Hash Making Revisited

I took freeze dried hash and pressed it, then scraped up a ball of the clear rosin that came out and put it into the jar and then into the fridge.

There’s the sequence of events in photo form. The ball looks much different now, eh?


It’s not a prize winning batch, but it’ll do! It’s resting in the fridge until I get the press warmed up, heh heh!


You are giving me press withdrawals lol


Bet your bottom dollar on the old hillbilly getting some bags for the next run!


ahh well I learned something. The THCa crystallizes quickly, within 10 min thats for sure. Next time, I’ll get a scraping right away. I was fooled by looking at it and thinking nothing was there, until it crystallized and I was like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I missed it.


Things went really well with the press! I did the same thing as last time, and it turned out the same. Except with a twist. After I had done what I thought was press it to the end, I took it and put it in another parchment and gave it a couple more squeezes with more pressure. It was ok, but you can tell there was too much pressure. The flap on the bag went sideways.
Alright! so I only used one bag, no double bagging. Reason was it didn’t seem like I needed it last time, so I thought I’d risk it this time. I must have done 5 bag kisses before the pressure started to squeeze. The end flap was golden, it never moved until the end when I gave it a turbo blast, with the product coming out the same, except higher yield due to the large lump I tossed in there. Camera is charging, I got some movie images of the press operating. That way you can see how this nuts thing works.


There’s the first chunky pull off the 'ol machine.

here’s the second squishing in action!

results from the second squish, lots of terpenes!

The final insane crushing. It’s tasty but you can see some kind of… contamination.


You can see a quick demo of the things I have to do to make the rosin. Namely, press a button then go have a coffee break hah hah! Each time I press the green button it decreases the gap between the 2 plates.


I’d like to know how to get the resin from being absorbed into the bag and not flow onto the parchment paper . I’d say at least 50% stays on the bag. Someone told me to flip the bag inside out still get the same results.


I wait for the gunk on the bag to crystallize then I crumble it off into a pile and smoke it. Put the rest into tincture.


ahhh great way to wake up in the morning! This is the third pressing from the hash, and it’s actually pretty good! I put the chunky rosin into the freezer to dry there! And then I’m going to compare the flavor with the fridge cured. I have to prevent myself from dabbing all the fridge rosin before I complete the comparison tests. That’s the hardest part.
OK, I ruined the flavor on a few batches with too much pressure. I think I’m really getting the hang of it now.


Well, everyone went nuts for that fridge cured rosin! It’s still going to be a few days before I can rip the freezer rosin.


Here’s the freezer curing batch! I can smell it! One is the chunky materials and the other is an amber liquid. You can see the remaining water has turned to small lumps of ice. I wonder how long until it sublimes? It’s only been a day hah hah!


Here’s the waste material! Definitely a few sparkles left there. It’s mostly dry powder though! I should put a bit on the hot knife and see what it’s made of… or use the microscope.


Looks really good!!

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I detect some THCa crystals. I think that’s what makes the sparkles. I’m leaning in that direction because the piles of crystals are sparkling all the time. This is the rosin waste from the micron sack, so there is definitely thc in that bag still. The terpene extractions don’t sparkle until they are fridge cured. I should look at that under the microscope as well!


Here’s the cured rosin!


Hey @JoeCrowe so I bought a bubblebag dude or whatever little 5 gallon washing machine with the 220 micron zipper bag and the bags for buckets to drain, I freeze material before hand, making sure ice water is as cold as can be before adding material and my yield/color are just complete ass compared to what you make by hand.

Should I ditch the little machine and work stuff old school or is there ways I can refine my technique or both of those things? I’ve read a bit about it here and other places and just can’t seem to find the sweet spot like you have

I want hash that looks like yours… Lol


The yield is strain dependent, but the hash color can definitely be improved with a few tricks. I rinse the hash in the bubble bag to get the green out.


Also don’t over mix it the more agitation it gets the greener it becomes . Freeze drying it should give it the beach sand appearance vs a green texture .