Hash Making Revisited

When I 1st got them and I researched all of this “they” said 90 micron was for the full melt hash 73 next best 45 for food grade :thinking::face_with_monocle:

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ahh yes, I looked at the hash through the microscope and that was what told me the tale. Too much plant material in the other hash grades.


Congrats @JoeCrowe !!! you simply kicked butts all over!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :pray:


I cleaned my bags with alcohol earlier; wish I’d seen this first. I rinsed them really thoroughly, soaked them, and tried to get them as dry as possible. Now I’m going to try freezing and scraping them, would it be a problem to keep using them? They’ve only been cleaned once with alcohol. Or do I need to get new bags already? :sweat:

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This sounds like a knowledge bomb coming up… :vulcan_salute:

So Joe, after studying the results of all of the screen sizes… what are the optimum screens? I know the 220 is to catch the bulk of the plant material while being large enough not to trap the largest trichomes, and the 25 micron catches the smallest.
What I’m curious about is, which screens are you currently using and do you think the hash could be improved by changing the screen sizes.



I’d love a recommendation for brands of bubble bags to go with this! I’m assuming some are made very cheap and don’t last long/work well or are they all pretty well the same.


Your bags will be just fine. The alcohol is just a little extra wear and tear!

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I’m using 220, 90,73 and 25. I’m not sure if inserting a 140 would improve it or not. I’d have to try! I might separate the broke trichome caps from the intact ones. It’s all dependent on the size of the trichomes themselves.

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make sure there are no loose threads and the screen sizes are labelled. You probably want a brand name for better quality. Mine are just payload bags.


I have been using my " Bubblebag" brand of bags for years. Good quality.


The hydrostore i go to stocks payload so thats good to hear!


Hey joe what about the 45 micron bag instead of 25?

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You’ll lose all the complete garbage hash that’s mostly plant fibers. No loss, as far as I’m concerned!

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I keep the 160-45 micron, but press that all for rosin. In the past I have separated by micron and the full melt depends on the cultivar. Usually it’s the 120, 90, or 73.

Here @JoeCrowe used a microscope and determined the 90 micron is the best for his cultivar. This is why he won 1st place. Congrats again buddy.


What micron would you guys go with if your just making hash for the purpose of edibles?

I’ll likely have alot more hash than I need looking at a pretty big yield! Also I’m considering dry ice because it sounds easier for a 1st time run but I’ve read it doesnt have the same taste as other methods. Is the difference between dry ice and water hash noticeable in edibles?


Once it’s edibles, they all taste just like a sugar cookie to me. I use the solvent transfer method from grain alcohol tincture to vegetable oil. Buds or hash it comes out the same. Never tried it with rosin. I use mostly garbage buds for tincture. Stuff I don’t want! I could only assume that if you use the solvent transfer and make cookies it should only taste like a cookie.


Thanks! I’m excited to try these new cultivars out in the micron sacks. By imaging the trichome and measuring it, I should be able to see where the yield will end up in the micron bags. I should go measure the Harlequin!


OMG! Now that image is definitely worth a thousand words! No capitate stalked trichomes to be seen, only capitate sessile. Amazing.


Assuming shit yield in the hash department, based on the image. Like total nothing yield.


I was transferring the base from alcohol to oil for edibles but lately I’ve found the flavour of the 190 Green Dragon went REALLY well with dark (70%) chocolate…

Fudge anyone? :rofl: :+1:
