Happy's Infinite Hash Rosin Adventures : From Seed to Hash Rosin

I usually plant them when the cots are out of the seed pod. That way I know if they are really going to grow or could be a stunted mutant that struggles.

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Thanks for the input my friend, appreciate you and all the help you give!

Looks like all beans have cracked and have a nice tail except Flo. Flo isn’t looking to good with two half popped seeds and the one unpopped.

Might end the Flo soon if it doesn’t lose that tongue.


Debating on pulling Flo from the mix early and throwing another strain in. Thinking about some White Cherry Truffle.

Had my other half get in the closet with lights off for a little. The bottom left edge of door had some leakage. I had to move the blanket in a certain spot to cover the light leak.

While I was out today, figured some heavy duty velcro should do the trick. I’m going to also think of something to make to hold the blanket up during the day when the door will stay open.

If you thought that was the end of issues, I think not lol.

When lights are off and due to the area I live in, the closet gets down to 68F, going to buy a safe heater with a thermostat on it.
Then I hope that’s the end of the pre grow issues.

Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday.


Well my friends, we are officially planted up! Nice coco that’s moist and buffered. All the beans looked good except Flo, 1 didn’t pop and the other 2 look weird but ill see what happens.

I like to re use the bags that I germinated in. Slice one side and spread it over for that extrea humid environment.

I see some different temp/humidity numbers between memebers. Where do you like your numbers at for freshly planted beans?


If you do that, I’m gonna have to quit “watching” this thread haha. That’s the only thing you sprouted that I’m interested in.


Oh wow, :laughing: thought you already have.


I just go with 45% RH and 22C when the seedlings are up! I do that through the entire grow.


No, I’m still here haha. You just haven’t said anything that I felt warranted a response from me. You know how to grow weed, I’ve seen you do it, not sure why you’re asking so many questions haha!


Lighting one up for the delivery of a new heater and feeding pitcher.

Anyone else get excited over a watering pitcher lol.
I let the family pick out two new seeds to pop, since Flo had one seed not pop.

They picked some Unicorn Poop F3s, I think this will and could be a good dumper.


My seedling are always fully germinated and a couple centimeters tall by the time I put them into the ground or hydroponics.


That’s right you did say that before about your germinating process. I think after a few more coco grows, I’d like to try hydroponics fully.
Hope your Sundays a good one Joe!


Already returned the space heater. It wouldn’t stay on while setting it to 80f.

I stumbled upon another thread in which chicken coop warmer was mentioned.
I may try this -
Cozy Products Cozy Coop, Chicken Coop Heater, Flat-Panel Radiant Heater with Thermal Protector, Energy-Efficient, Easy to Install, Ideal for Small Animals, 200 Watts, Black https://a.co/d/5EptfCb


I saw to many reviews with burnt down houses so I went with this space heater.

PUR Honeywell HHF370B 360 Degree Surround Fan Forced Heater with Surround Heat Output Charcoal Grey Energy Efficient Portable Heater with Adjustable Thermostat & 2 Heat Settings , Black, Medium https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017SFYPDM?starsLeft=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_dp_0RFSYNGM07ECV0CKHPWK


Chemdog is taking the lead, Chem A in the lead with Chem B opening up not far behind.

Goji OG isn’t far behind ChemDog.

Going to transfer the Unicorn Poop to towels in a hour or two.

I’m excited after finding out the linage of the poop.

One of the U Poops have sunk!


Happy checking in on some progress. We have Chemdog (A) really sprouting up. Chemdog (b) and © are looking smaller. All three Goji OGs are sprouting high with Flo just doing her touchy thing.

2 Unicornpoop beans didn’t crack, so I threw the last 4 in a cup last night at this time. Added a Honeywell ceramic heater to the closet, to combat the cold nights. RH is around 50%, ceramic heater is short term. I’d like to find something safer but Honeywell is the safest I could find now.


I didn’t like were my RH was at so I found a old clear bag. Puts there RH right at 80%, the sprouts looked a bit dry.

If it’s not one thing, it sure is another here in Happys Closet.

Got my first batch of Jacks whipped up and ready for a nice ph balance. Got tired of waiting on the meter jumping, so I took some garden wire and problem fixed. :wink:

I mixed a gallon of Jacks 321 up and have a lot over. @Papalag, do you just keep the extra in a area? I put it in the fridge :crossed_fingers:


Hi brother I don’t keep it around ( afraid it may go bad ) but in the frig is a great idea
My Mrs won’t stand for it lol she wins


I had one away from the food :rofl:, mine wouldn’t stand for that as well. Next time I water, I plan to check the ph. Thanks again, have a good day!


I keep unused Jacks 321 in cool dark place (lung room) and use it as needed. It should be pH stable and good for at least a week.


This is great news, thank you for this input. Hope everyone is having a grand old day.


Big Birtha has made her appearance, and the little light has been removed. Got her 2-1/2" from the top of the cuties only on the 1st brightness level.

Going to put some blocks under the tray to avoid being on the ground. The Goji OG are all sprouting tall with Chemdog A at the same height.