Hash Making Revisited

It’s mostly powder with a couple of small pieces that I couldn’t break up with the sieve. I used a microplane at first but cut my thumb :stuck_out_tongue: I dried it for a few hours over paper towel and switched the paper towel with new ones every time the towel wicked away moisture. Then it went in the freezer. My freezer is -15- -18ish Celsius. I replaced the paper towel again just now and quickly scaled out the powder and I have just over 2 oz. I’m guessing it’s going to be much less after it dries?

I’m going to get more pressing screens eventually. My bags only came with a tiny one that doesn’t fit everything. I mixed every micron besides the 190 (tossed it out, looks full of contam) together but in the future I might try separating the grades. Wonder if I should have tossed the 160 too. Hoping when dried I can roll my powder into a ghetto “temple ball”

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If you reheated that stuff that you think is going bad, would it re-stabilize into a more usable product?

I could probably heat it and stir it to make it more even looking. I guess I dont know enough about how it naturally breaks down, and when its going bad, or unsafe to use. So its just kinda sitting there and aging. I guess I need more real life friends to smoke it up, because I prefer flower.

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Well, do you need my address? :slight_smile:
Just kidding. I am going to experience that when I can. LOL
I think that might be my sleep meds in the future.

It seems like some people love it. It burns my lungs to much and I dont like coughing. This big batch currently drying will probably get made into edibles. Not sure if theres a point in pressing it first or I might just skip that and make it with hash. idk, I gotta research about making edibles which isn’t very interesting to me for some reason. feels like homework.



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excellent you have the tech down for sure! I got a few info tips and stuff. Questions too! ok! So when you put it on the parchment and on the cookie sheet - yes any moisture trapped in the hash will start to collect on the sheet due to gravity. I lay the 25 micron drying mat underneath the parchment to prevent the ice from sticking the paper to the sheet.
OK! are you using fresh green buds? That produces the whitest hash. Also, have you tried lower temps on the press? I go as high as 70C, which is still pretty cool.
My observation on the blowouts when I was messing it up: it makes the rosin dark, and sometimes cloudy.
When I took the rosin and sealed it in a jar then into the fridge for 30+ days it solidifies.


yea I use fresh frozen buds. except this last big edible batch. Thats got a mix of tons of stuff. I started off at 170F with the first round of chemberry. I didn’t explain that, but I ran them all and then stacked them 3 high and reran them at 185F and it only looked a little darker but I got WAY more. Thats why there is 2 jars of chemberry. So when i did the GG I just ran it hotter and only did it once.
I can’t stress enough how frustrating this press it. The button pushes like a trigger, meaning that it presses a ways, then suddenly triggers on. Once it does, it goes a bit and then winds its motor back down all the while going to far and crushing everything. lolol. its horrible. I try and lightly poker it super fast, and either go to light and nothing happens, or if I’m lucky I hit it perfect. So I end up leaving the top plate kissed lightly down to long in case I overpress so it’ll hopefully squish out quickly instead of blowing. I wont be making more until next year, and I’m only willing to do it if I have a press built before then.
Basically I’m glad its almost over for now. Cause this thing has no “touch” whatsoever.
Regardless of all that, its for sure lighter because of the freezer, which is awesome. I know i have areas I can improve for sure. I’ve also been thinking that next year, if I do a bunch again, I’ll wash lightly first and keep that separate, then get the drill out for the 2nd wash forward. So far I’ve been doing what i saw in a video and scooping from bags directly into a small bucket of ice water, so I can collect all at once at the end. Thats handy. I just need a 2nd bucket and to stop being lazy :slight_smile:

Made another batch today. It’s all sitting out in the garage atm. Haven’t turned it into powder yet. @JoeCrowe roughly how long does it take to dry in the freezer? A week? multiple weeks? Dying to try it. Smelled pretty good while mixing. I was going crazy like I was racing a kayak :stuck_out_tongue: I tossed the 190 and the 160 micron down the drain they both looked crappy.

Nice to have bags finally. Now I’ll be able to run trim/airy buds every grow instead of it taking up a bunch of space in my freezer. I kinda regret getting the bigger bags but oh well. I’m guessing the colour is darker because some of the material was like 6 months old and was just sitting in a 5 gal home depot bucket.

I ran 3-3.5 lb of trim and some airy buds in multiple batches. I’m hoping to get a few ozs, is that expecting too much? I know there’s tons of variables. The ones I kept are 120, 90, 73, 45 and 25 micron.


I’m jealous of the big bags. I just threw away my 5 gallon ones. Gonna get bigger before next year.

I didn’t keep track, if its pretty dry going in and broken up really well, its done in like a week give or take a few. I wouldn’t leave them that big tho unless it already froze like that. If it froze in big chunks you can grate it with a cheese grater.


Why’d ya toss the 5 gal bags wore out ?

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yea, they were pretty ruff. I only use a few bags, and the stitching was broke in mutliple places. had a leak in my main bag too. The 45.


I already fucked up my finger on the microplane haha maybe I can try with the small part of the cheese grater since it’s not as sharp. The garage at least for the time being is as cold as my freezer. I got my bags for black Friday deals. Couldn’t resist got 30% off 32 gal rosin evolution bags from lowtemp plates.

Once I’m not lazy I will grate up all the stuff I might put new paper towel under it as well so it can wick some more moisture before I turn it into powder and put it in the freezer to dry


It gives you a real appreciation for hash tho :slight_smile:

Making bubble, I use 2 big bins that are much bigger than 5 gallons. I mix in one, then remove/strain the weed/ice into the other, then go through and strain all the water 5 gallons at at time. Its a pain. Theres got to be a better way to do this with large amounts. But I dont know it yet.

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figured out a good way to lift the bags and bounce the water out? Or are you just really strong? I’m way out of shape. I figured I’d rig something up to use a bar and some leverage. Or something…

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I’m far from strong :sweat_smile: The bags drained pretty well (they’re all mesh).

I have 2 32 gal bins. My first batch I mixed with the 220 bag in the bin and got insanely frustrated with the bag floating so I started mixing in the bin with no bag (thanks to @ShiskaberrySavior ) and get a nice whirlpool going while mixing like a madman. I mix for around 30 mins.

I use a 5 gal bucket to dump all the ice/weed/water into the second bin with the 220 after mixing and let it sit for 10-20. Lifting the 220 bag with all the ice is the only one that I feel it in my arms. The other ones drain pretty well. After the 220 bag is done sitting I clean the other bin out and put the other 7 bags on it and pour all the water with 5 gal buckets again after taking out the 220 micron. Maybe has to do with the oversized bags.

I’m gonna get a third bin at some point to save some time but for now it seems to work out.

I had a (possibly crazy) idea to try and bake something with the leftover water with what I’m guessing are water soluble terpenes. Use that water instead of plain water in a recipe and see what happens.


If there is lots of water then it can take a month. If you cut it up into small bits and try to get as much water out as you can, it should take a week. I find you can dab little bits before it’s fully dry :slight_smile:
If you leave it with lots of water and it’s a big chunk… you could be looking at a year. hah hah or something. It takes a long time, believe me.
Exposing as much surface area to the freezer as possible, speeds things up huge. Pressure fluctuations will help as well. It’s the basics of thermodynamics, standard temperature pressure.


Took the frozen patties out of the garage this morning and grated them up with the cheese grater after they thawed a bit :stuck_out_tongue: Worked better than the microplane since I could actually slide my fingers against the grate without chopping the fuck out of em. I just mixed all my 120, 90, 73, 45, 25 together. Prob not the greatest stuff but for now I want something I can turn into a ball instead of having the better micron bags become super sticky. I’ll probably start keeping the grades separate when I am not using older material/ have a dab rig again. Volcano not very good for extracts.

After grating it up I left it on a tray with a few layers of thick paper towel to wick off some moisture and periodically mixed the pile. I then moved it over to another tray with more paper towel and repeated this a few times before putting it in the freezer. Took a bout an hour maybe a bit more. The relative humidity in my house is also currently really low so hopefully that helped a bit too (29%)

Kinda smells like berries.


Oh yea, that’ll dry way better now.

I use less bags every time. Mostly I use a couple big ones to catch junk, then the 45 to catch the rest. 25 catches a lot to sometimes, but its a pain to use and catches some nasty stuff sometimes, so I didn’t even use it this year.


I only ever get the 90 micron hash, that contained the least amount of plant fibers.