Hash Making Revisited

yo that is fucking strange! Too bad you can’t measure the mesh with the microscope.

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Lol just looking at it melts my brain nice stuff @JoeCrowe


Is it that time already? What time is that? … hash…time…


Hmm i assumed u put the weed/ice/water in the bucket and just used the bag as like a strainer. I guess i should watch a video or something before i give it a shot haha

I’m breaking out the torch and collector, be right over here when its ready. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The hash batch turned out good, but perhaps I should back off the pressure even more for these fresh batches. They seem to liquefy too easy and flow out.

I ripped it and there was definitely some water in there heh heh.

see the batch was gooey, but also had strange chunks. Some of the goo was hard and white. I scraped it up with the scissors and put it on the wire there. Definitely sizzled like water on the griddle.


Astro Dabs!


My last batch has been in the freezer for about a week. Time to see how dry it is and get a weight. Not expecting much…


I’ve cranked out some hash batches now that are incredibly sticky. Can’t cut them up cause they’re like a puddle. You should try and find a single plant that yields well and crank some dank!

This meat breath rosin always comes out white. It’s hardening up now into chunks of white gunk… yum!


Yep, on the search now… The Grass Fire OG should do pretty well. Al.ost anything by LED Seedz tends to make good hash and finish in 8 weeks. :muscle:

Probably going to run the GG4 RIL next.


ok! The first fresh from the bag batch I pressed wasn’t as good, it didn’t have that fresh rosin-y flavor. The second batch is what I’m longing for… ohh yah! I did double bag that one to try and keep the liquid hash inside. I think I applied too much pressure and squeezed some out anyways, through the convoluted passage. It’s far too liquid… but! I think with even less pressure, I can get 'er done… right. 64C definitely makes the hash into a liquid on the spot. I think tomorrow I might make a hash batch. It’s the final one before the next harvest.

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Found these:
I have a 20 ton 4x7 plates, let ya know how they work. :face_with_monocle:


I would be worried the mohs hardness for the stainless is more than the aluminum alloy plates. It could leave scratches.


I’ll let ya know. But I’ll probably bag it inside another mono bag

How long can i keep fresh frozen buds in the deep freeze before i turn it into hash?

Probably years. If you leave it in there too long it kind of dries out, you probably don’t want that because then it can crumble. I think I’ve made some from buds that had been frozen for a year.


Just let it soak in the ice water for 30 minutes to rehydrate it. :wink:

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73 and 25


That looks freeze dried, is it?


What day is it? hash day! I’ll also reprogram the rosin press for making fresh hash rosin. Not sure if I can get around to pressing it right away, but if I can’t I’ll freeze it for now.