Happy's Infinite Hash Rosin Adventures : From Seed to Hash Rosin

Happy Friday


Unicorn Poop are sprouting those tails nicely.

Its crazy since the last 4 Unicorn Poop seeds were white and didn’t look good.

I was having a issue finding a nice warm place for the germination process. Issues fixed by just putting 4 points of support and the bag right ontop of a vent. I should have done this with all of them.

Whos ever out there and sees this, have a great Saturday. Does anyone have any input on the forum RollitUp?



Hey man. I was told that you can germinate seeds by soaking them in hot water. Just as hot as you can get it from the faucet. @Budderton and @THCeed swear by it. Im going to try it on some wild cannabis seeds. Wild types are supposed to be very hard to germinate. :crossed_fingers:


This sounds like it could be a good idea! These Unicorn Poop seeds were white at first, now they turned brownish. Glad I gave them a try, almost passed them up due to being premature looking. Thanks for the tip bud!


The only time I check that site out is when I’m researching a specific strain, never really “hung out” there, but I haven’t heard very many people say good things about it.


Thank you, I had a specific question and found a journal that had a good answer.


Shouldn’t be an issue.


Got Goji OGs rocking and rolling with Chemdog A keeping up, Chemdog B and C are shorties. Flo A has picked up more than I thought, with Flo B on the same level as Chem C.

I had a big booboo and I forgot to put the Unicorn Poop back in the bag while germinating.

Lost one while noticing the paper towl was bone crispy dry. It looks like 2 may have been saved, one with brown tap definitely won’t make it.


Done messing around with constantly filling up the himidifiers. Returning two and keeping the beast.

We got some roots coming out the bottom! Guess I need to start thinking about transplanting.


Mission accomplished! Got Flo A, Chemdog A and Goji OG A, B and C potted up.

Keeping Flo B, Chem B and C out until I see more root structure. They don’t seem to be winners. All of the Unicorn Poop seemed to survive! Got to find what Phenos are keepers now.


Happy Valentines Day to all OGers! The wife suprised me with a dab set I looked at a few months ago.


We got Unicorn Poop A and B not doing bad, C looks like it’s the one with more browning of tap root isn’t doing the best.

Other news, got another suprise from the other half yesterday. She knows me to well.

DabFather :rofl:


Praying this new greenhouse heater does better with humidity then the other.

Also got some nice black out window material, need to black out a window next to the closet.


Happy Saturday!
I swapped back to my Honeywell heater. The Vivosun dropped my closet down to 55% from 79% I’m a matter of 2 minutes.

Chemdog B already has some funk smell to it which is a surprise. Chemdog C is looking rough on the edges. Fed all the smaller plants last night.

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Happy Sunday to all! Got the rest of the group transplanted and fed today. Now time to feed the 3 weekers.

Just picked up a couple temp/humidity sensors from Govee, forgot how much I liked these things.

Govee Bluetooth Hygrometer Thermometer, Large LCD, Max/Min Records, 2-Year Data Storage - Black, 2 Pack https://a.co/d/fidvxfk


After switching to 18/6 , these things grow over night.:laughing: Weed doing its weed thing and growing good. Both Flos are finicky as can be, I found the Blueberry was just the same.


Out of 11 babies, only two are giving me some early trouble.

Flo B

Chemdog C


Flo B looks like a mutie to me. Chemdog just has some old damage, because the new growth looks great!


Flos been hard on me but I wonder if anything will come with Flo B. Saving it in hopes to keep my buddy @minitiger around :wink:.

Going to start topping the Biggers ones, I should have started LST already but will do that too. Anyone know if it’s to much stress to top then go right into LST?


Aw, dude, I’ll still be checking out the log haha. I just always liked Flo and would be a lil’ disappointed if you trashed it. That Flo B plant is definitely growing really weirdly, though; when I first looked at the pics, I thought you were doing that “mainlining” grow technique. Like, never even mind the leaf mutations and shit. Why are the fans growing at a 90-degree angle like that? Pretty weird.

We were just talking about DJ’s work on another thread and the general consensus is that the mutants are what you wanna look for, as counterintuitive as that may seem, so… Maybe good things are in store! Haha…

I don’t too much training other than topping, but I think I’d probably wait a little bit.