Hash Making Revisited

You did that before you put the hash in there righ?? :rofl:

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hahhah yah that iron could make rosin itself on “nylon” setting. But here’s my 1:1 rosin! Looks like any other rosin, but with that crazy earthen-perfume harlequin smell. More terpenes than the Fantasmo hash, but I don’t really appreciate the CBD part of it. I give it a “meh” rating.


I’ll break down the process I used, in case it applies to anyone else!
I put the hash ball in my creased rosin bag, that I used the iron on. Don’t iron your hash hah hah. Then I flatten the ball out with my hand inside the bag in the parchment.

This is what I do next. The screen image says it all hah hah that’s cycle 1. It lowers and lightly squishes the rosin bag for 180 seconds. at 70C blah blah.

Then it’s another little love tap at 64C the plates are cooling from 70 at this point. so I lower the boom for 180 seconds while it cools. Then it’s up to my discretion. I can lower it a third time. But if I hit the button too many times, in the end, everything is destroyed.I stop when there’s a millimeter gap left, at that point I think it’s all crushed out without destroying the very earth itself. You never want to hear “clunk” when the plates come together, that’s when the damage happens.


Very useful info. What pressure are you ending with if I may ask

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I just end the cycle when there’s still a tiny gap. Not sure what pressure it’s using but enough that when the plates come together it’s final and destroys the rosin bag and everything in it including the parchment paper is shredded. I just bring the plates slowly together starting at the thickness of the hash I flattened out with my hand. It’s a process in stages where I start out at like 5 mm and just bring the plates closer by a millimeter or two every 180 seconds. The machine is programmable so it’s a robotic-like process.


eventually youtube will have the 4K version online. I think the microscope camera is my favorite lab toy!


When you view the 4K version of the video, it’s like what I can see here. A perfect replica of what appears on my monitor! Uploading it is only 50 megabytes, but the old internet crap couldn’t handle it. I used the encoder on the video card of my computer to generate that video out of 700 megabytes of data. It’s a video encoders dream!


I’m not sure what in the he’ll you just said but I dig the pics

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You need an audio track… I suggest whale songs … :vulcan_salute:



oh, I’m excited now! I’ve got everything I need to make FLC-BX1 into the first test batch! OMG! I love new stuff! Also there is a dried bud on the line from the plant, just waiting for me to try it. Smells good! Now I just gotta see if it makes my brain do the happy dance or the fuckingshit dance.

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well it panned out! So next step is the hash making! I’m filling the buckets, now.

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I’m in the final phase, just chilling out while the hash settles so I can rip the bag out as quick as possible.


oh my! I am loving my new simulated reality! Shit the hash wasn’t a prize winner, that’s for sure.
I treated myself to some new g-sync monitors and I’m definitely living my best simulated life now :wink: lol!
Hopefully the hash will make some good rosin! But I am going to try a little nibble, just for fun, and get the flavor of the hash to try. It’s not so white as other batches, but I could probably spruce that up with some freeze drying. Instead I’ll take it’s natural color and see what it turns into as rosin. You think playing around in a simulated reality is fun? I already know the rules of the game there. Actual reality is the ultimate 3d rendered game, but the graphics are shittier.


well the hash was alright but I’m not sure it can achieve full melt. I’m fine with that, so lets see what else it does!


oh my! I’m warming up the hash and the press! Let’s see what happens. Been waiting for months to complete this round. You have to be so patient in the testing ugggh it’s like watching paint dry!


ok! And there it is heh heh I swear it’s a mixture of perfume and wet dog smell.


The ironing of the rosin bag is a really good idea. I can easily squish some rosin without blowing hash out of the bag. No need to double bag it! Not that the bags are expensive, mind you, but I still don’t want to use extra ones.


Ahh the infinite and surprising colors and textures of rosin and hash. So fascinating! The light colored rosin is the FLC-BX1 and the amber stuff is big bud. The FLC rosin has… a really strange thing going on. It smells like roses and earth and weird stuff, but I swear the rosin tastes almost like cucumbers.


got some hash porn to tide everyone over before the next batch. I’m going to make another freeze dried hash batch soon out of the big bud. I have to re-supply those caches of goodies. You can see… something? going on with the freeze dried hash here. It’s been sitting for a long ass time. Trying to get it to stop melting. Almost looks like some clear liquid is oozing out of the blobs. Fascinating!


ok and the fridge dried hash looks like this. It’s just sitting on the shelf in a parchment pouch. It sparkles but seems like it won’t melt at room temp like the freeze dried.
It’s interesting to see what the freeze dried hash does, it’s a very different product made from the exact same material.