Hash Making Revisited

I’m assuming you have made hash with both methods before though and came to the conclusion bubblehash tasted better? I’m curious if you have any thoughts on what causes a change in taste between dry ice hash and bubblehash.

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ohhh, no I never used the dry ice. It’s something you have to plan for. Got to drive an hour to purchase it at the liquid air shop. heh heh!


The methods I use were actually the ones recommended as the award winning method… by the guy who won multiple awards. Not really sure, myself how it stacks up against using dry ice. This guy talking about it told me where to get dry ice otherwise I’d never know where it was sold. He told me you have to reserve some ahead of time then show up and get it or else you run the risk of not getting any. yikes! One day I’ll have to try it.


Unless the bubblehash method preserves the quality or improves it compared to just doing straight dry ice hash to me it sounds like an extra step with no purpose. My gut is telling me that something special happens with the taste though when you do bubblehash… I’d be really curious on your results if you do play around with it one day!


I’m going to make a batch today! I’ve got some free time at last hah hah. Listen to this story! The crazy drought dried up the well for the other house. Not exactly dry, but the water doesn’t refill the well as fast as it did. So the people living there drain the well, then call and say there’s no water. Actually, they wait several days then call, after the pump has burned out from no water. So now there’s a pressure cut off so the pump won’t burn out. It also means if they run the well dry, they have to manually turn it back on. Told them to stop running the well dry and wait for the water table to recover. NASA is right, the entire planet is drying out… and it’s become a serious problem.


oh, also I wanted to try something. Listen to this crazy idea… In order to stabilize the hash I am going to try putting it in the fridge inside a jar like the rosin. Super curious as to what will happen.


Oh? Me too! Got about 650g of Zak Haze to was. I sure hope it yields well, that Green Crack was a joke. Where is my microscope? :thinking:


Do you guys use fan leaves for your hash or just the buds and sugar leaves?

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I think Joe uses just buds. I use sugar leaves and larf. Fan leave usually don’t have any trichomes


no fan leaves or sticks. I cut anything bigger than 5cm into smaller chunks so it won’t get caught up on the shaft of the drill. I am going to mulch almost the entire next crop into hash. I have to set aside a small portion of buds for tincture. This hash batch is a combo of big buds and meat breath. They are complimentary flavors. Little sugar leafs and tiny shit buds are all going in the compost. There’s not enough time in my life to deal with the garbage larf crud crap on the plants.


Just me, and a bucket of fresh frozen buds!


Hopefully you can extract 10x the quantity! You should check the trichomes for sure. It’s always a fascinating data point!

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One mans trash is another mans gold. Send it to me. lol


I miss the good old green crack lost that strain 15 years ago. Had a amazing pheno of it finished in 7 weeks and had a super strong hindu kush smell


I didn’t put much in and didn’t get much out. Also I put in some meat breath which never yields as good. It might even all be meat breath. I saw down in the depths there were no strain labels on there. I have to get all this stuff pushed out before the next crop. There’s the real danger. Too much weed left over from the last crop to fit the next one in. hah hah! Also I got rid of the 73 micron screen, so I’ve got a little turd down in the bottom for later pressing. I am thinking I could press it into rosin then make cookies with the rosin baked right in.
Ahhh I forgot the sponsors were very pleased! They finally all appeared in the same room to hear the good news. Some of those people I had never even seen with my own eyes before that day.


@JoeCrowe the hash king, great to see you still keeping this going! Keep it up the great work my man, no doubt you will!

By the way, not sure if anyone mentioned it here, but on Buildasoil’s YouTube series, Jeremy has an episode on making rosin with Pedro… one thing I took from it if you haven’t tried it, would be curious to see what you think, is Pedro likes to have the bud dry out like maybe halfway of a normal dry, to get some curing going on, more than he likes fresh frozen!


My first wash of my second ever batch of hash! It looks like I don’t need a 73 for this plant (useful if I had any more of it going :sweat_smile:). I washed each bag with clean water afterwards per advice in this thread to cut out chlorophyll, and it definitely helped! This was my Jelly Rancher that didn’t get as much light as the ones I used for dry cured bud.


The second wash was not bad! Doing this has been very illustrative of the points that the 73 may not be necessary and there are essentially two grades of hash from the wash useful for different purposes.


I watched that video and I could have done a better job myself.


You gonna freeze dry that hash?