Hash Making Revisited

Don’t ingest moldy anything cannabis!


I took an entire BOG Grape Punch and fresh froze it just to try this. Should be interesting.


I see. Didn’t know more than what I read somewhere in a thread here about bubble hash. It seemed quite forward. I wasn’t looking for best of the best single plant, single bagsize quality live extracts to be honest. Just upgrading/concentrating my outdoor grown plants I didn’t feel like trimming. Quite happy with the outcome to be honest! Next year I’ll put in some more effort :grin:


Thats all that matters stinky, onwards and upwards!


lol! I’m a bad influence. Some people change to achieve that perfection, and the pinnacle of performance art known as hash making. Others… like their little rut in the mids Zone.
Tomorrow I’m going to be experimenting with the waxing process, where I take the trichomes and make them into fruit leather. It lost to the freeze dried hash, but only due to the complexity of production. Except I think I know what the problem was.


You doing that in the freezer?

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I’m actually going to try both in the freezer and on the shelf. Eventually I want to do a batch in the fridge as well. Have to try every environmental condition this time. Get a deeper dive on it. Been a while since I did it, but I think I remember how!


The basis for the waxing process is this:
Make as thin a layer of hash as possible. Preferably close to a single trichome which places it at about 120 microns.
How do we achieve this?
Using water, to separate the fresh hash batch into a single layer with a tool, washing it down like beach sand by the ocean.
What do we end up with?
A see through layer of hash that is flexible as fruit leather.


Water hash making weather I’d say! Have like 6 or 8 freezer bags of buds in the weed freezer, a pile of ice and 15 gallons of RO water in my unheated garage ready to go. Start washing tomorrow!


Looks like anywhere outside in a box could be the weed freezer cheap way to make ice but damn cold on the hands good luck my friend


I’ll stay warm inside while the washing machine does the work for me!


I actually do it at room temps. I’ve done it in the cold, but never noticed a difference. One day I’ll try it outside with no ice.


Maximize the terps, bud!


I normally do too but after looking at how @ReikoX does his and how he keeps his washer insulated and the water pre chilled with ice… I figured I’d modify my merhod to be similar to his in hopes of a better yeild. I’m scrapping the 220 bag from inside the washer this time as well since using it seems to coincide with my drop in end yield.


The yield is strain dependent if you are growing clones over and over you can expect the same outcome.
If It’s a new strain you didn’t run before it could be a crap yield in the hash dept.


Next plant can always be the best one yet…


yep, once you start thinking like that… It’s step one to cranking out top notch hash!


I feel that, but at the same time after making hash over the years you get an idea of what’s a good yield and what is an off yield from experience. Like a rough expectation.
I noticed right away I was getting a lower yield using the 220 micron bag in the washing machine than I was getting with no bag in a pail mixing by hand. When I saw Reiko not using the bag and mentioned he found better yield without it…I put 2 and 2 together and will be doing it that way next myself.


mm yah gotchyah, I always do it by hand.

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