Hash Making Revisited

Clearly I have a lot of work / practice ahead.

Made bubble hash outta trim a couple weeks back. Used 60g of decent trim and two small autos that had a bit of slug / mold damage outside. Managed to get like 9-10g of bubble hash, used all the bags (learned why many skip 2-3 sizes, there were some bags that had almost nothing, and some that had tons of trichs). Still lots of color, even with the finest sieve size, mine is nowhere near as blonde as yours. (its actually pretty dark) BUT its exactly the taste, smell, and touch of what I remember as being hash bought on shakedown street at a dead / phish show. And a little goes a long way :smiley:
Probably still needs more drying, but definitely needs refinement. Soon enough i’ll make my own press, but until then I read and learn…


Did you use fresh frozen plant materials? I only keep what drops into the 90 micron bag, I looked under the microscope and it had the least plant materials as well as the highest yield.


Relatively fresh, no more than a few weeks old and last week it was in the freezer before making the BH. used water and ice, next attempt will be dry ice…


I mean fresh as in cut off the plant and straight into the freezer. Drying the plant material out, then making hash isn’t good.

Well. Air dried buds, then trimmed, that went into freezer shortly after, not left to dry longer. Pretty dry by then. Not grown specifically for hash, but rather using the by product of the nugs

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yah that will always be a hit to the color, it never gets as white in the freeze drying process.


Hey joe I cannot wrap my head around something and I don’t understand why.
So I recently purchased another bubble set, went with a 4 bag set 220 90 73 25. I am trying to understand how the jump from 220 to 90 is ok. Isn’t all the plant matter going to get into the 90? (sorry for the dumb question.)

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Wait a minute I think I figured it out. In full spectrum you want 160-73 and anything larger than 73 will stay in that bag capturing the 160-73.
Also it’s a 3 bag set no 90 just 220 straight to 73. Is that ok? Not looking for full melt just to press it.

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Since it’s fresh frozen, the trichomes are actually larger than if you dry it out first. So most of the trichome heads and innards are 90 microns+ and the smaller trichomes(non capitate) and fibers are smaller than 90 microns/micrometers.


valuable insight… great info!


So jumping from 220 to 73 is ok?


Thanks for the info btw!

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You’ll just get more plant fibers and bits of broken up trichomes. I’m a crazy man who only harvests 90 micron hash. The rest is some kind of plant fiber filled bunk only good for rosin.


I’m only worried about rosin so I guess I’m ok! Lol! When I go to press the bags will catch the plant fibers!


Yo there’s my Cred, scroll down to bubble hash and check out first place.


Wow Joe, you killed it!


2nd place kind of looks like a hash turd haha good job!

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The guy in charge of dividing up my sample into smaller parts said it was demonic and it became a part of him that he couldn’t get off. Showed me his sticky hand hah hah! Crikey dave’s master extracts won so much he was having problems carrying his hardware around.


If anyone wants to make hash and hasn’t seen Frenchy Cannolis videos, check him out. He recently passed away do to complications from a surgery. He has traveled the world learning and was one if the foremost knowledgeable hash makers in the world. Check out his Facebook page too! Great stuff!


Love that man RIP Frenchy
Master hashishin