Has anyone found 'Blueberry' from seed?

I dropped the rest this morning.They all came out . I m stoked to hunt thru these bad boys.


Thats beautiful. Damn it sounds like a great strain… Some great looking buds man

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Love seeing seeds poppin!!!
good stuff guys

My Coastal Blueberry plants came out 11 females from the 20 seeds. I culled all but one male
They don’t look like much as they just went outside yesterday and are still in #1 pots.
Next few days they will get transplanted into 15 gallon totes of my soil mix and nature will run it’s course. There are several with sticky stems and very blueberry aromas.


Dang, Yours got some vigor to em… Guess I’ll have to add scuffing to my skill set… Giggly Excitement and Fingers crossed here too for some of that old cool magic… Though, I think you’ll have a much better shot at it… Jealous eye roll…


Smoke report or even briefly what to expect from the effects would be awesome, thanks.


Yeah I ve test the scuff thing and it works better for me . Not only better but way faster . Either way if I find something great I ll be breeding it so I ll def look out after I take care of @Chara … Having these and the old Dj Short BB beans has me very excited… I really wish I could ve snagged more 90s Dj Short BB seeds .


They look great man, shit Those are gonna be shrubs . I checked on the 2 Coastal BB I started and there starting to get bigger. Will take pictures next time I go out there…


I am doing a week by week grow and show in my Strawberry Hill sponsor thread from seed to harvest. Some very good reviews from growers like @CanuckistanPete , who also shared some of his flower around with some other well known overgrowers. @Heliosphear also found some real amazing blueberry and used it in one of his breedings with sour grape I think?
I already know what to expect from these seeds and can tell people all day long but being they are my creation, the reviews and smoke reports are better when they come from random growers. Gives the line and the claims I make more credibility when the reviews are unbiased I suppose. That said, there will be smoke reports when this harvest is down and I may share some bud around for some other Canadian’s to sample and review once the harvest is cured up.
That is getting ahead of myself though… mother nature still has to run her course and I just have to hope she is kind to my plants. I am at 52N, 3000ft elevation in western canada so doing a full season run … and not my usual light dep… is a major gamble on my part. We will see just how hardy these plants can be that is for darn sure :wink:


Great thank you i’ll read it.


We are all watching! :clap::tophat::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

stoned sun IMG_4734 tenor-7


17 hours later, slow but steady…


It’s good to see you!!! Your blueberry crossed with BOG sour grape made the Terpnado… grown here.

The coastal blueberry has been grown by me several times, each female plant always smells berry, one really strong blueberry was used to make the Terpnado.

All the seeds sent to me by @SHSC-1 and the ones I bought were 100% germinated, no duds. The plants were all healthy and 60% Female.



I have 2 of the CBB going, really hoping for a female!


A day later, ones up, had helmet head, put em in shallow…


lmao, I have a awful habit of messing with slow growing seedlings . I usually end up scratching the skin off so they open up… I hate waiting.


I hear ya on that, I feel it’s important to get em photosynthesizing as fast as possible… Between the 2 of us, we should have a pretty good showing of this cultivator…


This makes me so happy. Those blueberrys just want to grow. Can’t wait to see what you guys can do with them!


I moved some clones of that old 80’s/90’s pnw blueberry outdoors in a few stages. Anything before late April got stunted or went into early flower (still some 30s/40s). This clone and the blueberry muffin are remarkably cold resistant. They bested several other elite clones and everything other than my selection of Bodhi’s dream axis, which made everything else seem unremarkable.

Middle pic is the STS sprayed lower branches to make S1 and some fem hybrids :crossed_fingers: Sprayed three times since 6/12, light dep after each spray. The last attempt died suddenly, indoors and spraying the whole plant, so we’ll see how this method goes…

The neglected ones on the cart are bouncing back from an attack and my neglect. But, they’ll make some fine S1

MOB (upper stalks) and some double grape x blueberry hybrid testing


Absolutley .Those seedlings look great . So of the 16 I started 3 just didnt make the cut so Im at 14 to start. I ll probly start some more soon .


Helmet Head stood staight, then this afternoon…

The other seed is still trying ever so slowly… Might only end up with 5 here, Thinking to top them all, and throw cuts in 11/13 to clone/sex them…