Hash Making Revisited

A slab from a couple years back before joe let the cat out about freeze drying hash.


Definitely has to be crystallized thc it looks like it online. Hard to find microscopic images of it.

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How many grams is that mammoth?

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I can’t remember now 8/10 oz I was working on getting a lb slab .


This one time I showed up at the compassion club with 500 grams of hash they damned near shit themselves. Took me two journeys to sell 10K worth of hash!


So you dice up your bubble hash into a thin layer on parchment paper and freeze it.
Moisture freezes and then sublimates away leaving…

I’ll bet that cool crystalline texture is created by the sublimated ice crystals…
You need a cool name for that… I propose “Lucy’s diamonds”



Actually… These are the byproducts of an experimental process where I make the bubble hash then press it right out of the bubble bags. Then I wait 3-4 days for the moisture to evaporate. I do plan on trying the freeze drying on it though, instead of 3-4 days on the shelf, I wonder if a week in the freezer would do it. I can explain the process I used to press it though. First press which made the chunky stuff, was at 70C for 180 seconds. I changed parchment, and then I turned the heat down, because the contents of the micron sack were already liquefied so it’s now 64C. I also set the press to slowly bring the arm down just ever so slightly when I pressed the green button. I put that on 180 seconds then 120, as I kept bringing the press closer and closer together, really slowly. I probably did 10X120 second cycles where I brought the plates together just a tiny bit each time. Once I saw a wrinkle develop in the parchment I shut the whole thing down and took the second pressing out.


Is that the moist bubble you’re testing?

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Nevermind question answered lol

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Weird thing is that mine was still kinda wet. Sizzled the first day or two then after that it was just straight flavor.

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Yep, took like 3 days to dry out afterwards! Definitely the thicker parts sizzled longer, but it’s all dried now.


Last batch of bubble I made I froze it to dry , spent 10 days in the freezer then into a sealer to cure .
It’s now been jarred a couple weeks and has become so sticky almost a resin consistency not like my last batch that stayed like beach sand !
Strange but definitely some good smoke .


yah, they each have their own outcome on the product end, and that’s why I insist on testing each plant. You never know which are going to be crud vs pure extract gold. Melty gooey ones are better IMHO.


Dude, that is killer image…No doubt


I’m liking how it turned out so far at first I’d thought it wasn’t completely dry but not the case . No sizzle when heated and full melt puddle when smoked .


Full melt puddle! That’s where it’s at! yum!


ok, well the pure thc has no real flavor. I ripped a couple of blobs of just thc. Tasted a little like coconut hah hah. So what I do, is get a ball of terpenes then roll it in thc crystals and rip that to my dome. mmm flavor country!


There’s some hardened up rosin chips. So many sparkles! That’s not a fake color, either, it comes out like a creamy honey color. This was from the first pressing of the fresh moist bubble.


here’s a little pile I made. Eventually I’ll weigh it, after I smoke a bunch heh heh. Gotta wipe the rosin stains off the buttons on the press. Got some goo on there!


It seems like making it with the fresh hash it has a different color. Probably from the shelf drying! So next time I’ll try freeze drying it after I press it. See WTF happens! I’m happy with this, for now. Lets see what happens next!!