Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

I make my own LABs

I spray once the plant is showing true leaves, again around preflower, then again around week 3 of flower.
Some may have to spray every week in certain environments. LABs can be sprayed up until harvest

So if I spray my plants every week until harvest, uh then the powdery mildew is eradicated? That doesn’t sound effective.

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Didn’t you say above that PM spores are ubiquitous?

Why the attitude?

no, I never said that, in fact, that’s not true at all.
LABS won’t work, period, so why do you claim it does? That is actually my real question.


Can you show any scientific studies that back up your counter claim?






Screening of Lactic Acid Bacteria for the Bio-Control of Botrytis …

https://www.mdpi.com › pdf









I did like joecrowe and tested outdoors, bunch of recipes…not with microscopes tho. You wanna kill PM spray this.
1/2gal 70%isopropyl
1/2gal water
1/2tsp castile soap
2-3tsp baking soda

And i mean it kills.Now i know if i absolutely have to kill PM the iso spray will do it, i just dont like to cuz it hurts to look at all the damage afterwards. The PM actually grows into the plant tissue, you spray that and wherever the PM infected dies too…so be prepared for damaged leaves but that’s as close to clean slate as ive found and ONLY during veg. You could kill pistils during flower with this and not have to worry about males, that’s how strong it is.

I normally just do a maintenance spray with my knock off Plant Therapy recipe works fine.
I’ve tried milk at various ratios up to a 1:4 and all i will say about milk or LABS is that they may technically work, they do not have the power to keep up with aggressive PM growth when PM has ideal growing conditions…it just can’t keep up and subdue our perps.

Look here’s the thing. If you look back in this thread, or use the search function, you will see LABS failed to eradicate powdery mildew. People here have TRIED it, and it FAILS. Explain that?


Just checking in, still 100% PM free! Thanks JoeCrowe


I read that uric acid works great.

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Thanks for the report! As long as you sterilize any plant coming into your grow, you’ll never see that parasite again. BAM, you are probably case number 101 where sulfur killed it dead. Hundreds of colonies… toasted by the same protocol!


Regalia got rid of it for me a few years ago and about 3 years ago I started using lost coast plant therapy and haven’t seen any since

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@JoeCrowe hey, i sprayed sulfer as you recommended back in February, and I have not seen ANY kind of return… not even an attempt. Rock solid regimen. Thanks again! You need a testimonial thread, i suppose this one sort of is lol


Yo dude! Haven’t seen that name in a long time. Hope you’re doing well.

I will never forget how much equipment you had donated for veterans through me a few years back. Much love! :sunglasses:

And to the topic of the thread, I have wettable? Sulfur in my amazon cart thanks to @JoeCrowe :100: of course, it’s a blood bath in the upper parts of the thread haha


That wasn’t my experience with LAB, at all. It would mitigate for a few days, at best. Maybe
I wasn’t holding my mouth right? :slight_smile:

The sulfur is too easy, so easy I feel like a dope for not using it sooner. Been over 4 months since I’ve seen a trace. In that time I’ve sent out clones (with a disclaimer), and no pm has shown up…at all.


Oh my, yes! And who said finishing off mildew wasn’t a blood sport? I’m glad most of the misinformation has been thrown off. Really puts shackles on the human mind. Sulfur remains the mildew slaying champion, by killing it off in one go. I always recommend a second dose to make sure it’s dead!
I thank all the lovely people who tried it and came back and said the sulfur killed the mildew off for good. It’s a nail in the coffin for the disinformation campaign. The testimonials I love best are the people who said it wouldn’t work then came back and said it worked. That’s the gold, when you don’t need to “believe” in it in order for it to work.
There is a huge list now of things we know doesn’t work. Sometimes people come in here and claim one of those things on the debunked list works. The thread is TLDR I know, but at least they could come in and ask what DOES work, because that’s a short list hah hah! I use 1tbsp 90%+ sulfur mixed in a liter of water, but you can use half that and it’s still effective. Spray the plant all over once, then do it again two weeks later, and your problems are solved.

That’s the irony, right there.


A 1 hour sulphur burn twice over the course of a week it’s been a couple years since I’ve seen it now .


Yo! How’s it going bro! Good to see your still going strong :call_me_hand:


threads long so i havent caught up, but just wanted to say that after fogging my basement once with microban and installing merv13 filters on my intakes i didnt see a single speck of pm on a plant for like a year.

i let some clones get overly humid in the dome a couple weeks ago and saw the first dot of it in all this time. it went away and no sign of it anywhere else yet, but i might fog the room again anyways

tldr microban/intake filters worked for me after months of ongoing issues and trying everything i could


So you don’t think that the sulfur you sprayed on the plants finished it off?


no i sprayed with sulfur for weeks and it kept coming back. i eventually fucked my plants up with the sulfur they got all clawed and craggly

i swear there were ancient mythological forms of bacteria and fungus living in my basement or something. there had been old wood down there soaking and drying for decades before i ripped it out

the microban fog gets every square inch which i think was key. the old wood, nooks and crannies etc probably harbor the plague