Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

be careful…that stink will not come off any parts already flowering


@DanzaKuduro the teraganix website is slim on information :slight_smile:

I am hoping to use this as a foliar in conjunction with Dr Zymes eliminator in pre-flower to prevent botrytis/budrot.

Any advice on this welcome. :v:



chamomile tea

I found a comment on icmag that gives a lead to research:

best place to be tested and the best ppl imo would be cali guys who do wine and cannabis; powdery mildew and Botrytis prevention tests on vineyards and cannabis grows

Hope this helps


hah hah I love it!


Gimme a tea!

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I have a vineyard. Your best bet is to apply Magnabon CS2005. Make sure you add a surfactant to the mix like High-Yield Spreader-Sticker. Copper sulfate pentahydrate. You’ll have to go thru a rep or I could send you some parcel post. Just pay for shipping.

FWIW, you have the perfect conditions for the production of PM with indoor grows. Spores will die above certain temps, like 95F.

Good luck,
Uncle Ben

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I just posted this stuff in oleskool830’s current thread & it’s mostly about budrot & grey mold but there’s some overlap in the links. have at it. :nerd_face:

this mold resistant strains seeds thing is BS IMO :roll_eyes:

According that PDF from U of Kennnnntuckah there’s a product called Double Nickel that wacks budrot & this:

Apparently kills it nice & naturally too.


Whoever finds the golden ticket will make some moolah. :sweat_smile: I just want some weed & less hash…

EDIT: here’s a product with that clonostachys rosea:

Vectorite with CR7

I’m on the hunt for it. Looks like they may only sell huge amounts to big Pharms. :thinking:


:evergreen_tree: weednerd!


Outstanding nerdery!

Here’s some more.

"I would make the comparison to trying to grow a cannabis plant in too dry of an environment, as the same as trying to drive a car across a desert with just water and no antifreeze/coolant in the radiator, you may make it, but it’s way more prone to overheat, and while you plant may make it through a dry environment, it’s more than likely to have problems associated with lack of humidity.

Powdery mildew mostly attacks plants in dry environmental conditions, even if the plant is in a greenhouse or outside, depending on the environmental conditions leading up to the infestation of powdery mildew, I would now blame it on mother nature giving you add dryer condition than you expected and your plants suffering. I’ll be the first person to admit that for a long time I really didn’t take minimum humidity requirements into consideration, and I inadvertently dried the wax off of the leafs inadvertently."

Edit: My personal PM prevention plan is as follows: Proper VPD, wettable sulfur sprays in veg and early flower, Silica, and a foliar spray of water, neem, aspirin, glycerin, and tea tree oil throughout veg. Haven’t seen it in years.


What is VPD?

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Thanks for the quick reply. I’m strictly outdoor so not much I can do there.


You could get one of those outdoor humidifiers

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I hear they run pretty cheap, huh?

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It says the mildew species found on cannabis also grows on zinnia. Very interesting details indeed!


Say it ain’t so, Joe! I missed that, can you point me the detaills?

We love zinnias, maybe too much, we have them everywhere, but I’ve never seen pm on ours.

I’ve still 4.95 lbs of sulfur, lol!


On page 46 of the plant pathology pdf SR112.pdf it mentions species Golovinomyces spadiceus as the one they identified on hemp plants. That is the same mildew species that grows on Zinnia elegans it says in the documentation. I would really love to try it and see.


I’m afraid of saying that I have defeated the powdery mildew, but I haven’t seen any in about a month. I followed @JoeCrowe 's directions this time lol, crossing my fingers and upping my IPM game. Thanks, bud. :star_struck:


It’s toast heh heh :slight_smile: Never seen the fungus survive the sulfur protocol. Thanks for your report!


The guy who told me how to exterminate powdery mildew is running a pizza shop in town. I’m considering going down there to show him how to make a pizza that’s not soggy and greasy. I can teach him how to make a pizza that people would die for.