Hash Making Revisited

The more chlorophyll and other contaminates, the further away from white it is. To get real dark you can leave the chlorophyll in there. It comes out looking like the hulk, then as it dries it darkens up.


Thanks @JoeCrowe

So a ballpark figure would be around 1 oz of hash per plant depending on method/strain/grow quality/sieve/skill etc. etc… . Thats enough to justify building a device to tumble out the kief. I’m in…

Silly question (excuse ignorance), but why would you run the 25 micron if 90 micron is your target quality?


Yeah never really that good IMO I wanna shot for what you create and bring it to said Old timers and be like check it out haha

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It just captures the trash hash which I give away to my friends for free-as-in-beer. Otherwise if they didn’t want it, I would probably throw it in the compost or something. With all the cannabis materials I have laying around, I can’t be bothered to waste any time processing substandard stuff.

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heh heh when I brought my hash back to the guy who taught me how to do it, he was skeptical of the changes to the process I had made to improve it. Ahhh if he could only see me now. His mind would be blown, for sure.
The most important rule I live by in hash making is: Garbage in, Garbage out.
The process, no matter how skilled the artist, can’t make garbage into goodies, it’s impossible.


Here’s the goods! A prize winning batch, if I say so myself.


Purple swamp!!! If I didn’t wash out the purple, the hash would definitely be purple!


oh shit… whats next? Better start up the rosin press… Gonna take a couple min to reach temps!

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So this is just straight bubble hash !?

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crushed it! :wink:


Looks like a baby’s foot :stuck_out_tongue: or some kinda short bread.


Yep, that’s the 90 micron I keep, and now I’ve pressed it into rosin. yum! It’s in my brain right now!


lol! I didn’t even notice the thing had toes!

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Fresh popcorn and trim frozen maybe a week in the freezer [quote=“JoeCrowe, post:765, topic:58909”]
Do you rinse the chlorophyll out of the hash?

I use a 2 gallon pump sprayer and rinse till I believe clean [quote=“JoeCrowe, post:765, topic:58909”]
which micrometer/micron screen hash are you collecting?

I use a hash washing machine all herb goes in a zipper work bag washed for 15 minute run 3x’s.everything goes through a work bag again then 160 then 120 then 73and 25 I only work with the 73 &25 separately I don’t like the hash to sit in the water I cut buckets to keep the bags above the excess water [quote=“JoeCrowe, post:765, topic:58909”]
Do you have some kind of magnifying tool to check for
I don’t use to examine but I do have the tools [quote=“JoeCrowe, post:765, topic:58909”]
once you get a good freeze dried hash it’s like goo at room temperature.

Never used the freezer to dry ?
I Don’t have a freeze dryer only a typical refrigerator and freezer if this will work I will try it next time



I gotta see your results @Papalag !


oh yah, using the regular freezer to freeze-dry is the ticket. You have to get the hash as dry as you can, then prepare it for drying in the freezer by cutting it into small kernels or spreading it out so there is only a really thin layer. Some people put it through a screen or use a grater to change it into small bits. That’s why you see my hash is on the parchment in tiny bits, drying in the freezer. That gets it the whitest with the craziest melt.


Hi @MoBilly here’s my station for maken lol

And the hash I made


Very nice. I’ve been clearing a spot for mine.


Joe, once the hash is dry, having dried in the freezer, does it get containerized and left in the freezer or set out in a cool dark place?


I keep it frozen, just folded up in parchment flaps in the freezer. If I want some I just open one end and dump out a few grams.
If you want to keep some out, you have to stabilize it at room temps. What I did was seal it up in a glass jar and leave it on the table for a month.