Hash Making Revisited

That’s the 90 material your pressing ? Sure looks good .


Thanks! Yep, I’m always pressing 90 micron through a 25 micron screen. At 64C. I think those were the rosin prize winning instructions. It’s a one-off made from slurricane and meatbreath.
I’m way better at it than when I started this thread!


The ice is very close to completely sublimed. I can’t wait to try this dust-like hash, it looks super purdy!
My friends asked me if I was making the unicorn batch yet, lol! I said not until there’s like a month left until the deadline. I like to keep it as fresh as possible, not give 'em an extract I made last year.


Hey Joe!?

Outta the freezer no moisture on the squish test warm marshmallow like consistency …

???straight into the jar with the lid on?? …toss in fridge??


Hey @JoeCrowe , That blackberry Kush turn my water purple!



yah and I let it sit for 30 days until sparkly and hard.

That color is anthocyanin.


You know, there is some crazy shit a human can do these days to a good batch of hash or rosin. If I go to the store I can buy “botanical extracts” that are terpenes extracted from a different plant. For example, I could go and get some “blueberry” terpenes and mix that in and put some blue coloring in it. That’s bullshit. And don’t tell me people don’t do it, because I’ve seen it.
I saw all the hash entries for the unicorn now. I was not impressed. Mine was the only one that wasn’t brown or black. If I can get this latest tech down pat, it’ll nuke their minds. I also have other ideas on the back burner! Lemme get a photo.

I can definitely change it’s look when it’s stabilized. It’s all about how you do it.


oh my! Got some prize winning hash stuck in a puddle of rosin. It’s a Good Morning Burger™!


Thursday I’m off to the glass studio. I’m going to go and poke around there I phoned ahead and scheduled the unicorn. It’ll probably cost 60$ to get the sucker back together! Even though they offered to come to the industrial air place and pick it up, I was super curious about what modern glass blowing looks like. I saw the portable setup at the unicorn, I never got to see the high tech crap they employ in the studio. I guess the bottom line is, if you break your glass, it can be fixed. You just have to know someone really good at it lol!


Shined up the unicorn like it was new! Can’t wait to rip it again! The secret is cleaning vinegar. Nothing shines up glass like vinegar and water, lemme tell you. Or quartz for that matter!


Looks great! Hows the repairs?

What strength of vinegar are you using?


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Tomorrow is repair day! The breakage was minimal, so I was lucky that way. Didn’t want to bring it back to the artist all gross, so I used 10% acetic acid. Learned that when I was washing windows as a kid.


Ok, the studio was happy to have the broken glass back. Brooke said he’s going to cut the top off and weld a new mouth piece on there. I got to see the machines in there lol he called the old fashioned glass blowing furnace “the glory hole” it was off in the cold shed. Instead they use a glass lathe. Hydrogen and oxygen. I’ll get the glass back later, along with a case to carry it in, so it doesn’t get broken again. yay!


What are peoples opinions on the best small scale table top rosin press ?
The my press rosin press
So many options now , there even on Walmart’s website lol


Dabpress 12 ton is the shit for me.
Had it for a few years now with zero issues.


I’ve got a Rosintech 2T. It’s small and rugged. I like it, but I’ve only used a hair straightener before this, lol!


just dont buy a manual arbor press type, go hydraulic . I like my NugSmasher OG


Hey Joe!
It me again lol
Is a little bit of condensation normal on the lid facing inwards ?

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You took the hash and put it in a jar somewhere?

Sorry yes put it in the fridge

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