Hash Making Revisited

So you use the 220 wash bag and collect the 90? Or do you have the 190, 160, and 120 micron bags in there too? My kit has 8 bags.


yah I just have the 220 wash bag in there, the 90 and 25 to gather any crud that falls. I usually gather the 25 crud, which is a tiny brown lump and leave it on the shelf for Gal, she says the 25 micron crap is better than most hash she can purchase. ick.


The hash left in the sack is a powder now, it’s all freeze dried so I smashed it out of the sack. It’s way cleaner now heh heh, but I probably don’t have time to smash it again. I have to make more hash! The bag itself is pretty much freeze dried except the drawstring. It’s still crusty.


ok I dug and found two big bud and one meat breath. Today is gonna be a mixed bag day!!! I woulda done all big bud except there was no more left in the freezer.


phew oh my this was an epic journey!

Phenomenal yields! PRize winning batch!

color compared to printer paper!

tool of destruction!

Rosin batch!

freeze dried hash batch! yay! I’ll be warming up the press very soon. Gonna do another freshie batch! Love 'em. I’ll do more freeze dried batches as well! Since I am getting much better at it, I’ll go back to that process and see what I can do.


Man I wish I had your patience, anything I make doesn’t even get to fully dry before I crack into it, it’s usually at its best just as I’m finishing it up


tell that story to the fantasmo rosin, it never got a chance to solidify and none of my friends got to try a scrap lol!
ok! Yes I made another batch of rosin and freeze dried hash. This was a freshie, so I could really experience the difference. It chunks the rosin from a fresh batch and there are a few water drops. The rosin is some kind of solid chunk with liquid around it. I did the terpene extraction as well! I really pulverized it, this time. I thought I was overdoing it at the end, but it seems to work, I guess I wasn’t pushing the envelope.

Lots of yummy thc crystals were produced in the making of this rosin. I think the freshie fresh extraction makes extra thc crystals instead of letting it sit overnight.


reminds me, anyone else get THC crystals forming where the hash bag was?

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I haven’t myself but I’ve seen/ heard of people making it online.

Decent article

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mmm thanks a write up to feast on! Has some interesting crap I’d like to try… I get the sauce and thca at 64 what if I turned that way down to 40C like they say? I wonder how… it’s working for me at higher temps? Does it have something to do with the moisture trapped in there? heh heh the more questions posed by reading something, the more I learn from it. We never made THCa crystals when I did it the first time, and we were using freeze dried hash at 64C. Oh yAH, I can extract some answers :wink:


ok here’s the terpene layer, all scraped up. I am going to make a large pile out of THCa and melt it on the rosin press into a big crystal. Here’s the process. Heat the press up to 115C and put the crystals in a pile on the parchment, then place that on the plate. Don’t press it just heat it and melt it into a blob then let it cool.
Meanwhile, I’ll be ripping the “sauce” lol!
Alright… you may be wondering how I learned to separate the THCa from the rosin?

The story of my life.


how long do you cure hash ? good information will follow your work ---- like the 90 bag over them all


bag size ? 90 120 ???


I gather the 90 micron, but I’m not sure what you mean by cure. If you are talking about stabilizing the hash later on, that takes about a month at room temps. Don’t know the exact time, but it takes a while to stop melting. I sealed it in a jar and let it sit until it solidified.
Curing rosin in the fridge takes about a month. Takes about a week at room temps. By curing, I really mean it’s not sticky anymore and it solidifies.


Thanks for your information Yea ! a 90 – you are right “curring” hash ? thinking of flowers ----

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If you compare the color to the first day I put it in there, you can see it’s getting dry! Might need to stir the chunks up I think they are piled in the corner there. Upper left looks like a slow-drying stack of crumbles.


Looks great, makes me want to make some hash. I need to harvest and am debating the normal fresh frozen or giving the half dry a try.


Do both and make a decision matrix to decide which is better!


great news! The freeze dried hash has definitely stabilized as sparkly gold nuggets. The smell? divine.
I sealed it up in a container for over a month until it was no longer sticky and melting. It was at about 18C the whole time in the lab, sealed up. My friends wanted to rip it so bad, I had to distract them with fresh rosin.
…Today? I think I am going to try and rock up that thca like some kind of demented crack rock. Oh, I’ve been dreaming of doing SOMETHING with that shit, just hadn’t figured out what, yet.


well I melted the powder into a yellowish glass substance. You need a thin layer and more than 115 degrees Celsius. I ripped that mega dab with a small bit of the other rosin and ooooo wweeeeee I got ripped. I melt more tomorrow and show everyone. I just did a tiny bit.