Hash Making Revisited

yah so here’s how the fail all went down. The pressure was just coming onto the bag and I was like well shit… I could lower the arm another mm after just 20 seconds instead of 180… whats the worst that could happen? Then suddenly blarff a big ooze of crud and I knew it was over.


The middle darker ball is what those two end balls are made from in the rosin press. woooo weee it was good stuff cough cough


ok so setting it in the fridge for 24 hours works good, these balls come out practically dry! I wonder if I should take the rosin out of the freezer and put it in the fridge. Next, I have to make some rosin balls and cure them in the fridge. I took a couple mega hits off those things and there was very little sizzle, so they aren’t completely dry yet. I should rustle up some ball jars to cure different things in the fridge, since I only have 2 curing containers. hah hah I should just call it “stabilizing” instead of curing, as that can be misleading. This isn’t some kind of tobacco leaf. I’m trying to achieve product stability at room temperature.


God that stuff looks primo what flavour is it meat breath?

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Damn, that looks so fire! I’d love to dab that lol… Oh well I’ll dab vicariously through you. @JoeCrowe

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These are a big bud batch. The meat breath produces pretty good as well, I swear it’s rosin tasted like mandarin oranges somehow.


ok! So I went to the girl next door’s place and took all my samples. She said the yellow/white rosin balls from the fridge dried hash smelled like holy shit flowers. And the sparkle of the freeze dried and fridge stabilized hash was the best. So in terms of hash it was a hit for the fridge stabilized freeze dried and the rosin was 24 hours in the fridge then pressed. So I’m going to try and standardize on that!
EDIT: I told her the smell of the hash had seeped into my pores so I can’t smell it any more :wink:


here she is, checking out the wares heh heh


Enough with the flirting, back to business


lol I had to draw a quick cartoon but the phone rang half way through so her hand turned out massive. This is what she picked though… and it looks like the fucking freeze dried hash I had stabilized has now melted. How the hell did that happen after a couple days?


I’m ripping that rosin ball now. It’s like… floral and fruity… mmm take me away dream cloud!
The freeze dried hash… is still transforming. I’m not even sure what it’s doing but I suspect it’s still melting and finding the point of lowest potential energy. AKA flat surface hah hah! I keep the lid on there… I think… perhaps… one day… it’s going to solidify and stop melting at room temp.


oh yah well I figured out how it had melted over a couple day period of being just “sitting around” turns out once it hits room temperature it’s always slowly slowly melting and it takes a while for that to become apparent.


IIRC way back when in the other thread when you were air drying, that stuff stabilized rather quickly and could be handled without issue. With the freeze drying, it seems possible to stabilize also, but takes much longer and requires a little more of a process. Any ideas why there’s more instability with the freeze dried stuff? Could purity be a factor?


yah, excellent question. I think the evidence points towards purity and “freshness”. OF course, raw plant fibers don’t melt, and if you have lots of them it makes the hash feel grainy with fibers. Fresh trichomes are super sticky as well, frozen right away and kept frozen until hash making.
The overarching thing you can’t control is what kind of bubble hash comes out of the plant. Some of them are gross. I don’t count that as a factor because those plants are in the garbage.


When you say “gross” do you mean they taste bad or the effects are unpleasant or …?

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dark brown turd style :slight_smile: Something that doesn’t melt.

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ok the rosin made from fresh hash from the bag doesn’t seem to be freeze drying at a pace I can co-exist with. So I took it out of the freezer and left it there for a couple days. I’m going to see if it’ll just finish drying out here in a reasonable time without costing the terps and color. So far, the rosin broke in half now. Seems like it’s turning into a solid.


great news! It’s drying out and the color is stable. Shouldn’t be any water left in another day, and I’ll have ripped it all hah hah! I’ll take the bulk out of the freezer and put it on a parchment sheet to dry out, and see what happens. Got a nice floral and fruity smell and flavor that’s for sure.


ok, I dug out the fantasmo buds from the freezer and I’m going to make hash. I don’t expect a yield beyond 3 grams, but that’s cool. I wanted to see how a CBG plant would make hash and what kind of hash it would be. hah hah and yah, I know the next CBG plant could be entirely different from this one. I think I’ll fridge stabilize and press this chunk. We’ll see if it’s worth it.


geeze even the fridge stabilized hash melted after… 7 days. When you dry it in the cold, it has to stay cold… or something like that. I assumed it would stabilize after 7 days at room temp. wrong.
The CBG buds are really sticky! So I’m looking forward to some good hash. It’s pine-lemon sorta, so I could do a rosin extraction that would probably taste like lemons. The chunky rosin bits seem to always lean towards citrus flavors. I wonder how the terpenes would be? hah hah also where will the CBG itself end up? Is that shit going to crystallize? hah hah so many questions.