Hash Making Revisited

Thanks everyone!!! I really did evolve, and now you can too! The award winning tech really is just that. Going to the competition really has a positive effect and I was talking about that with Noel when I made my entry. The exact same thing had happened to him when he was in California. You lose, then you evolve.
Here’s a nutty observation… Every concentrate entry was a “Live Rosin” or “Live Resin”. Everyone has locked down the secrets to terpene preservation. There was so much talk about terp degradation… oh my! People know things, and it’s supported by the data from hundreds of case studies. The terp data coming from the legal producers is like magical shit. I could sit and listen to it all day mesmerized lol!


This was an awesome read will start out with congratulations on the win that’s badass also not surprised after reading your whole thread here

I’ve spent the last month doing a lot of research into pressing rosin I have a nugsmasher og and kept seeing them make crazy stuff on Instagram with it like diamonds so I started digging into and learned so much about curing and whipping your rosin and jar tech

I am currently collecting and freezing a lot of trim and buds to make bubble hash to press have a few more plants coming up so waiting patiently

Going to try jar tech and aim for some diamonds :gem: going to be a lot of fun

This is my latest press from freshly dried flower in 160 micron at 180 degrees put into the fridge for 24 hours then whipped

I apologize for the hijack but got really excited to comment by the end of your thread lol :sweat_smile:🥲


Congratulations JoeCrowe! If only I could sample some.
:pray::v: :cowboy_hat_face:


What a great read!

I’m so happy for you brother! You worked hard at it, did your studies and applied good engineering tools & solutions.




Congratulations Joe! Some really great stuff you’re producing. It’s been crazy to watch your progression with dialing your shit in. Hope to someday be able to produce as nice as you do.


In the first image, there’s the freeze dried hash after being at room temp for a week. It kind of melts. The second image is what it looks like when it’s in the freezer and it’s dry. hah hah I think I’ve come back down from orbiting the moon up there at the contest. This year was hard core I can’t wait until the next one. If you want to check out nectars collective on insta-grams, I assure you that is a master extractor at work, his talk was next level. I really appreciate the congrats everyone! @Stevie1durr, @ShiskaberrySavior, @ELG, @FreeAtLast, @anon20530495, @Canofbusjoe , @ReikoX, @Cratix, @MoBilly, @GPaw, @ChronicMcBudz. Learn from me and become better than me and win the contest!


Hot damn that looks tasty AF

It’s been a long and interesting journey following along with you and your journal, you’ve come so far, I can’t wait to see where you take it from here

Enjoy the high of your win bud, that was awesome


I’m planning on trying my 1st bubble run in several months (yield permitting). I’m putting your lessons into practice and using your threads as a manual of sorts. Likely will be bugging you along the way also haha


Good ole growing exposed

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lol, someone called my mom said they saw me school the weed corps up at the contest. I found that to be quite hilarious! I’m 75% complete my mega task, then it’ll be back to manufacturing award winning hash. Can’t wait for life to return to normal, I’m not used to this “working for the man” thing. I’m too used to doing my own thing. I’m brewing some ideas around determining if the freeze dried hash is top notch. I’m pretty sure it has to do with the stability of the hash. If it won’t remain stable at room temps - it’s really good hash. If it stabilizes at room temp, it’s not as good. I can’t wait to try and falsify it.


What model press is that?

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I really have no idea, it’s the newest version of the APU10 straight from hong kong. It’s programmable with these relays but there are no instructions.

oh I can tell you where I bought it though it was a crazy canadian chinese online store ecofarms.

My rosin is busy curing! I’ll sum up the entire hash making process…
Make some 90 micron bubble hash and freeze dry it. BAM! I’m going to be pressing more rosin soon and also making more hash. Some how… I have to get ready for a mega harvest. Shit is going to be off the hook as I make cbg and 1:1 ratio 90 micron bubble. I got my test subjects all signed up and they are eager to test this stuff. I am sooo sooo curious how these random plants are going to turn out in terms of the hash.


Let me know if you ever need another test subject


buddy congratufuckinglations :star_struck: :star_struck:

cant say im one bit surprised ive followed both your hash threads stone cold WIZARDRY :mage:

hee hee gonna fuck some ppl up round here in a few weeks ive smoked some of their gak shit not nice
thanks joe
and well done once again



Thanks! You will definitely blow some minds once the freeze dried hash hits their noggin. It’s definitely where the smells and flavors are at! I hope all products are fresh bud based, yum!


I squeezed some random assortment of old hash! It came out… like a liquid. I mean more like Valvoline than some gooey substance. Look how it all flowed down into the valley of darkness. I used the machine to just slowly crush the hash more and more, each time I pressed the green button. I’m fooling around with it now, to see what works. The old hash makes a good victim for testing on!


Should be good for edibles. I have some trim bin kief I should do the same with. :yum:


I pressed my trim bin kief and it was amazing surprisingly. Always wondered what the screen size is

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I think it’s 120 for plant material. I use the 25 micron ones for the hash.