believe the Blue Dream fem is going to be a container grow. I swapped it’s ground spot with the mother’s milk clone that @Greasy brought me. I am super worried about most of the other Clones he brought me aside from the Rainbow Belts. We’ve got some major indica leaders that won’t make the humidity come late summer and fall. I can tell from the structure. I may just grow them in really small pots. Like 5 or 10 gallon maybe. They are just better suited to indoor flowering in my climate.


I’m transplanting seedlings into 2 gallons. I was trying to say that above, but I smoked a gg4ril joint and am high af. :sweat_smile: oh and Squirrel! Looky what I found…


Well I can only do as many as my knee allows I suppose. So far I’ve mixed like 16 gallons of soil which is nothing and transplanted the 3 RKS and the 3 Orange Goji. I’m taking a break in the shade then I’m going to at least get the gorilla sherbert and blue Dream fems done. A lot more to go…

Aside from the Clones, as usual my vegging plants look fairly neglected. They are gonna be so stoked in their new soil. I’m kinda mean to my veggers. Is it because I’ve been growing for a bit and I know how hard core plants are and how much they strive under stress? Or is it because I strive when I’m stressed out and that’s when the plants get attention? :thinking:

Nah, seriously it’s because I have the formula. They just need to get to their final destination. The ground plant formula is posted from the soil lab above. I throw down the amendments and follow the watering "fertigations "

The formula for no muss, no fuss outdoor container grows is the following equal parts Happy Frog and Ocean Forest organic soil with Down to Earth all purpose 4-6-2 dry nutrients mixed in. Top dressing of Sea Bird Guano halfway through flower. Last season it probably didn’t even need top dressing.

This is what I used for the gg4ril last year and it was frosty af and so easy. Water only. I think I gave it calmag like twice and just in the beginning of bud and veg . Of course if I had boatloads of compost I’d just use that, but ya know.


I’m about to get some happy frog and ocean forest myself for my cabinet grow. Just been having no luck with the hydro this year. I’ll have to look into the extra nutes. Do you mix em up or do you layer them? I was thinking about layering for my use. I’ll only be running some autos for less than 90 days, so I’m thinking it will be fine. Also, do you know the pH of your water?

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I never mess with ph in soil. I thoroughly mixed the nutes in. The only layering is a top dress later of seabird guano. I like to keep things simple. My tap water tested really acidic like 5.8 which cracks me up cuz the water company claims it’s base. The soil has always buffered it. Sometimes I’ll get a slight browning on leaf from chlorine but the plants usually adapt


Good to know. My pH comes out of the tap at 8. It’s been a struggle in hydro without being able to get a decent pH pen. Hoping switching to soil allows me to buffer that a bit more.

Hope the knee doesn’t stop you from doing what you want!


Probably why I haven’t had to ph my hydro system either. I’m not growing cannabis in it, but I just use nutes and my acidic tap water and have had all good results with no deficiencies so far. Grew some lettuce, huge broccoli and cauliflower along with peas in the fall and winter. I’ve got a pepper, tomato, chives, green onions and a whole layer of strawberry plants going this round.