Hash Making Revisited

with and without the flash! It’s like yellow glass.


I’ve seen guys on Instagram pour that melted THCA into silicone candy molds.


hah hah, yah as I was melting it I was thinking the same thoughts. Using the press to melt it is a fools game though. You have to go farther and faster than 115C. Once I get this down pat I can get the results from the laser gun. For now, it’s just an art still. laughs
I think the process is just lacking a few finer details. I’ve got enough THCa laying around I can go at this until the cows come home.


Took my frozen hash out of the freezer and put it through a sieve again so it’s basically powdered now. Think I’m gonna leave it in the freezer at least a few more days. I was stubborn and mixed a batch I made a few days later with the batch I made a few days later. One of them was made about 10 days ago but the other batch was around 6 or 7. I squeezed a little sample of the powder into a ball to see how it burned and it didn’t burn the greatest. Black smoke at first while it was on fire and then a grey ash. Took a few times to get the ball lit. Not sure if it’s due to contaminants (mixed all the bags together besides the 190 and 160) or if it hasn’t quite dried yet. Could be both. Hopefully a few more days in the freezer with even more surface area would help. It squeezed into a ball with little effort with the heat from my fingers. It didn’t sizzle with moisture (or really melt at all) when I lit it but it did smell great. The black smoke worried me a bit though.


I would hazard a guess there are quite a few plant fibers in the hash. Usually I check under the microscope and scan for fibers, because you can’t really see it with the human eye. Usually just a few grains or a smear will do it. Magnifying with the camera can work as well.


Pretty sure there is. I have a few close up pics already but didn’t post em cuz they’re ugly af :stuck_out_tongue:

I mixed pretty hard by hand I was worried about not getting enough off the material. I also bet I don’t have the ice to water ratio down because I think it was different for both batches. I mixed like a madman for like 30 mins and did 2 batches. The first one gave 3/4 of the yield or more and the second one was much less. I was using a dowel basically and when I got mixing I was doing it so hard it created a whirlpool and I did this for like 20-30 mins each time. Maybe I’ll wash more gentle next time or for less time.

Do you think I should let it sit in the freezer a few more days or the burn is from contam? I didn’t really hear any moisture sizzling but might still be a tiny bit in there. The black smoke worried me a bit but if it’s not moisture I really want to see how much I got since I couldn’t tell with all the moisture a week+ ago. Hoping for a few ozs.

EDIT: should i soak the weed in the water before adding the ice? My weed/ trim was really crumbly coming out of the freezer and didn’t absorb the water immediatly/floated.


I usually touch some of it to a hot knife and when it melts I check for sizzle. I separated the grades of hash and made sure I was only saving the best stuff, at 90 micron. IF you go crazy with the mixing, it can break up more fibers, but also you made it from dried weed, which never helps quality as far as I can tell. You could soak the buds or whatever, but starting with substandard materials as input can only result in substandard output.


Hey just wondering for your air cloner what do i need for a hole cutter like the size ? Thanks again going to build one


And what size of neosize i need to fill it

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They are 4.5cm neoprene and I used a hole saw to cut holes just a tiny bit smaller so the neoprenes fit snug, without falling in.


it’s getting dry. I don’t have to worry if I didn’t get the chunks small enough to dry in a week… I’ve got mucho freeze dried hash still.


Ended up finally half ass pressing my hash. I’m glad I let it dry for a few more days. It went from a QP to 100grams since then which is the final weight. Not bad, 1/10th of a kg of some decent but full of stalks/contam hash. I prob should have let it dry longer but I was getting way too impatient. Burns a bit better than last time I checked. Still black smoke when on fire but lights easier. Once it’s lit it cherries for a long time. I took a few small hauls from the wispy smoke coming off the little ball I tested and it got me decently high so I’m sure a bowl of this would get me pretty damn baked. It’s probably like 10 or more strains mixed together. Ash is a bit more light grey than the last time I tried when it was darker grey. Has a creamy berry smell with a touch of citrus in the background.


it’s not bad, you avoided the “seriously dark” levels of contamination. I know some people might get mad when I say this, but the darker it is, the more plant material can be found. Or… “other” materials of unknown origin.


Nice chunk of hash looks like some decent crystals.


Well! I do believe it’s hash making day. I wonder what I’ll find in the freezer? Lots of meat breath and FLC!


Pulling up a chair, need to learn .

Out of curiosity, about how much dry sieve kief do you get out of the trim from an average size plant? I know there are tons of variables, just looking for ballpark avg. Is this something I will want to collect over several harvests if I am only growing 1 plant at a time? If so, how do your store the kief for 6-12 months?

I plan on using a dry tumbler. Will probably buy this SS sieve canister and construct my own machine.

I remember reading something about Indica and Sativa having different size trichomes, does any know the particulars? I ask because I need to choose between a 150 micron and a 180 micron SS screen.

I am about a month from harvest so I am building my kit now.

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Hi bro my last hash run ( not a large amount)
Was very light in color but I heated it up a bit ( hot water bottle method ) and it turned black as tar and melts if you look at it

More use to making hash with dry

I saw the light clean looking that I’ve seen in this thread still can’t get there


Any tips is appreciated


I just want the instruction manual🤪his bubble hash is always. … Immaculate

Hash making by @JoeCrowe

Paper back hard copy or pfd haha

When I was younger the older folks would always have me help them make it probably because of all the ice and drill turning it always would come out so green aka chlorophyll they though it was great when it came out black …they then proceeded to use coffee filters to strain it after they used the gravity method with the hoses to suck the water out of the bucket and hash would be on bottom of bucket


The returns depend on the plant in question. I could pull 125 grams of full melt hash off of 4 plants under 1x1000watt hps. A plant has trichomes on it that vary in size, but the largest I’ve measured so far is 180 microns. I only keep the 90 micron hash and only use the 220, 90 and 25. I use the microscope measuring software to check the size as well as the consistency of the end product.


sure I got some questions! Are you using fresh green frozen buds? Do you rinse the chlorophyll out of the hash? which micrometer/micron screen hash are you collecting? Do you have some kind of magnifying tool to check for plant fibers? There are definitely some subtle twists in the process that will affect the outcome. Application of heat is not on the list of things to do, because once you get a good freeze dried hash it’s like goo at room temperature.