Hash Making Revisited

I only had the hum of the drill for this batch. I didn’t charge up the music player! This is the last batch… The freezer is empty except the tincture material, but I will refill it in a couple days.


What size bags do you have it in?

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220, 90 and 25 to catch the garbage. It’s the 90 micron I’m after!


4 Sure, me too, chzhead


I packed up the successful rosin batch from the fresh meat breath hash. Wow, talk about concentrating the clean hospital smell, it’s off the hook. The failed batch, not so much so. Hah the real question is why does the successful batch smell better than the failed one? It tastes better as well. I think I can tell a failed one from a good press, now with the meat breath. I’m amazed at how different the two rosins are. Meat breath and big bud, are radically different in the outcome.

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So you do 220 and then right to 90? No 160 or 120?


yah that’s right, 220, 90 and 25. Judging by the trichome size I could get returns in a 120 micron sack, but not in a 160. I’ve seen trichomes that are 160 microns wide though.


Mind blown always thought to use the 160 to filter out plant matter and 120 tells ya how much i know


ok so I got down to business. This time I cranked up the temp to 70C… fucking hot! and programmed the arm to leave a 5mm gap. So first time I hit it, I let that go for 180sec then turned it down and took that first batch out. Then I told the machine to bring the arm down 1mm each time for 60 seconds per activation at 64C. Put the pressed puck in there and started hitting the “good things” button for a couple of cycles until it made a wrinkle in the parchment. Then I took it out and photographed the results. I think this is the best one yet!


A couple of chunky monkeys, I’m gonna rip in a second! I did double bag this one, but I’m not sure I needed to. I am starting to think that’s the secret, is slowly lowering the arm until it crushes the hell out of the bag. Going down too fast seems to ruin it. Look the rosin bag was barely smashed!


What do you think, am I getting the fresh hash smashed without drying it? It seems to be working out!


how would u smoke that stuff? I’m more old fashioned and just stick to a bong and some buds lol

I’ve tried putting some on top of my bud in the bowl but it doesnt seem to do a whole lot like that

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I rip hot knives with a bottle I carved a hole in the side. I also have a lithium bong, but it’s not as satisfying as a huge bottle rip. It did sizzle a bit, but I’m sure the remaining moisture will evaporate over night.


I can only speak for myself but that looks like something I’d rip for sure, either hot knives or a glass nail for me

Couple jars of frozen bubble .


To be clear, this is wet hash you pressed?


Yep, I pressed it a couple hours after I made it. I had put it in the freezer meanwhile to make sure it didn’t thaw out while I was getting fire wood.


I’ve been reading Robert Clarke’s book “Hashish!” this week. It is one of his earlier works but a great read as always. :+1:
He goes into fascinating details such as regional differences in processes and materials.
It is impressive how far you have advanced the bubble hash process compared with the historical methods.

That got me thinking of the strains you like i.e. Big Bud etc.
Which got me wondering if you have had a close look at historically used hash strains. …It could be interesting project… :thinking:



Wow, I’m suprised it’s not full of water and giving a sizzle when you hit it. Why does anyone bother freeze drying it if this works? :thinking:


It does sizzle when it’s fresh out of the press, but this morning…woooo weeeee! I had a couple of hits and the flavor… is phenomenal! As for the drying before pressing part, I think it’s like @Canofbusjoe said it’s counterintuitive due to intense clouds of steam from pressing wet product. I’ve heard so many stories that are exactly like that, as well. Except, I had an idea…
Sooooo I struck out on a dangerous path where I could ruin thousands of dollars worth of top-grade product, in exchange for learning something. It seems to work! So I’m going to try it on some big bud hash next time. I want to see how the product turns out compared to the “standard method” of drying it first. You never know, it could be an improvement!