Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

Why! will it be moldy?

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I CAN sprinkle some mold on the pizza to fill your order. But I wouldn’t recommend that as a topping on pepperoni pizza.


Take it you’ve never had deep fried moldy pizza before then :rofl: you could always cheat and sprinkle some blue cheese on top

Potassium bicarbonate was actually tried by the original poster of the thread and it failed to control or eradicate it.


I stand firm with a sulphur burn to rid it from your room , over 3 years it hasn’t returned.


I’ve used a lot of Green Cure which is potassium bicarb. It was a marginal control for pm, just barely better than nothing.

My perpetual is going on 4 months with no pm sightings after the 2x sulfur spray regime.


If you want a good laugh, just contemplate this scenario:
The most vocal opponent on this thread trying to push poison and convince everyone sulfur doesn’t work, has quit the forums.
I almost pissed myself with laughter.


Pm isn’t systemic like many in thus threads start claims

I’m sure that’s been covered but just wanted to reiterate lol


You’re definitely preaching to the choir over here :wink:
We’re all hoping that facts take over from the old wives tale/broscience department. Each person here who has exterminated the mildew will tell at least one other person. That army will go out and destroy hundreds of infestations! The mythical stature of the simple oomycete is just urban legend, because it’s easily exterminated.

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Synchangel posted some cool stuff on PM recently


Wow, thanks for that! I love that technical info.

When I started growing, people were culling whole rooms of plants for seeing PM.
People were spraying harmful chemicals like Avid and Eagle-20 at the first sight of PM

Really, PM is an expression of imbalanced minerals.
When the plant has the correct amount and balance of minerals, the cell walls are too thick to be infiltrated by spores and the plant is able to produce the correct secondary metabolites in exudates that prevent or kill spores.
Another trick is competitive exclusion - already inoculate your plant with beneficial microbes so there’s nowhere for pathogens to land and start reproducing. My 2 favorites are lactobascilus and PNSB (I usually use EM-1)

I’ve grown among vinyards and commercial grows where PM is rampant and yet didn’t ever have a spot of PM. Last time I had any PM was 2015.

TL/DR: Cation balance (lots of gypsum) and probiotics (LABs and PNSB)

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So are you claiming that LABS will eradicate powdery mildew? Because that’s not going to do it. I would actually really like to see someone try that. Have you done it?


Tangentally…:blush: I read that botrytis aka budrot pretty much evades the plant’s natural immune response & actually takes advantage of it…something about an oxygen reaction. sorry I can’t cite my source.


Yes, Ive done it on several commercial farms

LABs will microphage the spores of pathogens, PM included. Works real well.

Probiotics will mitigate budrot, too

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There are many different species of PM that are native to only their host plant. For example, Squash PM wont infect cannabis. Ive tried


:blush: I’m using EM-1 & BT to innoculate promix before planting, DR Zymes in mid veg->week 2ish.

It’s 125%RH here most of the time. :sweat_smile: :shower:

There’s a beekeeping company that sells a fungal pesticide called Vectorite CR7 using a predator fungus:

I haven’t gotten a reply from the sales-dork yet but I really want to trial this.


The OP of the thread tried LABS and it failed. What is your powdery mildew elimination protocol with LABS? How many doses. etc and time until I can expect the mildew to be exterminated?

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Im pretty sure PNSB does exactly what F. Rosea is listed to do, but you’d have to spray the plant with PNSB(EM-1)

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