Hash Making Revisited

freeze dry like @ShiskaberrySavior just explained.

sit on the shelf for a bit, or collect and seal up and put in the fridge for 30 days. Either way does the trick!


I will have more questions for you in the near future I am sure, so thank you in advance.

I have a fridge that has a frost free freezer in the upper section.

Is there a temperature I should set the freezer to for freezing the collected bubble hash?

Should the bubble hash be sealed in a bag for 2 weeks or on a plate exposed to air?

When curing in the rosin from the pressed bubble hash is there a suggested temperature for the fridge cure?

After the 30 day fridge cure I seal it and freeze again for best long term storage?

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colder is better, but I don’t think you need to go below -18C.

Definitely exposed to the air! If not, it won’t dry out.

Probably just a couple of degrees, a normal fridge temperature.
Keeping it frozen and sealed will help preserve the flavor and smell!


I think it’s time to make some clusters for the cannabis plant productivity. With the data I have so far, it seems like you could go like this:
10-20 grams
20-30 grams.
Then start cramming plants into those three groups. I’ve never personally seen outliers like 40 grams per kilo or 0 grams per kilo.


I need to find that holy grail 1 gram per kilo plant! Put enough marketing behind it and auction the gram off for big loot…but really though let’s find that 40g per kilo plant


40 grams per kilo is 4% yield. That’s what I got from Solo’s Stash. Granted, that’s 45-160 micron not 90-220 like you use. I’ve also seen as low as 0.35% (3.5 grams per kilo) with the HpLVd infected Green Crack.


You know… There must be some kind of physical limitations on the yield. Each trichome has a base that uses up area, and there is only so much area on a bud surface. I mean like… what would a maximum even look like? 6 percent?


The Physical limitations per plant is probably the most accurate way in my mind - but then other factors will com in to it such as @ReikoX points out about which collection bags are used - but for example, if a plant has xXx trichomes per square mm will yield X, and a plant with ABC trichomes per square mm should yield Y. Using that sort of methodology should in theory give an accurate as to teh plants potential, but the potential can only be realised under perfect conditions etc…


I’ve started computing grams of hash per square foot of canopy. Yes, how much hash per kilo is nice, but what if that plant only yields one kilo, but the another yields two?


Problem is it loses it on the translation. So I can run a kilo of buds from buddy and say well you can get 20 grams per kilo he says ok I have 200 kilos…
The growing conditions and yields themselves will vary, but the hash yield per kilo shouldn’t vary much.
I’ve also got a long and complicated story about plants that bloom up way faster, but yield less hash. They are garbage.


Love a good story : )
Especially when it starts
“ once soon a time there was this plant “
Tell us more : )


lol, ok… bACk in the day, I would produce hash for compassion and I had a superior hash producer and it’s second in command, which grew faster. It was a 6 week, while the other was 8. So I figured with the timing I could produce more weed and the extra biomass would cover the spread on the lower hash production.
In theory it worked, but in actual reality I wasn’t making as much money. It was the small things, I think that ate it up. I was working more, but getting less. I had a packed freezer, but instead of making 125 grams in each load it was more like 70-80. It was a numbers game focused on the grams of hash I could extract from the grams of biomass. That’s still how I operate.


That adds another layer of complexity for sure, but also adds an extra layer of data that can be used as a basis for various markers! Very interested to see how that unfolds


I do love Frenchy but fuck I laughed when I read this!


Can’t wait to see your live extracts! It puts the old method to shame.


Will be happening in a few weeks after I crop. I plan to do three runs, 9# hammer, Blue Raspberry Truffle and of course the GMA. I’ve been running through your threads trying to absorb your tech. My 90 bag has a bit of crud in it, I froze it, scrubbed it with soap and water but it’s still there…I know ISO is a no go, any recommendations? Also I am scabbing together two sets of bags, the 90 is full mesh and the 220 and 25 are bottom mesh; any issues there?

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Freeze the bag and smash the crud into dust. Mixing and matching the bags shouldn’t make a difference, I think the mesh is standardized. If you keep track of the hash yield we can compare notes later!


I have my bubble bag washing machine arriving today from Amazon. I understand I have to change the hose to a non ribbed hose. Any specifics on what hose I should look for or any other modifications to make to this washer?

Thanks for your help. I’d rather ask than regret not asking after I learn from experience doing it improperly.

I’ll be setting up the buckets tonight and cleaning and setting up the work area tonight. Hopefully I’ll do a few runs over the weekend with my fresh frozen of 2 Larry OGs and 1 super Lemon Haze.

They were failed mother’s and I took far too many fan leaves off during flower and stunted the harvest. Learned what not to do there but it will give me a chance to learn to make live hash / rosin properly.

I’ll take pictures and document my work to share.


The reason you change the accordion hose to smooth is so that trichomes don’t stick in the ridges .


Straight runs no crinkled hoses .