Hash Making Revisited

I upload versions for high def video, because now I can do that. Internet speed is everything, it would have taken an hour to upload it before.
You have to watch it in 4K resolution full screen lol!


Here’s the entire rosin batch, and you can’t see it very well.

until it becomes a ball of goodness!

Here’s what was left behind. All crap.


Thats pretty trippy and kewl nice work


It’s starting to solidify, so it’s a race now between my ability to rip it all VS the solidification! I’m manufacturing some more ice for the next go. I’m going to try the harlequin rosin, and see if it measures up. Despite the fantasmo buds being nasty and unremarkable, the extracts, though minuscule, definitely measured up compared to the other plants. Flavor wasn’t very exotic, but very palatable. My next CBG auto is going to be grapey walter. I think that’s what it’s called. I have enough fem seeds to do a couple dozen runs, if I want.


Hey whats your temp for straight flower?

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I had smashed it at 74C before.


Man that’s low, how long do you let that sit on the plates?

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Oh it was just a quick 180 second press to get some rosin out to try. I don’t really press flower very often just as a quick experiment to see how it tastes.


this is from some of the forum stomper autos I got from @Sebring. how do I know when it is completely dry? Are these chunks too large for freezer drying?


I wouldn’t think there too big I freeze dry slabs just takes longer.


Yep, it just takes longer for larger pieces of hash. It’s dry when you can crumble a frozen bit or it goes completely white or you take a bit out and warm it up then put it on a hot surface to see if it sizzles. Sizzle means moisture is still in there.


I finished it off just in time, it was dangerously close to becoming completely solid! Ahhh it was a nice rosin. Can’t wait to see what the experimental plants do, as well. New stuff is always exciting!


I’d do that even without having any! lol!!


hah hah it’s just easier to get distracted. Guess what day it is?? Harlequin day!

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The yield was actually better than I thought it would be. Defeated the Fantasmo, that’s for sure.


What a beautiful loaf!


yah it’s definitely a prize winning batch in terms of the contamination levels. I’m going to let it sit over night in the fridge on a piece of parchment. Then tomorrow, I’ll let it warm up completely and press it. This idea seems to be working out better than pressing it wet. It takes a long time for the wet rosin to dry even at room temps. My observation is the thc crystals didn’t form on the batch last time. We’ll see why soon enough.


This is what it looks like the next day. It’s ready to be warmed back up and pressed. See that white crust? Trichomes!


oh my! I just was packing the hash into the rosin bag and I was thinking to myself… it would be nice to seal the end and make sure there are no blowouts. Then I thought hmm I could make a good crease in there with a clothes iron. Then! I thought fuck me the press itself can seal the end in one blast. So… I’m gonna do it. Put the press on 70C then bring the plates together on the end of the bag before I press the rosin. Sometimes I’m too clever for my own good!

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There yah go, some old fashioned sticktuitiveness. hah hah I ironed a crease in the bag with an old iron that doesn’t iron clothes anymore.