Hash Making Revisited

So it is ok to put them in containers and leave in the freezer?

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Yep that definitely works!


My chemberry got way lighter after sitting in the fridge. It separated and had a wetter looking darker layer on top with a few solidified bubbles. I let it warm up just enough to mix it and snag a sample. Its the best I’ve done by far. The gorilla glue is also lightening and starting to change, but its going slower.


Sorry guys, I created a thread for no reason. I just did my first dry ice run



I like putting dry hash into big fat joints with those rolled up paper filters. They smoke like a super roach joint with way better taste, and they don’t go out.


what was your yield? How much material went in, was it trim or bud?

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All this page does is give me blue balls, I’ve used your tech once and know for a fact I won’t yield enough to make some this run, which means I have to wait until my next run… so like 4 month.
That’s a long time to have blue balls.


You’re trying to stabilize rosin?

lol, what’s the consistency like?

low yielding plants or something?


Mostly because this was my first soil run, so it was full of me over, then under water most of their veg and stretch. On top of that I flipped way to early.

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I’m not sure what I’m trying to do to it. lol. I think its finished and ready to be smoked. I know cleaning off the little screwdriver I mixed it with was pretty awesome :slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t worry about it I have a few myself I just get back to them later on. I’m interested in this I haven’t done any in a minute. To be honest none at all. I just get the crystals. We all have to learn. I’m glad there’s people around that know how to do this. @JoeCrowe @ReikoX they seem to do a lot of that stuff. I hope you guys don’t get upset because I tagged you

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That looks pure very nice colour

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Hey everyone.
So I have my Everclear evaporating in a bowl. This is what I got when I filtered the dregs from the bottom of the jar.

I think I’ll top off a bowl with some tonight. :thinking:


Nice nice. That’s how I do it. I don’t wait that long. I do have some that I need to make hash out of. I don’t want to mess it up. Yea @MoBilly keep the candle on. Lol play that funky music. O Yea! I did some last night. A topper.


lol, you would have to be blatantly offensive to even scratch my veneer… it’s thick.


You got a microscope to look at that stuff? I wonder what it even is? Trichome scraps or plant material?


Well, it had some kick to it. I layered a bowl with it and I have had two hits. I’m fairly baked right now. :slight_smile: