Hash Making Revisited

two possibilities, either there was some moisture in the hash, or it’s condensation. You can take the jar out and let it warm up, then open it. IF you open a cold jar in a warm room, it’ll form condensation and add moisture to the jar.


Gotcha…I just wanna do the "stabilization " process correct
Let me ask you this is there risk of mold forming on the hash ?

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If there is any moisture in the hash it has a substantial risk of molding. If you want to be sure there is no moisture left use a scale and leave the hash out for a bit to see if it loses any weight. I had one in the past where the hash was in too big a chunk to completely freeze dry and it molded in the jar, but only after I took it out of the fridge. It was just a tiny bit I was experimenting on.


Thats pretty interesting I must say …
So if I’m following you

15.6 out of freezer
15.0 on table for 2hrs

Good for stabilization

15.6 out of freezer
16.0 on table for 2 hrs
Still wet
Might have to chunk it up a Lil better
Thanks for your time

  1. 15.6 few hours later 15.6 it’s good.
  2. 15.6 then 15.0 evaporation not good
  3. 15.6 then 16.0 not good.
    I always wait until condition 1.

Looks like it’s kind of working :upside_down_face:


How big are those chunks?

Circumference on bigger hunks about the size of a nickel…smaller ones size of pencil eraser little bigger

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oh yah those are huge chunks, they probably have moisture trapped in the middle. The chunks I make are tiny, with the biggest perhaps 5mm across.

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Sooooo chop em up a Lil more ?

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Yep I’d go to town on it and chop it into very small bits. I’ll show you how small some of mine are:

Canadian dime for reference.
If the bits are too large it won’t freeze dry in this century.


Thanks for all the advice sir !


I plan on attempting the bubble hash again next cropping following your tech @JoeCrowe. Couple points I want to clarify:
1.do you lay the buds flat to freeze or just chuck in a bag and then in the freezer?
2.So I just use 220, 90,25 and chuck everything that is in the 220 and what do you do with 25? because 90 is the gold?
3.how close do you trim the buds to be frozen?


Joe you are awesome for showing us this process…Thanks…


He gives it away because its inferior.
There are people who like it though. I’m not one. Lol


To freeze the fresh buds , joe just bags them @Qtip : )

I’m unsure how close he trims the buds
He’s says crap in , crap out
I think they say that trichs on sugar leafs are lesser quality than on the buds , so there’s that to concider : )


I guess you could bake with it or give it away .

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Chuck em in a bag with as few leaves and stems as possible. I cut any long stems into 2cm chunks! If you put fan leaves in, it just makes contamination.
I give the 25 away to my friends. Since it’s just contaminated with plant materials, they gladly rip it and declare it’s actually better than some hash they can purchase for $$$. The 25 yields are really low, basically a couple grams for every 20 grams of goodness.
Make sure there are no fan leaves and cut any stems so they don’t get wound around the mixer.


Thanks! As my pops says, it’s an open source method where I want it to be accessible by all! No fancy or expensive equipment required.


well it’s officially a pile of trichomes with some little bits of plant material! I will probably take a dab of this today and see what happens.