Hash Making Revisited

My friends wanted to know where I got the proxy, they wanted one too. I just took it outside and popped a couple of live hash hits in there and let it rip. Hard to use the slurper in the snow bank bah hah!


I took some footage of the fridge batch. It’s lighter color than the shelf batch, but I’m not sure the flavor is any different. They were both pretty fresh! Annnnyways, I had it in the freezer overnight, but the only thing that happened is I got some condensation on it from the plate. It’s hard to pick up when it’s frozen. I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens with the freezer batch. After the ice sublimes… wtf is going to happen to the trichomes. Have they settled out? Or are they trapped in ice?


Here we Gooooooooo!
How’s that for consistency. Practically melts itself, no heat required.


Big difference in colour : )
We eat with our eyes first , human behavior


It’s amazing how temperature changes the outcome! I can’t wait to see the end results of the frozen batch. Should be pretty much white.
The color can make a difference for sure, but only if you have the rest down pat. Even though the second and third place entries were dark colored, they had actually defeated freeze dried hashes that looked similar to mine. In the end… If the flavor and the zing of good THC isn’t there, it’s still bunk :smiley:


Next question is what tech produces the thinnest sheets that stay intact


The ribs that form in the parchment from the water exposure and the repellent nature of the silicone coating I think prevents it from being a big even layer. I was thinking about something, like using a silicone cupcake baking cup. Making a fine layer on the bottom of water, and then mixing the hash in there to let the water evaporate in the fridge. Could it form an even layer that was a circle? Just have to find non stick surfaces to try it on. Ones that are really flat. It’s the secret! Flatness!


Kaizen , love it : )


What about reducing water tension some how also : )
Like initial water temp when mixing experiment

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I was contemplating using vibration to break apart the hash lumps and make a super thin layer. I do use filtered water from the fridge to float it out like that. I wonder if you could perform a “panning for trichomes” where you swirled and swirled it until you had separated any materials that had a different density.


Haha you’ve been watchin to much Yukon gold
Shawn pomernke aka mr gold on gold divers has a cool vertical round plate contraption with a spiriled groove in it to wash his gold lol
DMAX best tv channel ever ( apart from them stupid ghost and big foot shows )


I’ll take a dozen of those please .


Have you tried the rubber mats? Like the cooking one? Its like Silicone but can resist and repell most things and also resistance to extreme temperature changes.


I’ve found silicone absorbs terps in the freezer big time. I had silicone ice trays to start and after one round of ice next to bags of fresh frozen those trays STUNK like fresh frozen


Hmm that’s the exact opposite of what I was hoping to hear.

The hunt continues, there has to be a material that won’t sap terps, but can be used to better even the hash layer out I feel like the last 2 fresh frozen runs lost a huge amount of terp value during the water extraction in the freezer, but I can’t tell it’s truly the water being extracted thats degrading them, or if the terps are degrading because of the extreme low Temps… both are plausible, terps are in idea just a essence of smell. Cold Temps seem to mask smells but I might just be really baked this morning.


I have strange baking things like the pastry mat, and other non-stick surfaces, I’ll try an array of them!


I stretch my bubble bag over this. It fits just perfect.
So easy to scrape with a plastic card.


You bust the dust out of your bag in the freezer? Those last little remnants of hash that are stuck to the screen.

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Reminds me… and this is interesting. I’ll get a photo of it later, but the trichome puddle from the freezer is turning out really radical. It’s trichome dust! As in a single layer of trichomes that are slowly coming out of the ice. You can definitely produce trichome dust that’s the original color. It’s like something you would see on the internet and go “WTF” how did they do that?


what about PTFE? saw that people used this for BHO runs

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