Hash Making Revisited

oh I guess I didn’t even provide any information in that reply lol! It goes like this…
he only recommends fresh frozen buds at the end of the video.
doing the mix at 40F is not required, I do mine at 18-20C.
Claims lift and drop is stretching out the mesh, but I’ve never seen that happen.
Makes a big deal out of separating the mesh screens for some reason with parts of a bucket.
Plays with the rosin like some kind of play dough.
I think the technique Pedro uses just needs the dead wood shaved off.


Yeah, I’m going to fold the parchment and leave it in a chest freezer to dry. I’m not in a rush since I’m not smoking at the moment (have some interviews for a new job/another possible promotion, it’s been around a month already)

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great! Just make sure you don’t seal it in a bag, it’s definitely got to be out in the open in the freezer to dry.

Yeah, thanks for all the advice! I’ve seen a lot of the wisdom in the method you’re using just anecdotally on what’s only my second batch.

The third wash extracted a lot of chlorophyll and the yield declined a lot, it seemed like two washes was the right number, and while my set of bags didn’t come with a 90, I’d imagine it would fare pretty well with just a 120(or a 160), 90, and 25 based on where the yield ended up.

I also used a drill, 30 minute soaks and 15 minute washes, with one of these on the end which is intended for winemaking, but is nice and sturdy and obviously food grade. Your tutorial is very informative; would recommend for novice hashmakers!


Yah according to microscopic images 2 cycles scrubs the trichomes off… completely.

This is what is left after two cycles.


I think the thought about the separation is so that the bottom of the bags don’t touch the the hash/bag below it? Maybe this stops it sticking to the upper bag by chance and allows for it to collect in each bag a lil easier (imagine if you really had all the bags really sitting on each on, it might somewhat mostly collect in the upper bag and then if you take the bag out of the bucket maybe some will start falling thro on to the floor or when you spin it :grimacing:).

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I saw this too but he said it was to make the hash easier to work with… I think fresh frozen is gooier :yum:


I thought he mentioned it because of adding a lil cure to it?


I stack the bags in there pretty good, with just a centimeter or less apart. Seems to work fine! When I’m lifting the bags out it washes anything less than 90 out of that bag and into the one below.
I’ve also done it where I pull out the 220 then grab all the other bags inside each other and start running more water through to clean out the green when they’re all still together. Then I pull them apart one by one and finish draining the water.


I prefer to preserve the terpenes in what I call “forever frozen”.


If it warms up then it’s like a goo for sure! Gotta keep it cold while working on it.



That made from butane?


Lol, too funny

Well it didn’t quite yield 10x more, but it did yield a bit better. Got green pretty quick though. Not bad, I’m guessing 3-4 grams dry…

Took some shots of the dry buds, not surprising they didn’t wash great…

Green Crack
Green Crack

Zak Haze
Zak Haze


ooo interesting! If you keep checking the trichomes, after a while you’ll know which ones are going to suck before you even make the hash.


I’m going to smash that last hash batch I made, it’s entirely meat breath. I tested a small chunk heh heh. I took it, still wet, out of the freezer and crammed it into a sack. I’m letting it thaw and melt then it’s boom time. I’ll take photos!


unfortunately the camera is history! I can’t get it to stop trying to stabilize the image even with severe beating. I will have to get a new one for sure. I’ll try to take some images later with a different camera I can borrow I think.


i made my first round of dry ice hash yesterday. i started with 73 and moved to 120. i stopped there because i think i was a bit too aggressive :’(
at first i thought i was doing good, i’m not sure if i didn’t wait long enough for it to really get cold before i started to shake it so i spent too much time beating it up before the trichs started to break off or if i just went too hard expecting more output. or both :upside_down_face:
i started with ~1lb of fresh frozen trim. ended with .3oz of the 73 and .7oz of the 120

Pretty bad, right?

73 and 120 sidexside




it’s a decent yield, but it does seem like there are some huge chunks of plant material. I would say it was too aggressive.