Hash Making Revisited

I took it out of the freezer and I’ve got it sitting there on the table next to the dab rig. I’m going to let it reach room temps and whatnot for about an hour, then dab it. Good Luck!


Made some bubble yesterday, and forgot to put it into the freezer to dry out last night, so it sat out overnight and some of it dried out on the outside already. great greazy goodness. put it outside in my shed today, it’s -25c right now. how long should it stay outside now? it was maybe around an ounce of various grades.


I think the reason you put it in a freezer is because they are frost free and remove moisture. Not just cold.


not my shitty freezer lol. but are the outside conditions not like a big deep freeze? it would be dry to, it’s too cold for moisture to be present no?
lol, do i just need to say fuck it and air dry it inside?


Frost free freezers remove moisture from the air to stay frost free. So you get the freeze drying effect. I dont think it will be the same outside.

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There it is after sitting out all night. I have a strange observation to make about…moisture and the color.
You notice how a bit of hash with water, sitting out overnight on the shelf turns brown? Yet, if I remove the water first, it never changes color. So the color change is directly related to the water. This hash ripped good it was a pile of trichomes I had to scrape up with the honeybun and melt into the slurper.


no idea, I’m not sure how much moisture was in it to begin with. I would say minimum a week.

yes and no, lol! I’ll go into crazy detail about how the ancients did freeze drying. I’m no buddhist monk, but here’s how they did it:
Head to the mountains where the pressure is lower and so are the temps. Starve yourself for 30 days, eating only pine needles to kill off the bacteria that eats you after you die. Die, and leave a pretty corpse. Freeze dried of course.
The conditions in the freezer are constant and controlled. I wouldn’t trust mother nature… she’s a bitch goddess.


I hope he lives at high altitude then. Lol


This does make sense seeing how my hash was blondish till the day I took it out of the freezer to check on it and I forgot about it "defrosted " you could say …I noticed again the appearance was a shade darker during .the transition to freezer and fridge …not completely freeze dried also darkened it up …hmmmm interesting


Took it inside for drying. I will look into more proper methods to make the thread proud next go around


Will you be making your usual video walkthrough of this technique? :stuck_out_tongue:




howdy @JoeCrowe - what do you think about the idea of pressing nugs a lá nugsmasher, dab press, etc?

I’m a novice homegrow guy who blasts a few volcano bags in the evening, dont smoke a ton of hash and when I do I just throw some on top of a bowl of bud. I have trim and popcorn nugs and stuff like that - seems a whole lot easier to just buy a press for a few hundred bucks and mush my junk before throwing it out. I thought about dry ice or ice water washing but it seems like a heavy lift.

thanks a ton for the cool thread. to give you an idea of what I’m looking for, my very favorite thing in life is when I can get a B or B- result for C or D level effort. I’d rather jump off a bridge than get an A level result for A+ level effort.


When I thought I have seen it all, crazy.

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Purity is number one, because it’s harm reduction. Plant waxes and lipids are not good. Also, you can win some sick custom glass lol!


well shoot I guess I’m gonna do the ol hot wine bottle parchment paper trick with some dry sift, daggon joe you know the right way to put stuff

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Sorry if you have already answered this but I’m not sure how to best cure. I have a rosin press and I am ordering a washing machine and bag setup. I am planning to take my fresh frozen buds and make bubble hash, then ?, then freeze, grate into a frozen powder, then fill bags to press and collect rosin, then ?, and cure.

I’m hoping you can fill in the ? Steps as well as how to best cure without a freeze dryer for the bubble hash and after the press.


Frost free freezer will work fine.


Do I put in a bag or anything to remove air? Thanks for the replies.

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Just chop it up and put it on a plate in your freezer for a week or more till it turns to powder make sure to chop it into tiny pieces so it dries.