Hash Making Revisited

I whipped up this cartoon for laughs! I have enough ice to make another batch of hash… so I was thinking of making a meat breath one. I picked up the FLC today and it still smells like wet dog. That’s ok! Lots more seedlings to sprout.


Hey man ya got some of that wet dog kickin around lol I could just hear the phone call from my buddy .


Is the wet dog better than cat piss? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Here’s my incredible journey! You can see the purple color there I washed it all out with water. I usually never put many purple buds in there but this time I loaded up hah hah.
I stay away from the piss and shit strains, personally! :smiley:


I’m going to do a more thorough cleaning of my 90 micron bag. I freeze it wet then start smashing the ice and hash. It’ll get freeze dried and crumble.


I’m sorry but how!?

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After I’m done making the hash it’s kind of wet, so I toss it in the freezer. The water freezes to ice and the hash is frozen as well in there. So then I smash the ice. If I leave it long enough the ice will evaporate, but I’ll probably give it several smashings and then let it dry then freeze it again and shatter the hash dust. Give it a real workover!


Well by the looks of it you know what you’re doing :sweat_smile::crazy_face:If you have a min send me your complete bubble hash tutorial

Shit looks clean man

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Hey thanks! I won up there at the contest for making killer bubble hash, lol, now can I say hilarious shit like “you wanna hit off some award winning hash?” I can recap the process!
freeze the green buds fresh off the plant then make 90 micron bubble hash. Take that and freeze dry it in the freezer by cutting it into bits or whatever prep it for freeze drying. After it’s dry press it in the rosin press! yum! The devil is in the details :slight_smile:


YES!.. Yes you CAN!! :star_struck: :+1: :trophy:



here’s a couple of blurry photos of me prepping the hash for the press! End ironed closed: check! Hash melting at room temp: check! Press warming up: check! Ready for mandarin orange flavored hash: check!
I’m pressing meat breath. Despite it’s lower yield than the big bud, I do enjoy the rosin it makes. Yum!


Towelie: cough cough That’s some good shit!


Wow excellent return by the looks of things.


This time I gave it an extra squish hehheh I thought it was too much but the ironing of the end of the bag really does seem to help with the blowouts. I thought I would have blown it out that time for sure.


Curious about how you store your hash after you’ve dried it in the freezer, and how you prevent condensation from gathering on it transferring it to storage?

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I prefer to actually keep it frozen so it lasts indefinitely until it’s consumed. After a couple of… I think months of being transferred into that glass sealed jar with the lid on, it’s stopped melting. Honestly I’ve never noticed condensation form on it after I brought it out of the freezer. I put it on the beam to see if there was any moisture that had gathered or was trapped and would evaporate, but it stayed the same weight for 3 days. Then I sealed it up.

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Drying in the freezer has lightened things up, but its still brown after I make rosin. Probably because I use a drill to beat the shit outta the weed while makin bubble hash. I do big batches and only run them twice without any sort of reclaim on the used stuff, so I tend to try and get as much as possible regardless of loss of quality.
both batches of dried hash looked similar. I did GG4 and chemberry, but only got a pic of the gg.

compared to last years which was mostly blue dream and air dried

It looks great when I first start to squish it. Its still hot and full of tiny bubbles

then it starts to darken as it cools

the left 2 are chemberry pressed at different temps, then GG, then last years bluedream on the right

The blue dream from last year might be spoiling. Its separating and getting a light colored skin layer. Its been in the fridge most of the time. I haven’t been using it, but its hard to throw away because of how much work it was, its weight, and because I dont know for sure if thats just natural or actually going bad. Curiosity also makes me wanna see what happens.

You can barely see the super thin light colored layer on top. And lots of bubbles appearing mostly from the bottom.
Oh one thing I noticed while freezer drying. Last time I put the hash on parchment on an aluminum cookie sheet. As the the hash dried, I got straight up water appearing between the parchment and the cookie sheet. Like, quite a bit. I had to redo it and dry it. So as the water evaporates, it likely sinks at that temperature. Just something to think about for people experimenting. I got my current batch on a parchment, on paper towel, on a cookie sheet. Its a huge batch of all different junk weed for edibles so I’m expecting brown regardless this time.

Anyway, thank you @JoeCrowe for documenting everything so well, and sharing your discoveries. I’m officially a freezer hash drier person :slight_smile:


Oh I probably also pressed for to long. I did mostly 180F but the press is horrible, so I can’t get it done in a timely fashion or it’ll blow out. It basically just has a button that you press and it squeezes the plates, then keeps going until it decides to stop. So if the hash isn’t melted and it goes to far, its bad. So that part will improve when I make a proper press eventually.

How long does a batch take to dry in the freezer? I made a batch this Sunday and it’s been sitting in the freezer since. I’m super impatient but guessing it will take a few weeks? Thinking about making another batch today depending on how long it will take to dry.

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it depends on how dry it was going in, how small of pieces its in, and probably how cold your freezer is. You just gotta check on it. It’ll turn lighter color and get easier to break up. But bigger pieces will stay wet longer in the middle and on the bottom.

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