Hash Making Revisited

Well the rosin I made earlier out of the shelf hash tastes like oranges and pine trees. Kind of a strange combo hah hah but it’s fruity, that’s for sure. While it doesn’t have the sparkling flavors of the fresh live rosin, it has it’s own charms. I think I’m going to get a flake and put it under the microscope, just a sec.


uhh I think those are all bubbles in the rosin. Nothing “substantial” but all the light-bending abilities of cannabis rosin are on display. What a far-out image, like totally outer space or like plasma.


Space the final frontier. :smiley:


By chance, did you mean 50$ (or as we say is the US - $50) to have it shipped, or was it really 500? I know that’s CAD, which is a little under $400US, but - WOW - if it was that much, I’m shocked. Hell, I only pay $500US to have a Harley shipped across the country!

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yah it cost that much to ship, 500$. Came across the ocean heh heh. The microscope I got cost 200$ to ship, so it wasn’t so ludicrous, but that thing was really heavy as well.


Well, damn! At least you’re getting your money’s worth!


Today I’m putting the 10 grams of hash in the mason jar for my entry into the contest. I’ll be doing the elections Canada shit this month, so that’ll be fun. I feel bored already! lol! I’ll bring my origami books to pass the time. I think this is my second COVID election, good times!


Karma cup ?

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It’s the unicorn cup, the one at the lake! Bubbleman is going to smoke all my hash! Something like that :wink:
I made a cup inside a mason jar out of parchment. I’m letting my hash reach room temp so there’s no condensation, then I’ll put it in there.


There’s my entry. Also I got 21 grams of hash from the last batch! so 21 grams out of 869! and the first was 17.7 out of 618. let’s see… Damn the first batch was a better return heh heh.


Nice looking jar too bad it’s heading to the smoke out. Hope you win first prize at the show.


I’m happy to say the competition will be fierce! I’m gonna rip so many concentrates that I won’t even know my own name :wink: Now I just have to hop skip and jump down to buddy’s place and give him the batch. I’m sure I’ll come home with some interesting stories and perhaps even different concentrates I didn’t make. It’s still a couple weeks off, even though I have to get the entry there by the 3rd.


Man that looks nice! :star_struck:

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Sometimes I really miss BC… reading through the on-line for the Unicorn cup and found this prize…

We invite you to join us in our celebration of Kootenay Cannabis Culture, great music, cool waters of Rosebud Lake and some of the most informed cannabis thought leaders in our space.

Yup, that’s pure BC!
So… Joe… what’s it like to be one of the most informed thought leaders in their space… ? :smirk:

Looks like a great time, hope you have a blast!! :+1:



lol, it feels hilarious! I sure hope he’s got some people who know what the word sublime means.


Alright I did the test to make sure the freeze dried hash was really dried and not some kind of wacky hallucination. I put the thing on the triple beam and left it there for 24 hours. It was still balanced 24 hours later, so that means there is no moisture left to evaporate. I had actually never tested that part lol just relying on the crush test to make sure it was dry. Since it was working for me, I never verified the process, but now I have. Once the hash is all white with no dark patches and it can be crushed by your finger tip, it’s definitely dried out. No moisture left there! In the back of my mind I was always wondering if it would lose a fraction of a point if left out over night.


oh, also I did get a pretty standard yield, I forgot about the 73 and 25 micron crap I was freeze drying. Gotta add that to the yield. I bet it’s another 6 grams or something like that, increasing the yield substantially.


haa haa this is what i want, joe you are a stone cold :mage:
good luck in the comp fella



never trade skill for luck :wink:
This one is an alice in chains dirt, and stone temple pilots creep. Also some “over now”. Lane died way too young. Fuck… then scott… They’re all dead! wheeeeee! I forgot to weigh this batch before the mix, because I ran out of time like a dummy. I would say it is close to a kilo of buds. And not larfers either, but hardcore finger nugs from the top of the plant. I’m not going to include the lesser hashes in the weight anymore. That crap is still just laying around for me to do crazy things to. Like smash it.


wet hash in the freezer! Gonna be a few days until it dries out.