Hash Making Revisited

Getting me all pumped for my next run coming down in about a week.


I hope there’s room for another newbie!
I’ve been reading about hash since I joined up here.
Now I’m going to be trying to make some bubble hash, so I’m tuned in to learn what it’s about. This is a step beyond just using the Bubblebags but looks doable.


I can’t wait! mmmm so much goodness!

Always room for one more! You’ll be a pro freeze dried hash machine in no time. I’m on a mission to try and reach peak hash making… and everyone is invited to come along and do it too! The couple extra added steps really elevate the hash to the next level. Trust me on that one, heh heh.


@MoBilly @JoeCrowe’s original hash thread goes into great detail about making the bubble and then follows Joe through his adventures of tinkering with techniques until arriving at pressing the bubble into rosin. It’s one of my favorite threads on OG. I’m just like you in that I want to start basic and imo that thread is a good place to start✌🏻


Thanks @anon20530495 ! I’m all over that.


Oh that’s gonna be some tasty hash . Don’t be spoiling them judges too bad.


37 is what I’ve been using. 25 leaves a bit too much of what you want still in the bag.

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25 micron screen or something? What are we talking about?

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here’s what 1 day of drying looks like. You can see the edges are getting super white, and that’s the color of freeze dried hash. Whatever it looks like wet, it gets lighter as it dries due to lack of moisture.


yeah for pressing, try the 37 or 40 micron instead of 25 might increase yield

Yah that thread does detail an evolution in hash making. I always find it strange that losing to high tech motherfuckers in the contest was a pivotal moment. I had to either pack my bags and go home, or evolve to a higher level. Life’s crazy!


So THAT’S how that works :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :kissing_heart:


hah hah I know… “Whatever it looks like wet, it gets lighter as it dries due to the ice changing phase to water vapor.” Is what I shoulda typed in lol!


Thanks Joe for all this precious infos!
Some friends visited me and they brought a big ass vaccum freeze dryer to properly dry the bubblehash, and was such a pain to move around, loud and power consuming, never tought that the process could be done in the normal house freezer !!! !!! That machine aint cheap eaither!!!

Thanks! Using the freezer to dry the hash in a week really brought freeze dried hash to the masses. I wanted to get one a couple years back but those things are nuts with all the maintenance and power usage and etc etc. Glad I didn’t do it! I was looking at getting a lyophilizer for prepping human feces and use that on the hash. House hold freezers work just as good except slower. It’s a trade off that really works out. If you want, this process can also freeze dry food. Like freeze dried apple rings. :smiley:


ok I made my entry! Told him it was 90 micron freeze dried and we had a chat about how entering the contest helps you evolve in the concentrates scene. Good times! Tomorrow I party my ass off, but today I go in for government training. So fun I can watch paint dry.


I don’t know who to thank, but thank you to the guy that posted the video about the dry ice and the bubble bags. First try and I’m ecstatic


Very impressive yield :sunglasses: :+1:




You gonna press that?

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I am so stoked for the contest now. So many people are already here it’s insane! Off the hook cannabis party! I’ve been sniffing rosin samples already, can’t wait to get super baked off my ass! Everyone I know is going to be there, but also the Government reps from community futures. If there’s any justice, the trunarc laser will be there to test our concentrates. Other dude said he wasn’t entering concentrates the competition was too fierce… heh heh. Hey, that could have been me. You gotta rise above to meet competition, not crumble. He said his brown lump hash would never make the cut.
I’ll take some photos, this year is going to be radical. He went all out on the whole competition, I would never even have believed the things he’s done to get it all ready and make it real. wow! Too bad the stupid covid thing is still here, fuuuuck it would have been unreal.