Hash Making Revisited

I am a hash hunting machine. My entire operation is geared towards making more and better hash as I keep testing new genetics. I would be so bold as to make the claim the pheno of the strain in question is very important and must be determined. One big bud female tasted like pencil shavings. So in that sense, I’m not sure you can toss a rock and hit a cannabis plant and say that one is a good producer. You have to test it and see. Except, a clone of that good hash producer… will definitely be a good hash producer.


If you were going to make hash just for the purpose of edibles what size micron bags would you use?

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220 and 25 that way everything including garbage is caught and made into edibles.


ok so here’s the really strange part. The first press of the hash is chunky and the second press is like glue.


I made a good morning burger out of the two different things that came out. Phew, it went straight to my coconut! The flavor… wow! I am definitely going to compare it to the standard method because I’m seriously considering doing it like this every time.


Oh it did sizzle a bit still the huge glob I got with the shards. Not sure it’s completely dry yet, lol! Might need a couple more days to stabilize.

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There’s another thing I’d like to explore in the future. Like freeze drying the rosin after I press it fresh from the sack. Instead of the other way around.


Got me interested awesome ideas

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For science! I’m enjoying your experiments!



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This is some traditional rosin :wink: I scraped up all my rosin fails I made over the last month or so and put them into a sack and pressed it. It’s not live rosin but hey, it works!


Joe, where’s good info on making diamonds? @JoeCrowe
Going there now, thanks mucho.


Noel told me to read up on future 4200 so I went there and absorbed a couple hundred pages of goodness. There is so much info on making diamonds there. You basically heat the material for 40 days at 80F I seem to remember then wash the diamonds off with alkane to stabilize them. Been a couple weeks since I read it, but holy shit it was technical.


hah hah oops I’m sorry I should have said future 4200 what a stupid typo.

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ok! It’s been 3 days and no sizzle left in the rosin. So all the moisture is definitely gone! The second pressing can now be peeled off the parchment with the scissors. It tastes so good! I’m not even sure I can put my finger on how the flavor was generated. It’s more of a mandarin orange. Which is completely fucking wack. I wonder if I got it contaminated with big bud? hah hah what if I only have to put a single drop of big bud rosin in the meat breath rosin to get a new flavor? Terpene profiles are strange.


So apparently, these are the two things that came out of the fresh pressing. Never mind all that hash cruft around from various dabs hah hah! I’m talking about the white looking wafer and the golden looking blob. How did that even happen? Also, there is a really thin layer of some kind of white crystals. I’ve been ripping it, hoping to achieve nirvana lol!


I’ve been ripping this substance. It was manufactured in the rosin press and looks like crystals of something. I have no idea what they are crystals of, but I love them.


I think they are some kind of Atlantis healing crystals. They are probably crystals of THC? I mean, what else can they be?


I’d rip it if it was mine


Yep, THCA and terpenes. You can mechanically separate them with ultra long, ultra low heat presses.