Has anyone found 'Blueberry' from seed?

I couldn’t resist the deal on 4-packs of Mayberry S1 from @Josh_Blue at Blue Star Seed Co.

We’ve got 2 very different phenos here.

The left is a light feeder, has very long petioles, making for a wide sagging plant structure. Her fans are enormous, and her terps are far stronger. She smells like the worst bad breath you can imagine, mixed with a rank armpit ripeness. She makes the tent smell like dirty laundry. Her roots are very sensitive to damage from too much aeration in the reservoir.

The right is a very typical hybrid structure. Her terps are more muted, but it’s not to say she doesn’t stink. She’s more reminiscent of a hashy bag of kind bud. She seems overall a little hardier, but she is very sensitive to over lighting. Her roots are also a little on the sensitive side, but less so by comparison. I think this one may end up with more pronounced blueberry terps of the two, but at the moment I don’t get much fruitiness from her.

Snips, then flowering. Should be a fun one :blush:


I also got some Mayberry seeds, they are hitting soil soon! Thanks for the update, it gives me hope for awesome plants from them :grin:


That is super cool! How many plants did you grow and what did the other ones smell like??

I don’t get this move from Katsu. From what I understand he just made seeds from Joey Weeds Blueberry F2 and is now selling it as Blueberry F3 for more than double the price of the Joey Weeds seeds, which are still available. Weird program he’s got going there. He did the same with Joey’s AK47 and Northern Lights as well. And people have bought them??

The only reason I can think one would go with the Katsu version is he says they are from the older Joey releases. And some people have said the newer Joey releases are a bit different. No way to know for sure really. But the fact Katsu just happens to have the oldest and rarest… Yeah, likely story


My own experience with Blueberry from seeds is

Joey Weeds Blueberry, has thick seed shells, hard to germ so only got two females out of a pack. One was very metallic, incense, interesting aroma and flavour. The other was very berry, but not quite Blueberry. Both had fantastic “kind” highs.

BC Blueberry from Next Gen, I just ran one plant of this as a tester. Cool blue colour to it but no Blueberry to it at all. Just a faint Afghani type aroma. Small sample size but I also have a friend who ran a whole pack of the fems and didn’t find any Blueberry either unfortunately. I’ll still run the rest of my fems as I like the story behind it and so hope there’s the real oldschool BC Blueberry lurking somewhere in there

Roji OG x DTM Blueberry from @Scallywag . I just grew one female so far. Was a mix of Kush and blueberry while growing but in the jar was the truest blueberry smell I’ve had yet. Rich, sweet, blueberries. From just one plant. Awesome. I look forward to looking through more of these. The Dennis the Menace Blueberry male he uses is from a hunt he did through old DJ stock if I’m not mistaken and he seems to pass on the Blueberry well.

Midnight Snow x Winnie the Blue (fems) again from Scallywag. The Winnie the Blue is from Time Tunnel Blueberry which is an old line that I don’t think is related to DJs. I only ran one fem of this (yes I know my sample sizes are horrible). Lots of berry aroma and flavour with some cool menthol and other notes but not Blueberry in this pheno.

Mental Floss from Chimera. One was licorice, incense, and dark red berry like currants. Real nice. The other was leathery, herbaceous, little bit of blueberry in there as well but in the background.

I have a bunch of other Chimera Blueberry stuff like Sweet Blue, GF x BB and such to go through.

Through my research and also reading through this thread (which is awesome btw) it seems

@VerdantGreen Blue Digi Berry line has a lot of promise

as does

@SHSC-1 Coastal Blueberry

And the AKBeanBrains line

and possibly HSC Blueberry Muffin

Those will be next in my list when I can snag them. Many of the other currently available Blueberry line seem to have conflicting reports or reports of people finding no Blueberry.

I think also perhaps a lot of Blueberry lines are affected by grow style.

As I was talking to an IG friend and they just ran the AK Bean Brains line, the Winnie the Blue clone, Jordan of the islands Blueberry and a few others as well. Stuff that should definitely have Blueberry and he said while he found some blueberry aromas none of the stuff had that real mouth coating sweet Blueberry flavour like classic Blueberry should have.

Perhaps certain conditions are required to really bring out the blueberry. Greenhouse? Organic? Shitty old HPS indoor with old hydro store nute regimen? I’ve noticed pretty big differences in expression in my grows switching from salts to organics, and even just different brand LEDs produce different aromas and flavours, bud structures, etc

Anyway he sent me some Master Kush x JOTI Blueberry beans though which I’m giving a shot since Blueberry Kush is a great combo. Have 3 seedlings just vegging right now

Will report back

I have basically a lifetime of 50% Blueberry hybrids to go through, that I made myself with Joey Weeds BB pollen and then also from Scallywag and Bean Hoarder and others. But finding a reliable pure oldschool Blueberry line, or an old Blueberry clone is surprising difficult it seems, as this thread has shown!


Thanks amigo!

I did some BB preservation recently of the original Time Tunnel BB (a larger OP)

They’re pretty rad!

A really nice look into his incredible old BB work!

I also made a few new lines from the same OP with Winnie The Blue and a few other BB cuts!

Viva la Blueberry!

Appreciate everyone and their BB experiences!

Great thread!


Scallywags Roji OG x Blueberry:

Joey Weeds Blueberry #1 (very berry pheno):

Joey Weeds Blueberry #2 (metallic incense pheno with some berry):


Breeding, selection, variety…I can think of a ton of reasons why you would choose a line someone else took the time to work. There are plenty of breeders who sell s1, f1 and f2 all of the same lineage at once. Sometimes a trait has been gained or lost, sometimes the line has been stabilized or drifted. I see you complain about thick shells. Maybe karma has selected for better germ rates.

The thing a ton of people don’t understand about premium level breeders like karma until they grow it is that you can pop a 10 pack and get 10 winners every time. That’s why we pay over $100 for some packs. That’s why guy like Humboldt have a so so reputation. Sure, there are winners in their packs. But you’ll probably find one. And you might even have to pop 2 packs to find the breeder’s cut. Pheno hunts are fun, but when you want to pack on weight and just grow top shelf, you’re better off with something like dominion, lucky dog, karma, top dawg, etc



Looking awesome amigo!


In general I agree with what you are saying.

I think maybe you think I’m talking about something from Karma Genetics.

I’m talking about Katsu. As far as I’m aware he didn’t ‘work’ anything. He took Joey Weeds F2s of AK47, Blueberry and Northern Lights and made them into F3s and is selling them for twice the price.

Ironically it appears he did exactly what Joey Weeds did originally. Took a couple packs of something, did a seed increase and is selling them. Most likely untested.

Nothing wrong with it really, I just found the pricing bizarre.

You aren’t going to be able to select away from thick seed shells in one F-gen.

Your comment about finding top shelf winners in ‘worked’ lines gave me a laugh.

Cause it could be true for the breeders you are talking about but I’m pretty sure it’s just us nerds and nostalgic people or people interested in the history that are running old school Blueberry, AK47 and Northern Lights lines like I was talking about.

I don’t think much of anything commercially viable or top shelf is going to be found in there. At least not for modern tastes and market, even with ‘work’.

Now the only thing we don’t know is what Joey Weeds got up to on his break and if his post 2017 releases are the same as his older lines which were supposedly F2s of all of these famous varieties. The new Joey’s stuff could be the same or could be F3s made from his own F2s. There really is no way of knowing.

So that’s Katsu’s reasoning why his lines are premium is because he claims they are made from old Joey Weeds stock as opposed to the post 2017 Joey Weeds stock


The original Blueberry from DJ Shorts is almost always available somewhere… we’ve grown it many times in the past 20+ years, as it is one of our favorite grows!
DJ Short has his own site, or there are other places world-wide that have them.


I believe @katsu just didn’t realize they were still available…

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I’m in the same boat as you my guy. Barley smoke anymore. I’m naturally anxious. I know I guy here in michigan that grows something called glueberry that smell and taste so sweet that was super chill. Just with I had his number :laughing: was a blueberry x gorilla glue I think.


I’m not even going to entertain a genetics conversation with someone who doesn’t value Katsu genetics over something pollen chucked. You have absolutely zero chance convincing me that Katsu released a pollen chucked pack and didn’t do proper pheno hunt and selection.

Like I said…proper breeding pairs make proper seeds, and command high prices. I’m not getting into the weeds with you.

You know that Katsu made selections? Because I thought it was just a reproduction. From how ge wrote about it, it seemed pretty clear he was unaware they were still available. Probably should have checked…

Can I get a picture for 100 for 10 regs though :man_shrugging::joy:

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You only get a picture for your $100 pack once one of the Katsu Club members finally grows it out (since they are untested). Such as with the AK47 pics he recently posted on his instagram, grow by one of their exclusive elite platinum club members :sweat_smile:.

Looks great though, honestly.

I think I was pretty fair in my assessment of the situation. And like I said, I don’t really think there’s anything inherently wrong with it. It’s what Joey did too! They’re just really expensive from Katsu.

Anyway, I took a look through my seed stash and I actually have quite a bit of different Blueberry stuff I had forgotten about. Mostly hybrids but some pure.

I’m hoping to fit a big Blueberry hunt in sometime soon.

As of now for pure I have:

Joey Weeds Blueberry (his originals, so most likely BB F2s)
Joey Weeds Blueberry (F3s I made from his F2)

WInnie the Blue x JOTI Blueberry

JOTI Blueberry F2

Time Tunnel 80s Blueberry F2

Next Gen BC Blueberry

And I’m hoping to add:

Blue Digi Berry F2 and Coastal Blueberry to the list

Also on the legal market here in BC, the old Peak Seeds BC guy released some of his Blueberry under the brand Book Club so hoping to find a couple packs of that to add to the hunt as well, even though I’ve heard hit or miss things about the Peak Blueberry. I think it was mentioned he changed the recipe a few times over the years.

I know a breeder here in Canada, Lucky 13, is working on a multi-season outdoor Blueberry hunt. I’m not sure where he’s at with it though. In fact a few people I know on IG have been looking through numbers for Blueberry stuff but not many people are coming up with a winning clone or anything like that. Where are the goods!?


Im pretty sure Coastal Blueberry is made by @SHSC-1 He says Blueberry is prevalent…… or at least I think thats what he said.

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@Smooth , yes my Coastal Blueberry is the real deal and delivers on the true blueberry experience. Not saying it’s better than the other " name your breeder’s" blueberry but growers here and elsewhere have attested to finding delicious true blueberry plants in thier packs. I could name drop all those growers but that wouldn’t be appropriate.
A lot of work went into creating the release that became known as the Coastal Blueberry and it is catching on. I would estimate 5 or 6 years of work went into bringing this line to where it is now between the friend who passed the initial cross off to me and the subsequent generations since. I could have priced those beans quite a bit higher to bring them in line with what other breeders are charging for thier blueberry stuff but I’m not doing this to get rich.
I decided to do a grow and show of this line in my sponsor thread, popped 20 random seeds and have 11 females in 15 gallon totes of organic soil out in my greenhouse. Gonna be sticky sweet blueberry madness up in here.
I don’t carry the name recognition that many other breeders have these days. That is my own fault for not making a name for myself back when the scene began to blow up in the 2000’s. I been at this growing cannabis gig since 89 but I always preferred to be in the shadows and stayed away from Cannabis cups and events… still haven’t been to one LOL
Coastal Blueberry is legit , my reputation rides on these claims :wink:


People looking far and wide for Blueberry and its right here by one of our own. I hope these people looking for Blueberry will try your Coastal Blueberry.


Ok, let’s not start some Katsu hate train. He makes nice selections and has been at it a long time. It’s just a seed subscription…

Also, first outdoor seeds of the season…

Blueberry BX Fast Photo (crossed to my old pnw blueberry clone) and a Blueberry BX auto of sorts. Same father, one outcrussed.

I left them in the rain overnight after plucking them and they had tails in the AM. So…