Hash Making Revisited

Does yours actually come out green?

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Yes, I use a Magic Butter machine to process and then filter.
It comes out dark green… or as I call it, ‘full spectrum’ :grin:



Hey JoeCrowe. I have some alcohol tincture that I made from my Northern Lights X Mazar. What steps do I take to transfer to oil.

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I put a couple tablespoons of tincture into 2/3 cup oil and heat it on low on the stove element. Once the alcohol evaporates, it’s good to go.


Thanks! It definitely takes the bubble hash to the next level. You could probably win at the contest. I’m hoping the freeze dried hash really takes off, that’s where the flavor and smell is at.


Thank you this is my last thread invasion, but I say thank you because of all the info you’ve given through trial and error, errors I don’t have to make a waste product on. Or money on products I don’t really need (freeze dryer)

Because of you I just made some top shelf hash. The flavor makes me never wanna smoke flower rosin again.


ohh that is some good looking stuff there. After a 30 day fridge cure, that rosin will blow some minds! hah hah now you are one high tech mother fucker as well! I have certainly become a mega fan of fresh hash and rosin. I pine for it.

Don’t worry, what this thread needs is more fresh rosin and hash porn :wink:


So that’s how it’s done. Now all I need is room in my freezer. It’s so filled with trim from the outdoor harvest right now I can’t do my Costco shopping lol.


lol no pressure, but I’d love to see some of your concentrates made from fresh buds!

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bubble I made a couple days ago


does it freeze dry like that? Looks kind of chunky!


It seems to only my second kick at the cat freezing it .


Gotchya! I try and make it tiny pieces and spread them out so it can dry faster. You can also make it really thin, that works as well, by spreading it out. Also, the less water you start with, the less time it takes to sublime. There are tips and tricks on survival forums where people are prepping for Armageddon by using their freezer to dry out food. Dry ice in a cooler works to dry it out as well. The freezer method is just more convenient, cause you don’t need to get dry ice.


yum! Little kernels of love!


Its just coming to my realization here that when u say freeze dry you dont mean throwing a bag of weed in the deep freeze do you lol

I’m getting closer to my 1st attempt at making hash going to have to give this thread full read start to finish!


It starts out that way, before I make bubble hash but I actually freeze dry the bubble hash. You can freeze dry the buds. Or a cooked turkey. Or apples. It’s all in how you prepare the item to be dried out by the freezer. I only freeze dry the hash though, that’s what makes it so good.


So your basically combining dry ice hash and bubblehash :thinking:

or the methods anyways.


The dry ice would be supplying the extreme cold needed to sublime the water from the bubble hash after you made it.


I’m guessing you found that the bubblehash produced a cleaner end product? Otherwise i don’t see why you wouldnt use dry ice to make the hash also.

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naw, I don’t do it with dry ice, but it’s just another way to freeze dry things.

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