Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

Look how tiny they look in those big pots. They had really nice root systems. It’s starting to warm up and we have oodles of sun hours, they’ll grow quickly. Should show me sex in a month or so.

I got the bill for my amendments. Dude’s getting speedier these days. When I started with my first soil test, it was like $600 for the amendments and every year it gets cheaper and cheaper. Along with the pounds. It’s less and less. I started with over 100 pounds and now I’m in around 75 pounds and like $170. I need a lot less of the pricey liquids now. I’ll take it all as a good sign. Mind you I amend my whole yard, not just the cannabis area.


I’m pretty curious what you actually got in terms of amendments. It’s exactly as prescribed? So you do the “Mix & Broadcast” followed by the “Alternate Fertigation” route?

Everything is looking great! Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials and honeymoon trip!


The liquids have to be mixed, as I go, for the drenches. The solids are mixed per the lab specs already. That’s the beauty. Instead of paying for like a pound of each micronutrient that you use very sparingly. You only get what you need. This way I don’t have boxes and boxes of crap in the garage for 20 years wasting space and money. So what I am putting out today is 70+ pounds of mixed broadcast to the exact specs shown on my soil test posted above. I just have to do the math to measure it out. Honestly I usually measure out the 400 square ft inside the net and what’s left is kinda eyeballed and thrown in the rest of the planters that line my entire back yard and my front planters. The backyard comes out to like 880 Sq ft give or take then the front planters make up the entire broadcast amount which is for 1000 Sq ft.


I appreciate the Casanova butt in the pic :laughing: he’s sayin c’mon sunny butt rub :dog2:


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I didn’t notice him until I posted the pic and it’s usually the opposite. Casanova loves cat :cat2: butt… a savory delicacy

You were talking Sonny the cat weren’t you?


Gojis still alive ???


Yup. Just transplanted them yesterday


All 3 ?? Hope so

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Yeah, I haven’t killed any cannabis plants yet this year. Killed a pricey African Mask house plant though. That sucked. Bought a new one and now I’m trying to kill it. They are finicky.


Are those trichomes?

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Alright so I’m sitting here doing the math for 73 lbs of broadcast into 1000 Sq ft. I have this big measuring cup I like to use that holds 4 cups. So, I first converted the 73 lbs to ounces. 1168 ounces then divided by 1000 Sq ft. So 1.168 oz per Sq ft then I times that by the square footage inside the net 400.

I need 467.2 ounces for inside the net or 58.4 cups aka 14.6 scoops from my big measuring cup for the cannabis patch. The rest can just get eyeballed into the backyard planters. We always distribute into the netted area first as it gives us a good idea of how much broadcast covers an area and makes it easier to eyeball the rest. So far it’s always made it the rest of the way.



Also, the Clones that were in the garage are staying outside permanently as of today. They have been hardening off for a week. Here’s hoping that they don’t prematurely bud.


I honestly have no idea. It’s just a seedling so it would seem odd to be trichs, it is a weird little phenomenon. I haven’t culled it yet. It looks like a runt now and not really a mutant. I’ll try and remember to get another close-up today

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Did a light pruning on the mother’s milk clone and snapped branches on new growth (supercropping)


Not technically speaking but Sonny-Butt probably also likes to be a sunny-butt :joy_cat:

:evergreen_tree: :microscope:

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Play by play…:joy: just measured out amendments. Dad’s broadcasting inside the net now. I will follow watering in once he starts on the rest of the yard. It’s gonna take a couple hours of watering. Seriously. All by hand.


Looking good over here Meesh! That Mother’s Milk 31 likes to stretch, so be ready for that. Probably 3x or 4x, maybe a little less outside. Smart to supercrop her now, but make sure you pull out the suckers later, she wants to throw a bunch of tiny lowers. She’s shaping up into some creamy milky gassy goodness though, I’m bringing her down in a few weeks. She’s on the right in the tent…

Can’t wait to see what you do with her outside :slight_smile:


Beautiful flower and kickass canopy control. Props.


Looking good! It will have 10 feet until it hits the net. I don’t keep lowers at all. I also remove all Secondary branching except the last 3 nodes. That produces giant trees with nothing but colas. I don’t deal with larf whatsoever.

Edit: Love the spiral buds! Always fun to watch. Hopefully mine makes it that far


Broadcast went down super easy with the right math. Everything divied out perfectly. Came out exact on the planters we eyeballed. I got everything watered in the back. I’ll water the front in tomorrow after the dentist sucks away more of my life savings. I broke off a chunk of my back molar last week. My ghetto dental insurance doesn’t cover crowns and I am still paying on a recent partial I got. It took them over a month to approve my cleanings. There is a special place in hell for Dentists. Oh and Veterinarians.

I wasn’t able to do any more transplants today. I have like 13 more to get done.