Hash Making Revisited

really soon now! I’m excited by it’s crapulence! ooooo! Too bad the seed donor is already gone from the forums or I’d summon them for the great reveal. Oh well! I get to keep this awesomeness to myself :wink: I wonder if the strange texture of the trichomes will show up in microscopic images or something. I definitely didn’t see that kind of thing in the FLC-BX1 images so it’s unique to fantasmo, so far. Some plants just have that strange twist to them.

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Some plant materials in there you can see. Looks good otherwise, but no prize winner. I was probably spot on the weight. About 3 grams, I’ll weigh it tomorrow and see, because now it’s off to the fridge to chill until tomorrow. Then it’s got a date with a rosin press. IT smells just like dill pickles.


oh it’s no prize winner that’s for sure. I ripped some and it was kind of pine-like, with the aftertaste of charred plant material. I’ll press it tomorrow, when it’s dried in the fridge.


I find CBG takes a while to kick in, then tends to effect my short term memory. Like I’ll walk into a room and totally forget why I went in to begin with.


I did that before I began smoking weed! Now, I was going to… what was I going to do?!?!?


Every time I do that I think of this:

:rofl: :vulcan_salute:



The effects are fairly decent, and it’s pretty much like any other hash I can pump out. Gooey ball of tan that I can rip and get fucked up yooooooooo! Hah hah Taste isn’t top notch like I had claimed before, but I did a good wake and bake on it, so I could feel the effect better. Next stages are microscopic imaging and then rosin pressing and more imaging! wheeeeeee!

just need to wean myself off that computer game…bah hah! Bonus points if you can figure out the name of it.



lol yah I included the name in the image, that’s definitely it. If you can get the game to run…
I’m gonna scuttle up the star ladder there once I destroy the very planet itself.

The hash looks pretty standard to me, with some additional fibers. It’s full melt and does the job!


There you can judge how much of the hash is plant fibers. Not that much.


Here’s a really good image of a single trichome cap. I did the EDF thing, but only on that target.


Actually it was the Rebar gun that gave it away.


hah hah yah blade runners and rebar gun, classic satisfactory. It’s good fun for 20$ once you figure out how you can stop the crashing. The bugs in the game are worth 20$ just by themselves :wink:

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made some excellent rosin. I think I got the process using the fridge figured out now! Next time I do another run, I’ll see what happens, but I’m leaning towards warming it up for 20min till it hits room temps, before pressing it. That would make it:
make the hash and get most of the water out. Put it in the fridge for 24 hours then into the rosin sack. Let that warm up for 20min or so, then squish it into the rosin sack so it’s already pretty flat-ish. Then put it in the press at 70 for 180 min. After the first cycle, I lower the temps to 64 and do more pressing while it’s cooling. I did 2 cycles this time, I’m getting better at it.


It’s still slowly melting. I got a little bit of time lapse video as well, I’ll fix it up and post it later.
Edit: Cause it’s time to get wasted :wink:


yum! Sort of like a pine, and minty flavor. Definitely different from the plants I’ve been ripping lately. Not really any citrus flavors in it, or smell, really, after pressing it. Fantastic!


Haze-4-dayz aka original Haze


You gonna freeze dry that or make it into rosin or something?

I will freeze it for hour then Microplane it to dry
I add to joints and cook with it

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My bad Posted wrong place